EKG Chapter 11 Study Guide


A procedure that does not require entrance into a body cavity, tissue, or blood vessel is called:

The patient has symptoms of cardiac problems that do not show up on a resting ECG

Why might a physician order an exercise electrocardiography for a patient?

Increase the level of exertion as the test progresses

During an exercise stress test, what will the patient be asked to do?

Blood pressure reading and a 12-lead ECG

What is obtained at the end of each exercise stage?

Provide for safety and be prepared for an emergency

Your MOST important responsibility during an exercise electrocardiography test is:

Coronary vascular disease

Narrowing of the arteries surrounding the heart that causes a reduction in the blood flow to the heart is:

If the patient is confined to bed or unable to exercise

Why would one have a Persantine�-thallium stress test?

If exercise causes a decrease in blood flow to any area of the heart

The purpose of a chemical stress test is to determine:

Stimulates the heart to exercise artificially

What does Persantine� do when injected over time during a Persantine�-thallium stress test?

Thallium stress test

Which type of stress test procedure is considered invasive?

4-5 hours

What would you tell a patient who asked you how long a thallium stress test would last?

Beta blocker

What is the main type of medication that would most likely be stopped prior to a treadmill stress test?

Yes, complete the test; Mrs. Smith is unable to sign her name

On the consent form for Mrs. Smith's treadmill stress test, a large X is marked on the signature line. Explain why you would or would not continue with the procedure.

The procedure itself
The risks involved
The reason the test was ordered

What does the patient need to understand prior to signing the consent form for the exercise electrocardiography procedure?

Supine, sitting, after hyperventilation, and standing

Prior to initiating an exercise stress test, you will have to take and record a series of blood pressures and 12-lead ECGs. What are the most common patient positions, in order, when these are obtained?

Check facility policy

How do you determine how many pretest recordings of BP and 12-lead ECGs you obtain?

Bruce protocol

What is the most commonly used stress test protocol?

220 minus the patient's age x 85%

What is the target heart rate used during exercise electrocardiography?

Systolic BP times heart rate

What is the rate pressure product (RPP)?

It will last approximately 10 minutes and you should monitor the patient for any changes

Following an exercise stress test, the patient will have a cooling off period. How long will this last and what should you do during this time?

5%; females

Approximately ________ of healthy adults may have false positive results, which occur more frequently in __________________________ .

rate pressure product (RPP)

The ____________________________________________ is an index of the myocardial oxygen requirement and helps determine the work placed on the heart, as well as the heart's response.

the physician

Who should explain the purpose of the exercise ECG?

The ECG technician (the person doing the test)

Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the patient understands what will occur during the test and what the patient should report to the physician while the test is in progress?


A ____________________________ must be present while an exercise electrocardiography test is performed.

alcohol, tobacco, and caffeine

What three things should a patient avoid prior to and exercise ECG?