EKG Chp 2-4 Test Study Guide

PR interval

The time from the beginning of atrial depolarization to the beginning of ventricular depolarization is shown on the ECG waveform

The size of your fist

The average heart is approximately what size?

right ventricle, left ventricle, right atrium, left atrium

What are the four chambers of the heart?


Blood returns to the heart via the veins. The largest vein is the

The electrical activity of the heart

What is recorded on the ECG strip?


The sac of tissue that encloses the entire heart is the

Mitral (bscuspid) valve

The valve located between the left atrium and left ventricle is the:


Blood that leaves the right ventricle is considered

The opening and closing of the heart valves

The "lubb" and "dupp" sounds you hear are made by the


The ability of the heart cells to receive and transmit an electrical impulse is known as


The SA node sends electrical impulses at a rate of

stroke volume

The volume of blood ejected with each contraction is referred to as


The phase of the cardiac cycle when the heart is pumping blood out to the body, also known as the contraction phase, is

conduct electrical impulses from the AV node to the Purkinje fibers

The function of the bundle branch system is to

-Causes the delay of electrical impulses, which limits the number of impulses traveling to the ventricles
-Allows for a delay to provide time for the blood to travel from the atria to the ventricles before they contract (atrial kick)
-Serves as a backup p

The AV node has several important qualities that help the heart function effectively. Name the qualities of the AV node.

ventricular relaxation

The T wave represents

Atrial contraction

The P wave represents

ST segment

The_____________________ is the time between the end of ventricular depolarization and the beginning of ventricular repolarization and is often assessed to determine ischemia or infarction process in the heart.

QRS complex

The _______________________ represents the ventricular contraction of the heart


A normal PR interval is how many seconds in length?

PR interval

The _____________________ represents the time it takes the electrical current to travel from the SA node, through the AV node, to the ventricles prior to ventricular contraction.

coronary circulation; systemic circulation

Blood travels from the body to the right side of the heart to the pulmonary circulation and then returns to the left side of the heart prior to being pumped to the _________________________ and ________________________.

ECG tracing

Electrical impulses that are carried through the heart by the electrical conduction system form the basis for the _________________________ .

how the heart is functioning electrically

The ECG waveform is indicative of

ventricular repolarization

The T wave represents

Right arm, left arm, left leg

The Einthoven triangle is formed by the following three limb leads

fourth (4th) intercostal space, right sternal border

The proper location to place the V1 lead is the

Standard limb lead (bipolar); Augmented lead (unipolar); chest leads

Name the 3 types of 12-lead ECG leads

40 Hz

The usual setting for the artifact filter is


To obtain a 12-lead ECG tracing, you must apply how many lead wires and electrodes to the patient?

25 mm/sec

The most common setting for standard speed rate for the ECG machine is

fourth (4th) intercostal space, left sternal border

The proper location to place the V2 lead is the

10 mm/mV

The gain control is normally set at

0.20 second and 0.5 mV

The ECG graph paper represents time horizontally and voltage vertically. What time and voltage are represented by one large box?

Alcohol; Sunlight; X-ray film

What substances can accidentally erase the ECG tracing?

Dot matrix paper requires less ink
Dot matrix paper is easier to read
Dot matrix paper produces sharper photocopies

What are the advantages of using dot matrix paper instead of the standard grid paper?

R-R method; 1500 method; 6-second method

What are the three methods to calculate heart rate on EKG?

6-second method

Which method is the ONLY one to be used for irregular rhythms of the methods to calculate heart rate?

Re-check the lead wires to make sure they are placed correctly

If you attempt to record an ECG and no tracing appears, what should you do?

Fast heart rate

The term tachycardia means:

time, voltage

The horizontal reading on the ECG paper represents _______________, and the vertical readings represent ____________________.

fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line

Lead V4 placement is at the ____________________________.

6-second method

What is the name of the method to estimate the heart rate where you locate a 6-second strip, count the number of complexes, and then multiply by 10?

set the gain to 5 mm/mV; to double the ECG tracing size, set the gain to 20 mm/mV.

To reduce the size of the ECG tracing by half, you must ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.


If disposable electrodes are left on a patient's skin for more than two readings, __________________ECG tracings may result.

Patient name and date of birth
Identification number, patient age, and sex
Location, date, and time of recording

What information must be included on the ECG requisition?

A physician order for the test

The first thing that is needed to perform an ECG is:

You are providing privacy for the patient

What should you indicate to the patient when closing the door or pulling the curtain before performing an ECG?

Second rib

Which rib is located next to the angle of Louis?

Intercostal space

When properly positioning the chest lead electrodes, you should make sure that the electrode is placed on the _____ of the rib cage.

V1, V2, V4, V5, and V6

Which of the following chest leads are placed on the chest using specific anatomical landmarks?

in line with V4 on the midaxillary line

When applying the chest leads, you will place the V6 lead __________________________________________________.

the ECG will not run at all without the limb leads attached

You should place the limb electrodes before the chest electrodes because ___________________________________.

At equal levels on the thigh

Your patient has a cast on his lower left leg. The limb electrode placement should be ________________________________________________________.

-Assist the patient into a comfortable position
-Allow the patient to dress or cover his/her body appropriately
-Clean the lead wires, leads, and ECG machine

After completing the ECG procedure, what are the ECG technician's responsibilities?

-Removing the plug from the electrical outlet by pulling it out by the prong connection
-Ensuring that the bed or examination table is not touching the wall or any electrical equipment
-Checking the insulation on the electrical cord for cracks or frays

Electrical safety is maintained while performing an ECG by all of the following three things:

At equal levels on the thigh

Your patient has a cast on his lower left leg. The limb electrode placement should be


Approach the patient from the _____ if possible when performing an ECG.

Standard Precautions and Isolation Precautions(Droplet precautions, Airborne precautions, Contact precautions)

Name the types of isolation precautions implemented for hospitalized patients?

somatic tremor

What type of artifact is shown in the figure below?

Lead wires crossed and not pointed toward the hands and feet

Which of the following causes AC interference artifact?

wandering baseline

What type of artifact is shown in the figure below?

-To ensure that the patient is charged for the test
-To ensure that you are doing the ECG on the correct patient
-To verify the medications the patient is taking

Why is it critical to enter the correct and complete data into the computer when performing an ECG?


Placing lead V3 on the right side of the chest is known as:

On the right side of the chest

For infants and small children, where may you have to place lead V3 to prevent crowding of the chest electrodes?

between the T wave of one complex and the P wave of the next

The standardization mark on a manual ECG machine should be inserted:

Lead I

Which lead is typically used during continuous cardiac monitoring to provide the best view of the P wave?

About 8 to 10 inches

About how many inches of complexes should you run for leads I, II, and III?


The ECG experience should be pleasant, it should not produce anxiety for the patient, it must be done correctly, and the tracing must be _______________ .

Place the patient on her left side slighty, by using a small rolled towel under the hip hip to reduce pressure on the inferior vena cava. Place lower limb leads on upper thighs not on abdomen.

When recording an ECG tracing on a pregnant woman, it is important to:


Natural skin oils, moisturizers, and perspiration can contribute to _____________ on an ECG tracing.

personal protective equipment (PPE)

An ECG is not an invasive procedure, but it still requires you to wear _____________________________________ when performing this procedure under any circumstances.


You may need to __________________ the paper speed for ECGs on infants and children.

the frame, the side rail, or any part of the bed or examination table.

While applying the electrodes, the ECG technician needs to ensure that the patient is not touching _____________________________________________________.

protect the patient, call for help, and report the seizure

If the patient has a seizure during the ECG, you should __________________________________________________________.