EKG Flashcards

The SA node has an inherent rate of __-__bpm.


The AV node has an inherent rate of __-__bpm.


The perkinje fibers in the ventricles have an inherent rate of __-__bpm.


The "ready" or "resting" state.


The "firing" state or contraction.


The return to "rest".


The transportation of K, Na, and Ca into/out of the cardiac cell result in _____ formation.


To determine the rate of a regular EKG strip, you can divide ___ by the number of large boxes or divide ___ by the number of small boxes.

300, 1500

To determine an approximate rate for an irregular EKG strip, count the number of QRS or P complexes in a ___ second strip and multiply by ___.

6, 10

The ___ ___ represents atrial contraction on an EKG strip.

P wave

The ___ ___ ___ represents the time taken for the inpulse to travel from the SA to AV node. Ideally 0.12-0.20 seconds.

PR Interval

The ___ complex represents ventricular contraction.


The ___ segment represents the time between ventricular contraction and repolarization; this is when the ventricles completely empty. Ideally is <0.12 seconds.


The ___ ___represents ventricular repolarization.

T wave

Rhythm: regular
Rate: 60-100
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12

Normal sinus rhythm

Rhythm: irregular
Rate: 80 or less
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12

Sinus arrhythmia

There is no true NSR; everyone will have slight arrhythmias due to _____.


Rhythm: slightly irregular
Rate: 60-100
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: 0.12-0.20, slightly varies
QRS: <0.12

wandering pacemaker (WAP)

Rhythm: unpredictable
Rate: 80 or less
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12

Sinus pause / arrest

Rhythm: regular
Rate: less than 60
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12

Sinus bradycardia

Rhythm: regular
Rate: greater than 100 (100-160)
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12

Sinus Tachycardia

Rhythm: an early beat
Rate: unpredictable
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS, different shape
PRI: 0.12-0.20
QRS: <0.12

Premature atrial contractions (PACs)

Rhythm: regular
Rate: 150-250
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS, rides on T wave
PRI: 0.12-0.20 (if seen)
QRS: <0.12
*Will only break to sinus rhythm.

Paroxsysmal atrial tachycardia (PAT)

Rhythm: atrial = regular, ventriclar = regular/irregular
Rate: atrial = 250-350, ventricular = 2:1, 3:1, 4:1, varies
P-waves: flutter waves, more P's than QRSs, "sawtooth"
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: < 0.12

Atrial flutter

Rhythm: irregular
Rate: atrial = chaotic, ventricle = variable ("uncontrolled" if >100)
P-waves: none seen
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: <0.12

Atrial fibrillation

Rhythm: regular
Rate: 40-60
P-waves: inverted before + after QRS, or not seen
PRI: < 0.12 if inverted before QRS
QRS: <0.12

Junctional rhythm

Rhythm: regular
Rate: 60-100
P-waves: inverted before + after QRS, or not seen
PRI: < 0.12 if inverted before QRS
QRS: <0.12
*pharmacologically increased rate

Accelerated junctional

Rhythm: regular
Rate: 100-180
P-waves: inverted before + after QRS, or not seen
PRI: < 0.12 if inverted before QRS
QRS: <0.12

Junctional tachycardia

Rhythm: an early beat
Rate: unpredictable
P-waves: inverted before + after QRS, or not seen
PRI: < 0.12 if inverted before QRS
QRS: <0.12
*Can be surrounded by sinus or junctional rhythm

Premature Junctional contractions (PJCs)

Rhythm: regular
Rate: 60-100
P-waves: present/upright, w/QRS
PRI: >0.20
QRS: <0.12

First degree heart block

Rhythm: atrial = regular, ventricular = irregular
Rate: variable; "grouped beatings"
P-waves: present/upright, more Ps than QRSs
PRI: widens with conducted beats
QRS: <0.12

Second degree heart block, type 1 (Mobitz I, Whenkebach)

Rhythm: atrial = regular, ventricular = regular/irregular
Rate: variable, "grouped beatings"
P-waves: present/upright, more Ps than QRSs
PRI: remains constant with conducted beats
QRS: <0.12

Second degree heart block, type 2 (Mobitz II, Classical)

Rhythm: regular
Rate: SA = 60-100, AV = 40-60, below = 20-40
P-waves: present/upright, no relation to QRS
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: <0.12 if rate >40, >0.12 if rate <40

Third degree heart block (complete heart block, AV dissociation)

Rhythm: an early beat
Rate: unpredictable
P-waves: none
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: >0.12, wide and bizarre
*T wave always opposite QRS

Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)

PVCs that occur every other beat.


PVCs that occur every third beat.


Two PVCs that occur back to back.


Three or more PVCs that occur back to back.


PVCs that are identical; one "hotspot".


PVCs that manifest differently on EKG; more than one "hotspot


Rhythm: regular
Rate: 150-250 (may be as low as 101)
P-waves: none
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: >0.12

Venticular tachycardia (VT, V-tac)

Rhythm: irregular
Rate: none
P-waves: none
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: none
*fine or coarse

Ventricular fibrillation (VF, V-fib)

Rhythm: regular, slows over time
Rate: 20-40
P-waves: none
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: >0.12

Idioventricular rhythm ("dying heart")

Rhythm: none
Rate: none
P-waves: none
PRI: unable to measure
QRS: none
*always check in a second lead
