EKG ch 3

aVL has its positive pole on the

left arm

aVF is an

augmented lead

An impulse that travels away from a positive electrode, will write a _______ on the EKG

negative QRS

The QRS complex should be positive in which of the following leads


The difference between unipolar & bipolar leads is that ______ involves two limbs


A lead is an electrocardiographic ________

picture of the heart

Lead III connects which limbs

left arm & left leg

Which of the following is not a precordial lead


Einthoven's triangle connects

leads I, II, III

v1 is located

forth intercostal space, right sternal border

Lead aVR's positive electrode is on

the right arm

V6's QRS complex should be

mostly positive

Normal current of the heart travels top to bottom, and _________

right to left

True or false. The normal QRS deflection in lead iii should be negative


True or False. Einthoven's triangle is formed by connecting leads I, II, III at the ends


True or false. A positive QRS complex is written by an impulse that travels toward the positive electrode


True or False. The tallest QRS complex should be in lead II


True or false. The electrode on the right left is the ground electrode and has nothing to do with the EKG


True or false. The precordial leads are placed on the arms and legs
