database unit 1

What is a drawing of the high-level entities for an organization and the relationships among them called?

Conceptual data model.

During the traditional Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), when are logical and physical data models commonly developed?

Systems Design.

What are the three models or schemas in the three-tier ANSI-SPARC architecture?

Conceptual, external and internal.

What is the term for a logical description of some portion of the database needed by a person or application to perform a task?

User view.

What is a major strength of the SDLC?

More control

What data model documents the structure of the data?

Logical data model

What is (are) a common benefit from data models?

A) Increased compatibility
B) Reduction in costs
C) More responsive to change
D) All of the above

Bottom-up modeling usually creates data models from existing data structures forms, fields on application screens, or reports.


Which of these is NOT a reason why projects fail?


Which of the following is a reason for failed database project?

A) Users failed to provide complete requirements,
B) Users were not involved in the development process
C) Executive management did not seem interested in seeing the project through
E. All of the above.

11) What occurs during the systems planning stage of the SDLC?

Organization objectives established and analysis of data needs

What are the two primary types of conceptual data models?

Enterprise, project.

Using Chens notation, how is a relationship between two entities shown?

A diamond between the two entities.

What is the concept of cardinality in a data model?

Cardinality describes how many instances of one entity are associated with another entity.

Which of the following is NOT a limitation of an ER model?

ER models are mostly created as a separate time consuming activity.

How are relationships typically named in an ERD?

With a verb. e.g. owns

In which of the following situations should an associative entity be considered?

Both entities are independent or strong entities.

What causes program-data dependence?

Data descriptions are stored with each application program.

When is it more appropriate to use flat files than a DBMS?

Applications that have no need for multiple-user access to data.

An RDBMS contains a description of its own structure, what is this characteristic of a database called?


Which of the following is NOT a major advantage of using a Database Management System (DBMS)?

Local control over the data.

What does SQL stand for?

Structured Query Language.

What are major capabilities of a general-purpose DBMS?

A) Data storage, retrieval and update. B) Privacy control services. C) Transaction support. D) A and C. E) All of the above.

What is a relational database?

Data in different files/tables is connected by using common data elements or a key field.

What problem(s) did E. F. Codd's relational model solve?

Navigational databases were very inefficient when storing "sparse" data sets where some of the data for any one record could be left empty.

Which of the following is not a characteristic or property of metadata?

Processing logic.

What is the purpose of the SQL WHERE clause?

Limits the row data that are returned.

SQL is tied very closely with which database model?


SQL is unique to Oracle databases.


What is a difference between SQL*Plus and Oracle Developer?

Oracle SQL Developer is a graphical version of SQL*Plus.

What does the * symbol mean in SQL?

Wildcard allowing for more generalized queries.

How are operations primarily performed on the data in an Oracle database?

Using SQL statements.

What are the 3 server-side components of an Oracle database architecture?

Database, Oracle instance, server process.

What is data?

a. Data can be any character, text, words, number, pictures, sound, or video.
b. Data are elemental facts, numbers or charater strings � not information.
d. a and b.

What is a database management system?

a. A database management system (DBMS) is a software system for creating and managing databases.
b. A DBMS provides users and programmers with a systematic way to create, retrieve, update and manage data.
c. A database management system (DBMS) is a collec

What is SQL?

SQL is a specialized language for updating, deleting, and requesting data from databases.

What is a data flow diagram?

A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through an information system

What is a conceptual data model?

a high-level description of informational needs for the design of a database. It shows entities and relationships among them.