EXAM 3 Multiple Choice

In the context of virtual reality (VR) technology, _____ refers to giving users the feeling of being part of an environment by using special hardware and software.
a. interaction
b. simulation
c. immersion
d. telepresence


Which of the following is a key feature of extreme programming (XP)?
a. Continuous communication among key players
b. Use of traditional software developmen techniques
c. Integration of the developmental phases
d. Emphasis on individual effort


Which of the following statements is true of a data flow diagram (DFD) used in structured systems analysis and design (SSAD) models?
a.It helps understand the data requirements of a system.
b.It includes entity relationship models.
c. It helps define a sy


The models created during the _____ of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) constitute the design specifications.
a. planning phase
b. implementation phase
c. analysis phase
d. maintenance phase


Which of the following statements is true of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) model?
a. It cannot be used when an information system needs to be designed from scratch.
b. In this model, development and maintenance are performed simultaneously.


To assess _____, a systems analyst team tallies tangible development and operating costs for an information system and compares them with expected financial benefits of the system.
a. technical feasibility
b. scheduling feasibility
c. economic feasibility


Computer-aided systems engineering (CASE) tools support the design phase of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) by helping analysts _____.
a. ensure that the changes made to previous versions of the design are discarded
b. document models with expla


The _____ is based on the concept that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar 1 year from now.
a. break-even analysis
b. classic credit analysis
c. cost-effectiveness analysis
d. critical path analysis


____ has been around for many years in physical science because building a small working model first is easier and less expensive than building the entire system.
a. Prototyping
b. Self-sourcing
c. Plunge conversion
d. Pilot conversion


The _____ is particularly suitable when an information system needs to be designed from scratch.
a. iterative model
b. pipeline model
c. spiral model
d. waterfall model


In PERT (Program Evaluation Review Technique), the _____ includes all those activities that are extremely crucial for the completion of a project, with zero slack time.
a. value chain
b. critical path
c. quick response code
d. proof-of-concept prototype


Planning and designing an information system's physical layout is carried out during the _____ of the systems development life cycle.
a. requirements-gathering phase
b. implementation phase
c. maintenance phase
d. analysis phase


_____ can be integrated into the systems development life cycle (SDLC) to ensure that the changes in the scope and complexity of an information system after the analysis or design phases do not impact the system's success.
a. Agile methodology
b. Rapid ap


Which of the following statements is true of the intangible benefits of information systems?
a. They are not required for the completion of the economic feasibility study.
b. They cannot be identified before the implementation phase.
c. They can be measur


Creating a help desk to support users is an important task in the _____ of the systems development life cycle (SDLC).
a. analysis phase
b. requirements-gathering phase
c. maintenance phase
d. implementation phase


A trend where end users use off-the-shelf software to produce custom-built applications is called _____.
a. self-sourcing
b. onshoring
c. offshoring
d. self-organization


Which of the following is one of the most common methods of cost-effectiveness analysis?
a. Request for proposal
b. Plunge conversion
c. Extreme programming
d. Net present value


During the _____ of the systems development life cycle (SDLC), a team collects performance data and gathers information on whether a system is meeting its objectives by talking with users, customers, and other people affected by the new system.
a. require


Which of the following statements is true of extreme programming (XP)?
a. It looks at a project as a whole.
b. It uses incremental steps to improve a system's quality.
c. It develops an entire system in a single phase.
d. It follows traditional methods of


Which of the following questions should be addressed by a systems analyst team to assess the operational feasibility of an information system?
a. Will the top management support the information system?
b. Will the system violate any legal issues in the co


The _____ component of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system provides information related to e-procurement.
a. accounting
b. supply chain
c. purchasing
d. unified database


Which of the following statements is true of Web-based electronic data interchange (EDI)?
a. It is easy to use.
b. It increases the cost of transmitting documents.
c. It disrupts the process of sales forecasting.
d. It is platform specific.


Which of the following statements is true of Web-based customer relationship management (CRM)?
a. With Web-based CRM, a company runs an application on its own computers.
b. It is mostly used by organizations with an established IT infrastructure.
c. With


In the context of Internet-enabled supply chain management (SCM), production scheduling activities involve _____.
a. conducting customer demand analysis
b. improving the speed and quality of order processing
c. replenishing stock quickly and efficiently


In a manufacturing firm's supply chain management (SCM) system, overseeing delivery status updates throughout the order processing cycle is part of the _____.
a. product flow
b. information flow
c. location flow
d. finances flow


A knowledge management system should help an organization:
a. transform materials into intermediate and finished products and services.
b. promote innovation by encouraging the free exchange of ideas.
c. create a link between suppliers and the end users o


In advertising firms, one of the major links in the supply chain is the _____.
a. service provider
b. manufacturing facility
c. retailer
d. central disbursing agent


An organization can increase cross-selling and upselling of products to increase revenue from existing consumers with a _____, which is used to track and organize the organization's contacts with consumers.
a. customer relationship management system
b. ba


In the context of customer relationship management, _____ identifies groups of people based on common interests and recommends products or services based on what members of the group purchased or did not purchase.
a. collaborative filtering
b. cross merch


_____ help businesses maintain a competitive edge in the supply chain by making it easy to compare prices and products from a single source instead of spending time contacting each seller.
a. Mesh networks
b. Ring networks
c. E-marketplaces
d. E-checks


In the context of Internet-enabled supply chain management (SCM), allowing customers to use the Internet for shipping and delivery information is part of the _____ activities.
a. transportation
b. procurement
c. order processing
d. customer service


In the context of Internet-enabled supply chain management (SCM), production scheduling activities involve _____.
a. conducting customer demand analysis
b. replenishing stock quickly and efficiently
c. using global procurement strategies
d. improving the


Which of the following statements is true of Web-based customer relationship management (CRM)?
a. With Web-based CRM, a company pays to use CRM software as a service.
b. It is implemented using on-premises applications.
c. It is mostly used by organizatio


In reverse auctions, the buyer-seller relationship is a _____.
a. one-to-one relationship
b. many-to-many relationship
c. one-to-many relationship
d. many-to-one relationship


The _____ component of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system facilitates prediction of an organization's future personnel needs.
a. integration
b. supply chain
c. human resources
d. unified database


Which of the following is an advantage of a well-designed enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?
a. Minimal training requirements
b. Easy installation
c. High compatibility with legacy systems
d. Reduction in labor costs


An organization can increase cross-selling and upselling of products to increase revenue from existing consumers with a _____, which is used to track and organize the organization's contacts with consumers.
a. buyer-driven commerce system
b. backward chai


The most important advantage of a Web-based group support system (GSS) is _____.
a. being able to use open network standards
b. the ability to retain the clarity of media across the network
c.the transmission of data with high network security
d. being ab


In the _____ of the decision-making process, a decision maker examines an organization's environment for conditions that need decisions.
a. intelligence phase
b. implementation phase
c. choice phase
d. design phase


In a decision support system (DSS) environment, a _____ is the liaison between users and designers.
a. system architect
b. model builder
c. system programmer
d. database builder


By _____, changes in the user interface due to rapid technological developments can be easily incorporated in the management support system.
a. making sure response time is fast
b. designing a flexible system
c. identifying executives' information needs


_____, a branch of decision support systems (DSSs), are interactive information systems that give decision makers easy access to internal and external data and typically include "drill-down" features.
a. Geographic information systems
b. Data streaming in


A major component of a geographic information system (GIS) is the _____.
a. structure chart
b. spatially oriented database
c. decision support system engine
d. administrative module


A _____, which is particularly useful in the implementation phase of decision making, can do a follow-up assessment on how well a solution is performing.
a. structured knowledge system
b. decision support system
c. reverse logistics system
d. data streami


In the context of defining the objectives and benefits of a management support system, which of the following is an intangible factor?
a. Improving customer service
b. Increasing sales
c. Improving the organization's revenue
d. Increasing production


Most applications require a _____ to handle converting data to information, integrating data with maps, and conducting different types of analysis.
a. global distribution system
b. backward chaining system
c. geographic information system
d. reverse logis


Which of the following is helpful in generating alternatives in the design phase of decision making?
a. Reverse logistics technology
b. Structured knowledge systems
c. Expert systems
d. Information technology


A decision support system (DSS) should:
a. emphasize structured tasks.
b. rely exclusively on internal data.
c. include mathematical and statistical models.
d. isolate the human element.


In the context of decision support system (DSS) capabilities, _____ monitors the performance of variables that are outside a defined range.
a. what-if analysis
b. modeling analysis
c. goal seeking analysis
d. exception reporting analysis


In the _____ of the decision-making process, the objective is to define criteria for decisions.
a. intelligence phase
b. choice phase
c. design phase
d. implementation phase


To create an interface that is easier to use, a decision support system (DSS) must be integrated with a(n) _____.
a. artificial neural network
b. expert system
c. intelligent agent
d. natural-language processing system


In fuzzy logic, a _____ shows how relevant an item or object is to a set.
a. variation in adaptability
b. variation in mobility
c. degree of variance
d. degree of membership


Which of the following statements is true of an artificial neural network (ANN)?
a. It provides a detailed explanation for the solution to a problem.
b. It is used for well-structured problems in which data certainty is involved.
c. It has an output layer


The use of an expert system is unsuitable when:
a. there are less than 10 rules involved.
b. a numerical problem is poorly structured.
c. there are between 10 and 10,000 rules involved.
d. a limited range of topics is involved.


Which of the following is a disadvantage of an application service provider (ASP)?
a. It does not keep software up to date despite users' requests.
b. It does not offer software customized to users' needs.
c. It delivers information at a slow rate.
d. It


____ is a natural-language processing (NLP) system that is used for voice and speech recognition for Windows.
a. e-Speaking
b. Audible
c. MaxiAids
d. iSpeech


Which of the following works with heuristic data?
a. Decision support systems
b. Expert systems
c. Status inquiry systems
d. Accounting systems


Which of the following is one of the Rs involved in design and implementation of any case-based reasoning (CBR) application?
a. Revise
b. Reason
c. Reserve
d. React


In case-based reasoning (CBR), if there is no exact match between a new case (problem) and the cases stored in a database, which of the following can be done by the system to arrive at a solution?
a. It can apply forward chaining and backward chaining tec


_____ refers to a computing environment that is always present, can feel our surroundings, and-based on who we are, where we are, and whom we are with-offer recommendations.
a. Contextual computing
b. Cluster computing
c. Hard computing
d. Grid computing


To achieve artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, computers must be able to _____.
a. estimate the probability of occurrence of any given event
b. interact with humans in machine language
c. understand common sense
d. predict the outcome of any given


In the context of the knowledge base component of an expert system, _____ guides future planning or execution phases of an expert system.
a. factual knowledge
b. ante-formal knowledge
c. meta-knowledge
d. heuristic knowledge


Which of the following is an advanced robot that recognizes moving objects, sound, gestures, multiple environments, faces, and postures?
a. Acorn Reduced Instruction Set Computing Machine
b. Qualcomm Brain-Inspired Zeroth Processor
c. Honda's Advanced Ste


In the context of usenet and newsgroup agents, _____ searches the Web by using several search engines, including Google, Yahoo!, and Yandex, to find information for users.
a. DogPile
b. GeneHunter
c. NeuroDimension
d. OneNote


Interface to databases, machine translation, and text scanning and intelligent indexing programs for summarizing large amounts of text are categories of _____.
a. natural-language processing systems
b. decision support systems
c. hard computing systems


Genetic algorithms (GAs) have become recognized as a form of _____.
a. grid computing
b. digital preservation
c. artificial intelligence
d. hard computing


Which of the following statements is true of quick response (QR) codes?
a. They cannot be created for free.
b. They offer a larger storage capacity than conventional barcodes.
c. They have a larger printout size compared to conventional barcodes.
d. They


_____ is a characteristic of an intelligent agent that represents the system's ability to respond to environmental stimuli, make a decision without users telling it to do so, and take preemptive action, if needed.
a. Adaptability
b. Mobility
c. Autonomy


Which of the following is one of the main advantages of utility computing?
a. Security
b. Privacy
c. Data fidelity
d. Cost savings


In the context of the types of decision-making analyses, the _____ is used by decision makers to monitor the effect of a change in one or more variables.
a. what-is analysis
b. what-if analysis
c. quantitative analysis
d. descriptive analysis


Which of the following is a programming language for controlling robots?
a. Extensible Markup Language
b. Maya Embedded Language
c. Digital Command Language
d. A Manufacturing Language


Which of the following statements is true of integrating expert system capabilities into the user interface component of a decision support system (DSS)?
a. It helps explain responses in more nontechnical terms.
b. It reduces the time and cost of calculat


Which of the following statements is true of augmented reality (AR)?
a. AR devices are completely dependent on nanotechnology.
b. AR users are immersed in the virtual world while interacting with objects.
c. AR users stay in the real-world environment whi


Which of the following statements is true of active radio frequency identification (RFID) tags?
a. They can broadcast signals over a much wider range than passive RFID tags.
b. They have less internal power supply than passive RFID tags.
c. They are usual


Neuer Systems, an IT startup, has a technology in place wherein the employees have to key in names and respective codes to access information from different departments. In this scenario, Neuer Systems uses _____ to access information from different depar


A disadvantage of wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) connections is that they _____.
a. have slow data transfer rates
b. lack mobility and offer no flexibility
c. lack support for high-quality media streaming
d. are difficult to set up


Which of the following is an advantage of wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi) connections?
a. They have fast data transfer rates.
b. They are immune to interference from other devices.
c. They are highly secure.
d. They support high-quality media streaming.


Which of the following is an advantage of application service providers (ASPs)?
a. They keep software up to date based on users' requests.
b. They offer applications that fully meet an organization's needs.
c. They allow easy integration with a customer's


Which of the following statements is true of augmented reality (AR)?
a. AR devices are completely dependent on nanotechnology.
b. AR users stay in the real-world environment while interacting with objects.
c. AR devices use an egocentric environment.
d. A


Which of the following is a drawback of utility computing?
a. Inability to run complex programs
b. High operating costs
c. Lack of privacy and security
d. Lack of convenience


_____ delivers content to users automatically at set intervals or when a new event occurs.
a. Backward chaining
b. Push technology
c. Forward chaining
d. Pull technology
