IST 325 Exam 2

What is the importance of the user interface to an information system?

process of enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the customer and the product.
"total user experience

What can be the ramifications/results of poorly designed user interfaces?

Poorly designed user interfaces can make the information system unusable
Poorly designed system interfaces are a source of errors and inefficiency

Know what user-centered design means

Design techniques that embody the view that the user interface is the system to the user

Understand data input issues/errors associated with user interfaces

Appending: adding additional characters
Truncating: losing characters
Transcripting: entering invalid data
Transposing: reversing sequence of characters


adding additional characters


losing characters


entering invalid data


reversing sequence of characters

Why is user acceptance important for systems analysis and design?

For IS success, effectiveness, organizational change...

What are techniques to get users to adopt and use new information systems?

Training, technology choice, set the example, demonstrate benefits, communication plan...

What are some ways to deal with end user resistance?

Support, user involvement in SDLC, training...

What are some of the factors of information systems acceptance?

expected benefits from system, ease of using system, intention to use IS

legit resistance

Recognize legitimate resistance as soon as possible so that it doesn't ferment and become worse.

Know and understand some of the costs of information system maintenance

Hidden costs article: researching defects/updates, additional training, involvement of staff, emergence of additional tasks/services not needed before (more 'customers', more demand from staff...)
Number of people working in maintenance has surpassed numb

What are the 7 major areas of system implementation and maintenance?

testing, installation, documentation, training, support


Tests are performed using various strategies
Testing can be performed in parallel throughout analysis and design stages


Process during which the current system is replaced by the new system


Detailed information about a system's design specifications, its internal workings and its functionality


Potential training topics:
Use of the system
General computer concepts
Information system concepts
Organizational concepts
System management
System installation


Support is extremely important to users
most organizations provide support by information center and/or help desk

internal documentation

System documentation that is part of the program source code or is generated at compile time

external documentation

System documentation that includes the outcome of structured diagramming techniques such as data flow and entity relationship diagrams

Configuration management

The process of assuring that only authorized changes are made to the system

Marketing Perspective in implementing new technology

Involving users can boost marketing because new tech is 1) more successful by the nature of asking for user input and 2) natural marketing that comes with user testing

multiple internal markets in IS implementation

It's important to gather opinions from many people internally so that all considerations can be made early on (makes end result better and keeps from having a billion re-dos)

promotion vs. hype

It's important to toe the line between promotion (properly advertising your IS) and hype (ensuring that the public doesn't get unrealistic expectations)




-any potential danger to information systems; a potential way an attacker can attack a system; potential damaging events that put your assets in danger


-hardware, software, procedural weakness; weaknesses in your business procedures or systems that will allow a threat to materialize (thus inflicting a cost/impact)�vulnerabilities are what threats expose

examples of threats

hackers, insiders, ignorant employees, natural disasters

examples of vulnerabilities

interfaces, web forms, databases, employees/users

What are the four parts of a threat model?

1. The assets within a system (people, information, h/w, s/w...)
2. The system's attack surface
3. A description of how the components and assets interact
4. Threat actors who could attack the system and how the attack could occur

What benefits can organizations gain from using the CMMI in their systems development life cycle?

What benefits can organizations gain from using the CMMI in their systems development life cycle?
Structures the effort (Where do I start? How do I know when I am done?)
Helps identify an organization's improvement objectives and priorities
Provides benef

Agile advantages

Face to face communication is encouraged over written documents which minimizes miscommunication and misunderstandings.

Extreme Programming advantages

Development tasks are broken down to include only the critical activities.
No project delays observed for project planning or requirements gathering stages.

SCRUM advantages

All tasks are chunked down into manageable pieces and prioritized, creating a living backlog of outstanding work to be completed.
Brief daily meetings communicate the current project status and progress.
Obstacles are raised and handled as they are encoun

DevOps goals

Increased deployment frequency
Reduced lead time for changes
Faster recovery when problems occur
More robust and better integrated security
Improvement in quality - quality of code, testing, architecture, "deployability" and culture
Fast feedback loops an

when to use Agile

Your development team works closely together in the same physical location.
Your development culture promotes a rapid develop, test, and release approach.
Your project requires regular, ongoing development of upgrades and updates.

when to use extreme programming

If your development environment lacks stability or the requirements for your project are uncertain.
You have a small co-located development team.

when to use scrum

Your project is lengthy and would benefit from pre-planned and structured development activities.
With sprints lasting an average of 2-4 weeks, tasks are being completed on a regular schedule, making it easy to demonstrate progress to investors and projec