Ist 210 review final

Database Management System

Which of the following is used to create and maintain the physical database?

System analysis

***In which step of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is the solution to the identified problem determined and understood?

Composite primary key

***Which of the following can lead to partial dependence?


***To indicate which database table contains the data to be selected by a query, the table name should be listed in the ___ clause.


What is the correct solution for the arithmetic expression (2+8)/2
9/3 using the order of operations.

SELECT title, retail+retail FROM books;

Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following SQL statements will display the retail price for two copies of each book currently in inventory?

Data definition language (DDL)

***Which of the following terms refers to commands that are used to create or modify database tables?


***Which of the following keywords is used to mark a column for deletion at a later time?

After the MAXRETAIL column

**If a new column is added to the PROMOTION table, where will the new column be listed?

When you create constraints at the column level, the constraint being created applies to the column specified

***Which of the following statements about creating constraints is incorrect?


The purpose of ___ constraint is to ensure that two records do not have the same value stored in the same column. However, it can contain NULL values.


The __ constraint prevents the user from adding a NULL value in the specified column.


***Which of the following constraints cannot be added to an existing table with the ADD clause of the ALTER TABLE command.


Which clause will allow you to disable a constraint?

CREATE TABLE orderitems (order# NUMBER(4), item# NUMBER(2), isbn VARCHAR2(10), qty NUMBER(3), PRIMARY KEY(order#), PRIMARY KEY(order#));

***Based on the structure of the ODERITEMS table, which of the following commands was most likely used to create the table.

ALTER TABLE orderitems ADD FOREIGN KEY (isbn) REFERENCES books(isbn);

Based on the structure of the ORDERITEMS table, which of the following commands will make certain that the ISBN entered actually exists in the ISBN column of the BOOKS table?


Which keyword permanently saves changed data in a table?


***When new rows are being added to a table, the actual data being added are listed in the ___ clause.

Shared lock

Which of the following types of locks permits other users access to unlocked portions of table.


***The ___ command can be used to view the contents of a record when it is anticipated that the record will need to be modified. It places a shared lock on the records to be changed and prevents any other user from acquiring a lock on the same records.


Which of the following is defined in Oracle 11g as simply anything that has a name and a defined structure.


The ___ clause is used to specify the interval between two sequential values.


Which of the following keywords is used to actually generate a sequence value?


Which of the following can be used to remove an index that currently exists on the column of a database table?


***If the PUBLIC keyword is not included when a synonym is created, the command will create a __ synonym, by default.


In a cartesian join, linking a table that contains 10 rows to a table that contains 9 rows will result in ___ rows being displayed in the output.


** A column qualifier is separated from the column using which symbol?

SELECT title FROM order , orderitems oi, books b WHERE b.isbn = oi.isbn AND oi.order# = o.order# AND(orderdate-pubdate)/365 >= 3;

Which of the following will display all books that were published at least three years before they were ordered?

SELECT title FROM books MINUS SELECT title FROM books NATURAL JOIN orderitems;

Which of the following SQL statements will display books that have not been ordered recently?


***Which of the following functions will convert the first letter of each word to an upper-case letter and the remaining letter of the word to lowercase letters?


***Which of the following is used to return a portion of a character string?

Julian date

***Which of the following represents the number of days that have passed since Jan 1, 4712 BC?


Which of the following functions can be used to substitute another value for a NULL value during calculation?


When functions are nested, the ___ function is solved las.

SELECT INCAP (CONCAT(shipcity, CONCAT(',', CONCAT(shipdate,CONCAT('',shipzip))))) FROM orders;

***BAsed upon the contents of the ORDERS table, which of the following will display the shipping location as: shipcity, shipstate, shipzip.


*** THE __ function can be used to determine the number of rows containing a specified value.


***Which of the following cannot be used w date columns?


If a SELECT statement contains HAVING, GROUP BY, and WHERE clauses, the __ clause will be processed last.


If the DISTINCT keyword is not included in the VARIANCE function, the ____ keyword will be assumed.


***Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following SQL statements will return the number of different publishers represented in the table?

SELECT MIN(pubdate) FROM books;

**Based upon the contents of the BOOKS table, which of the following will display the date of the book w the earliest publication date?


***The outer query receives its input from the


***The results of a subquery are passed back as input to the ___ query.


A subquery, except one in the FROM clause, cannot contain a ___ clause.


Which operator will instruct Oracle 10g to list all records w a value that is less than the highest returned by the subquery>


If it is possible for a subquery to return a NULL value to the outer query for comparison, the ___ function should be used to substitute an actual value for the NULL.


***Which type of view is created w the following command?

All of the above

**A user can perform a DML operations(add, modify, delete) on a simple view if it does not violate which type of existing constraint on the underlying base table?

Simple view

***Which of the following types of views cannot include an arithmetic expression?

Re-create the view without the option

If a view was created w the WITH READ ONLY constraint, to removes the constraint you will need to ___.