Night Vocabulary PT 2

Extract ex-TRACT

(v) to take out

Reprieve re-PRIEVE

(v) to suspend the punishment

Meddle MED-dle

(v) to concern or busy oneself interferingly

Oblige o-BLIGE

(v) to do something for someone for a good reason

Accursed ac-CURSED

(v) to call for divine punishment or harm

Prostrate PROS-trate

(v) to cast to the ground face down

Countenance COUN-ten-ance

(n) the face or expression on a face

Stature STA-ture

(n) either the height of a person or the moral worth of a person

Emaciated e-MA-ci-a-ted

(v) to make thin and worn

Crucible CRU-ci-ble

(n) a severe test


(n) an aromatic and medical resin obtained from certain trees

Annihilate an-NI-hil-ate

(v) to wipe out

Liberate LIB-er-ate

(v) to set free

Falter FAL-ter

(v) to begin to lose one's determination


(v) to make very thirsty

Famished FAM-ished

(adj) hungry to the point of starvation

Bereaved be-REAVED

(v) to leave desolate

Feeble FEE-ble

(adj) lacking in energy or strength

Livid LI-vid

(adj) exceedingly angry

Robust ro-BUST

(adj) strong, especially in resisting fatigue