Chapter 10: Intercultural Competence in Interpersonal Relationships

dimensions of interpersonal relationships

control, affiliation, activation


used to interpret the degree of friendliness, liking, social warmth, or immediacy that is being communicated; indicates a person's willingness to approach or avoid others


refers to the ways people react to the world around them


inherent contradiction in a relationship that affects the way people connect to one another


dialectic that is the extent to which individuals in an interpersonal relationship vary from a desire for separation to a feeling of attachment


dialectic that is people's desire to change and stability in their interpersonal relationships


dialectic that is people's desire to share or withhold personal information


- public expression of one;s inner self
- favorable social impression that a person wants others to have, and only meaningful when considered in relation to others in the social network
- only refers to the favorable social attributes that people wants ot

control face

concerned with people's need for others to acknowledge their individual autonomy, freedom of action and self-sufficiency

approval face

concerned with people's need for others to acknowledge their friendliness and honesty

admiration face

involves people's need for others to acknowledge their capabilities, success, reputation, and accomplishments


refers to the actions people take to deal with their own and others' face needs


positive face; person's right and need t be considered a contributing member of society


negative face;emphasizes the right not to be completely dominated by group or social values and to be free from the imposition of others


closeness of the relaitonship

culture-specific evaluations

occurs when a set of behaviors is considered acceptable by one communicator's culture and not the other's


the range of topics revealed


the degree of "personalness" about oneself that is revealed


whether the self-disclosure is positive or negative


when the self-disclosure occurs in the course of the relaitonship


the person to whom self-disclosing information is given