Chapter 10 Milady

The technical term for white spots or a whitish discoloration of the nails is ___.

leukonychia spots

Bruised nails be a sign of _______.

blood clots under the nail

Carefully budding the nails and applying a ___ __ __ is helpful when manicuring a client with ridges.

filler with polish (ridge filler)

Eggshell nails have a thin nail plate and are noticeably more ____ than normal.


Onychorrhexis is characterized by abnormally brittle nails with ___ ___.

lengthwise ridges

Nail disorders formally called molds, characterized by discoloration between the nail plate and artificial nails, are actually caused by ____.


Parasites are also known as ___.


Nail disease or deformity in general is called ___.


An inflammation called onychia affects the ___ ___.

matrix bed

Onycholysis is the _______.

lifting of the nail plate from bed without shedding.

A lump of red tissue growing up from the nail bed to the nail plate is called ___ ___.

pyrogenic granuloma

The term for red, itchy patches of skin on the bottom of the feet and/or between toes is ___ ___.

tinera pedis

A nail condition that is safe to work with in the salon is ___.


Hangnail or agnail is a condition of ___ ___ ___.

splitting of cuticles

Uneven growth of the nails, usually a result of illness or injury, can cause ___.


Cutting off living tissue around the nail can result in ___.


Darkening of the fingernails or toenails is called ___.


Pterygium can be recognized by ________.

forward growth of skin over nail plate

It is safe to perform nail services for clients who have ___ ___.

eggshell nails

A bacterium that can cause nail infections when artificial products such as tips and wraps are applied under unclean conditions is ___ ___.

pseudomonas aeruginosa

Paronychia, which effects the tissues surrounding the nail, is ___.

bacterial inflammation

Onychocryptosis is commonly called ___ ___.

ingrown nails

One common symptom shared by onychomadesis and onychia is ________.

shedding of the nail

Tinea pedis is the medical term for ________.

fungal infection of the feet

Depressions running across the width of the nail plate are known as ___ ___.

Beau's Lines