Health Assessment Chap 29 Hygiene (Terms & Knowledge)

Epidermis Role

Shields underlying tissues against H2O loss & injury
Prevents entry of disease-producing microorganisms
Generates new cells to replace dead cells taht are continuously shed from the outer surface of the skin

Dermis Role

Provides support for epidermis
Contains nerve fibers, blood vessels, sebaceous and sweat glands, and hair follicles

Subcutaneous Tissue Role

Heat insulator
Support upper skin layers to withstand stresses & pressure
Anchors skin loosely to underlying structures (ex: muscles)

Saliva Role

Cleanses mouth
Dissolves food chemicals to promote taste
Moistens food to facilitate bolus formation
Contains enzymes that start the breakdown of starchy foods


Inflammation of gums

Dental caries

Tooth decay produced by interaction of food w/ bacteria that form plaque


6-10 months: Infants teeth
Age 6: First permanente teeth
By age 13: have 28 permanent teeth
Age 17-21 yrs: Wisdom teeth


W/out teeth

Pediculosis Capitis

Head lice


Loss of Hair


Abnormal dryness of the skin

Skin Tears

Traumatic wounds in which the epidermis separates from the dermis


Inflammation at oral cavity (i.e. Mouth & lips)


Painful inflammation of oral mucous membranes

Denture Stomatitis

Inflammation of the oral mucosa in contact w/ a denture surface


Softening of the tissue
Promote ulceration

Perineal Care

Cleansing patient's genital and anal areas


Long, light, gliding strokes used in a massage