Chapter 3: New York-Erin Camp

Christopher Columbus thought he could sail west from Spain to reach....


In 1492 Columbus landed in the ....

Bahama Islands.

Giovanni de Verrazano was the first European explorer to sail into the .....

New York Bay.

Jacques Cartier sailed up the .....

St. Lawrence River.

Another French explorer, Samuel de Champlain, set up a trading post, called ....


Samuel de Champlain named this place after himself....

Lake Champlain.

Henry Hudson made 4 voyages trying to find the____________________________ through North America.

Northwest Passage

The Dutch West India Company sent Dutch settlers to colonize the area where_____________________________________had explored.

Henry Hudson

The Dutch settlers called their new colony.......

New Netherland.

Many colonists settled in Fort Orange, near present day.....


Peter Minuit, the first governor.......

bought Manhattan Island from the Native Americans.

To encourage settlement in the new colony, large areas of land were given to____________________________if they promised to bring 50 new settlers to the colony.


The largest city in the colony was__________________

Fort Amsterdam.

Peter Stuyvesant became the 2nd governor of the colony. He........

made new safety firelaws, rattle watch.

In 1664 the English took over the colony and it was renamed......

New York, in honor of James-the Duke of New York.

The Dutch traditions of religious _______________________

tolerance and other freedoms continued in the English colony.