Chapter 18 Viruses and Prokaryotes


An infectious particle made only of a strand of DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat.

Viruses, bacteria, viroids, and prions

What causes infection?

A virus is a particle made only of a strand of DNA or RNA, while bacteria are one-celled microorganisms. This is how they differ. Both can cause infections, which was previously stated in the question.

Viruses and Bacteria both cause infections, but how are they different?


Any living organism or particle that can cause an infectious disease. It is also called an infectious agent.

viruses respond to their environments, have genes, and can reproduce

How are viruses like living cells?

viruses, unlike living cells, cannot reproduce on their own

How are viruses unlike living cells?


Infectious particles that cause disease in plants. They are made of single-stranded RNA without a protein coat, and are passed through seeds or pollen.

Viroids impact agriculture, because they can stunt the growth of plants.

How do viroids impact agriculture?


An infectious particle made only of proteins that can cause other proteins to fold incorrectly.

Prions are unusual because they are infectious yet have no genetic material.

How are prions unusual?


The protein shell which surrounds the genetic material of a virion, a signal viral particle.

lipid envelope

the protective outer coat of a virus, from which spiky structures of proteins and sugars may stick out

enveloped, helical, polyhedral

What are three common viral shapes?

A virus can have either DNA or RNA, but it can never have both.

What can viruses have either of, but never both?


viruses that infect bacteria

They differ in their methods of entering the host cell. Bacteriophages pierce the host cell and eukaryotic viruses enter by endocytosis and also fuse with membrane.

How do viruses that infect Eukaryotes differ from Bacteriophages?

The lytic infection is an infection pathway in which the host cell bursts, releasing the new viral offspring into the host's system, where each then infects another cell. In the lysogenic infection, a phage combines its DNA into the host cell's DNA.

Describe the two types of infections viruses cause.


The phage DNA inserted into the host cell's DNA. In organisms other than bacteria, this is called a provirus.

A virus must pass through the skin of a vertebrate in order to enter its host.

In a vertebrate what is the first obstacle a virus must pass to enter its host?

Outer skeleton and tough cell wall

What is the first defense on non-vertebrates against viruses?

The common cold, Influenza, SARS, HIV

What are some common Viral infections?


A rapid outbreak of an infection that affects many people.


Disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects a very high proportion of the population.


A substance that stimulates the body's own immune response against invasion by microbes.

weakened pathogens

What are vaccines made from?


The only way to control the spread of a viral disease

Retro virus

A virus that contains RNA and uses an enzyme called reverse transcriptase to make a DNA copy.

Single-celled prokaryotes

Bacteria and Archaea are both...


Prokaryotes are widespread on...


Prokaryotes are grouped by their need for...

Obligate Anaerobe

Prokaryotes which are poisoned by oxygen

Obligate Aerobes

prokaryotes that need oxygen to live

Facultative aerobe

prokaryote that can survive with or without oxygen

lactobacilli: rod shaped, Spirochaeta: spiral, and Entercocci: spherical

What are the three most common forms of Bacteria?


A small piece of genetic material that can replicate separately from the prokaryote's main chromosome.


A long, whip like structure outside of a cell that is used for movement.


Appendages that allow bacteria to attach to each other and to transfer DNA

Molecular differences

How are bacteria and archaea different


The amount of ______ within the cell wall can differ between bacteria.

gram positive

Describing the group of bacteria that have a cell wall that is structurally less complex and contains more peptidoglycan.

gram negative

Describing the group of bacteria that have a cell wall that is structurally more complex and contains less peptidoglycan.

Gram staining

Used to identify the 2 types of bacteria- those with and those without an outer layer of lipid

Gram positive, more peptidoglycan

_____ stains purple, _____

gram negative, less peptidoglycan

______ stains pink, ______

binary fission

type of asexual reproduction in which an organism replicates its DNA and divides in half, producing two identical daughter cells


process by which a prokaryote transfers part of its chromosome to another prokaryote by forming a hollow bridge of pili


A specialized cell with a thick, protective wall that forms during unfavorable conditions

Prokaryotes keep away harmful microbes by filling niches that might otherwise be filled with disease causing bacteria, make vitamins and other compounds, and break down food.

What are two ways in which pokaryotes that live within our bodies are helpful to us?


What do prokaryotes proves to humans and other animals?

mutualistic symbiosis

Relationship between bacteria and it's host

Food and a home with a stable pH and temp

What does the host provide for bacteria?

photosynthesize; recycle carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur, fix nitrogen; and bioremediation to break down oil spills and biodegradable materials

Describe some ways Prokaryotes play important roles in ecosystems....


A process that uses microbes and other living things to break down pollutants.

Understanding bacteria

What is necessary in order to prevent and treat disease?

Invading tissues or making toxins

How do bacteria cause disease?


A poison released by an organism.

By invading the tissues and attacking cells or by making poisons, or toxins that can be carried by blood to sites throughout the body.

What are two ways Bacteria can cause illness to the host?

Tuberculosis, Food Poisoning, Acne, Anthrax, Lyme Disease, Tetanus, Tooth decay

What are some common bacterial infections?


Chemicals that kill or slow the growth of bacteria by stoping bacterial cell wall formation


Since antibiotics don't work on viruses, what is the best method to fight bacterial disease?

Complete wipeout if the community of intestinal microbes resulting in illness

What can the overuse of antibiotics cause?

overuse, underuse, misuse

when does bacteria become resistant to antibiotics

Multidrug-resistant bacteria, happens as a result of natural selection, as individuals who are more resistant are more likely to survive and reproduce.

How can bacteria evolve to resist antibiotics?