Zoology: Invertebrates Test

what are the characteristics of animals?

Multicellular organisms sharing similar features and made of different types of cells
Have a nucleus and organelles surrounded by a membrane (EUKARYOTIC)
Cannot make own food (HETEROTROPHIC - digest food)
Can move from place to place to find food, shelter

What are the characteristics of invertebrate?

No backbones
97% of animal kingdom
found in land or water
some have exoskeletons

What is the body arrangement in bilateral symmetry?

parts are mirror images of each other

What are the physical characteristics of the Porifera? (sponges)

look like plants but are animals
the bodies are full of pores and their skeleton is made of spiky fibers (spicules) or rubbery spongin
filter feed

Sponges reproduce sexually or asexually?

Asexually through budding
Sexually (hermaphrodite = both eggs and sperm)

What is a gemmule?

a tough-coated dormant cluster of embryonic cells produced by a freshwater sponge for development in more favorable conditions.
Gemmules are internal buds found in sponges and are involved in asexual reproduction

What are the characteristics of the cnidarians? What are the body shapes of the cnidarians?

All cnidarians have stinging cells called NEMATOCYSTS in tentacles surrounding their mouths
They have complex tissues, a gut for digesting food and a nervous system
Body Shape (2 shapes) medusa (free swimming bell shaped) and poly (usually sessile and vas

How does asexual reproduction occur in the cnidarian?


How do the sea anemones and coral feed?

By catching tiny animals in their tentacles

List the characteristics of hydra?

live in freshwater
have tentacles that catch their food
move from place to place
very small animals
reproduce asexually by budding

What is the body symmetry for a flatworm?


How does the tapeworm take in nutrients?

absorbs nutrients from host's intestines (parasite)

What are the characteristics of the nematode?

rounded bodies (tube within a tube)
digestive tract has both a mouth and an anus
live in damp places (also can live inside humans and other animals (heartworm))
can make people and animals sick
most widespread animal on earth

What are characteristics of organisms in the phylum Annelida?

bodies divided into repeating segments
each segment has nerve cells, blood vessels, part of the digestive tract, and the coelom (body cavity)
closed circulatory system and complete digestive system with 2 body openings
prefer burrowing through moist soil

How do earthworms exchange gases?

through their mucus covered skin

What is the role of leeches?

secrete heparin (prevent blood from clotting)

What is the purpose of the mantle in the mollusks?

tissue that covers a mollusk's soft body and may produce a shell

What type of circulatory system is found in mollusks?

some have an open circulatory system which washed blood over organs and lacks blood vessels

What are the characteristics of a gastropod?

most have one shell
live in water or on land
move by gliding their large muscular foot along a trail of mucus

What organisms are classified as cephalopods?

Octopi and squid

Which invertebrate can fly?


What are the stages of incomplete metamorphosis? Complete metamorphosis?

Complete metamorphosis:
Incomplete metamorphosis:

What is the purpose of the numerous legs on the centipede and millipede?

to run from enemies

List the physical characteristics of the phylum Echinodermata?

Belongs to a group of invertebrates that have tiny tube feet and body parts arranged around a central area.
Radial symmetry
Top side=Arboreal Bottom side = Oral
Diets vary ~ predators, filter feeders, some eat rotting material
Spiny skin covering an inter

Do the Echinodermata have an external or internal skeleton?

internal skeleton

What is the function of the ampullae in the starfish? The madreporite? The ring canal?

Ampullae: store the water that enters the vascular system
Madreporite: the porous plate, that draws salt water into the water vascular system.
Ring Canal: carries water to the ampullae