Religion 303 Exam 3

According to Ehrman, Jesus is best understood as a...

Jewish Apocalyptic

Ehrman has examined the early Christian Gospels as...

Ancient biographies

What methods has Ehrman used to examine the various unique portrayals of Jesus?

F. All of the Above

The only way the we can know what a person from the past said and did by _____ from the period that provides us with this information

examining sources

Literary sources are...

B. not always reliable

Eyewitness accounts can be contradictory and contemporary observers not infrequently get the facts wrong

A. True

The ideal situation would be that the sources are a) numerous b) near to the event in time c) produced independently d) do not contradict one another e) internally consistent f) not _____ towards the subject matter so that the accounts are not _____ to se

Bias, Bias

The historian's question is: are the Gospels _____ for _____ what Jesus actually said and did?

Reliable, reconstructing

We have sources outside the NT that can assist a great deal in knowing what Jesus said and did

B. False

The name "Jesus" is first mentioned by a Roman pagan about the year _____ C.E. by the Roman Historian _____

115, Tacitus

Jesus is mentioned by the Jewish historian _____ in his twenty-volume work titled _____

Josephus, antiquities of the Jews

Why did Jews not copy the writings of Josephus?

Because they considered him a traitor

The statement "He is the Messiah" is widely held to be an _____


Non-canonical Gospels are filled with legendary materials and were written _____

decades after they were the events described

The other writings of the NT are more interested in the death and resurrection of Jesus than in His life

A. True

Scholars hold that the traditions about Jesus were _____ when they were told and retold, and _____ further when written down (same word is used for both blanks)


Name the four rules of thumb, the basic methodological principles that can be used to determine what probably happened during the life of Jesus, using our surviving sources

1. the earlier the better
2. the more the better
3. the more it works against bias the better
4. the more contextually credible the better

The criterion of _____ refers to a tradition dissimilar to what Christians wanted to saying being more probably authentic (wtf)


When more than one independent source says the same thing we have a case of _____

multiple attestation

Jewish _____ is concerned with the question of why the people of God were suffering


Jewish apocalypticists called into question the view that people suffered because they had done something wrong and God was punishing them

A. True

Jewish apocalypticists maintained that God's people were suffering because of...

Evil something something

But God would soon vindicate his name and people by bringing an end to suffering and the _____ that were causing it

evil forces

God would then bring his new _____ on earth which good, peace, and justice would prevail forever


Jewish apocalypticists to four major tenets. Name them:

1. dualism
2. pessimism
3. vindication
4. eminence

Who said the following...

John the Baptist

Imprisoned and executed by authorities


What did Jesus do to attack the leadership of Jerusalem

Cleansing the temple

John Dominic Crossan argues for a non-apocalyptical Jesus, by inter alia, arguing that the _____ is older than the Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Peter

Some American scholars hold that Jesus was a _____ philosopher


Ehrman interprets the temple incident as an

Inactive parable

What famous prophet attacked the temple and was told "You must die"?


How did Jesus' association with the woman fit into an apocalyptic setting?

Not strict gender roles/overthrow/overturn

By their very nature, historians can only establish what _____ happened in the past


Jesus' exorcisms are among the best attested deeds of the gospel traditions

A. True

The historian cannot deal with miracles only with _____ of miracles


Josephus tells of another prophet who lived 30 years after the death of Jesus. His name was...

Jesus son of Ananias

Name two apocalyptic texts written before the time of Jesus that speak of a cosmic deliverer, a son of man, a human like figure flying

1st enoc and jubilee