Descubre 1 Lecci�n 9 Estructura 9.3 p316 �Qu�? and �cu�l?

�___? used before a noun has the same meaning as �____?

�Qu�?, �cu�l?

Translate: What (Which) gift do you like?

�Qu� regalo te gusta?

Translate: What (Which) sweets do you want?

�Qu� dulces quieren ustedes?

Translate: at what time?

�a qu� hora?

Translate: (to) where?


Translate: how?


Translate: what?; which? ____(__)


Translate: when?


Translate: how much?


Translate: how many?


Translate: from where?

�de d�nde?

Translate: where?


Translate: why?

�por qu�?

Translate: what?; which? ___


Translate: who?


You've already learned how to use interrogative words and phrases. As you know, �qu� and �cu�l? or �cu�les? mean ____? or _____? However, they are not interchangeable.

what, which

�___? is used to ask for a definition or an explanation.


Translate: What is flan?

�Qu� es el flan?

Translate: What do you study?

�Qu� estudias?

�____(__)? is used when there is more than one possibility to choose from.


Translate: Which of these (two) do you prefer, cookies or ice cream?

�Cu�l de los dos prefieres, las galletas o el helado?

Translate: Which ones are your socks, the black ones or the white ones?

�Cu�les son tus medias, las negras o las blancas?

�____? cannot be used before a noun; in this case, �___? is used.

�Cu�l?, �qu�?

Translate: What surprise did your friends give you?

�Qu� sorpresa te dieron tus amigos?

Translate: What colors do you like?

�Qu� colores te gustan?