Psychological Measurement 1


Act of assigning numbers or symbols to characteristics of things according to rules.


Set of numbers whose properties model empirical properties of the object.

Discrete Scale

Scale that categorizes variables (males and females)

Continuous Scale

Scale that measures continuous variables and always involves error.


Refers to collective influence of all of the factors on a test score of measurement beyond those specifically measures by the test.

Scales of Measurement

Nominal, Ordinal, Interval and Ratio

Nominal Scales

Involves classification and categorization.

Ordinal Scales

Involves classification by rank-ordering.

Ordinal Scales

Have no absolute zero point.

Interval Scales

Contain equal intervals between numbers

Ration Scales

Has equal intervals. Like height and weight.

Ratio Scales

Have true zero point.


Set of test scores arrays for recording of study.

Raw Score

Unmodified accounting of performance.

Frequency Distribution

Number of occurrence of scores

Class Interval

Test-score intervals


Diagram of chart that describe and illustrate date.


Vertical lines drawn at the true limits of each test scores.

Bar Graph

Used to refer to categorization.

Frequency Polygon

Expressed in continuous lines connecting the points where test scores or class intervals meet.

Measures of Central Tendency

Indicates the average or midmost score between the extreme scores in a distribution.

Arithmetic Mean

Is equal to the sum of observation, divided by the number of observation.


Middle score in a tendency


Most frequently occurring score.


Refers to the spread of the scores within a distribution along with the central tendency.

Four Measures of Variablity

Range, Interquartile Range, Variance and Standard Deviation


Difference between highest and lowest


The degree of spread within the distribution

Standard Deviation

A measure of how the average score deviates or spreads away from the mean.

Average Deviation

Rarely used measure of variablity

Standard Deviation

Measure of variability equal to the square root of the average squared deviations about mean.


Indication of how measurement in a distribution are distributed.

Positive Skew

Few of the score fall at the high end of the distribution. Exam was too difficult.

Negative Skew

Few score fall at the low end of the distribution. Exam was too easy.


Steepness of a distribution in its center.


Relatively falt.


Relatively peaked.


Somewhere in the middle.