Spanish II, Lecci�n 13 - Hace + time + que + verb sentence practice

Hace dos meses que juego f�tbol americano.

I have been playing football for two months.

Hace un a�o que Marco y Beatriz dibujan.

Marco and Beatriz have been drawing for a year.

Hace treinta minutos que dorm�s vosotros.

You all have been sleeping for 30 minutes.

Hace media hora que Pap� lee el peri�dico.

Pap� has been reading the newspaper for half an hour.

Hace cinco minutos que nosotros jugamos ajedrez.

We have been playing chess for five minutes.

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que t� juegas los videojuegos?

How long have you been playing videogames?

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que hace Ud. aer�bicos?

How long have you (Ud.) been doing aerobics?

Hace quince a�os que Fernando vive aqu�.

Fernando has been living here for fifteen years.

Hace media hora que veo televisi�n.

I have been watching television for half an hour.

Hace seis semanas que Rosa juega cartas.

Rosa has been playing cards for six weeks.

Hace dos horas que Paulina y yo estudiamos espa�ol.

Paulina and I have been studying Spanish for two hours.

Hace tres meses que ellas juegan b�isbol.

The girls have been playing baseball for three months.

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que corr�is vosotros?

How long have you all been running?

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que ayuda Ud.?

How long have you (Ud.) been helping?

Hace una hora que hago aer�bicos.

I have been doing aerobics for an hour.

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que bailas?

How long have you (t�) been dancing?

Hace quince minutos que nosotros vemos la telenovela.

We have been watching the soap opera for fifteen minutes.

Hace un mes que ellos juegan volibol.

They have been playing volleyball for a month.

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que tienes ese pasatiempo?

How long have you (t�) had this pastime?

Hace un minuto que pongo la mesa.

I have been setting the table for a minute.

Hace diez minutos que el equipo juega b�squetbol.

The team has been playing basketball for ten minutes.

Hace una semana que alquilamos una pel�cula.

We have been renting a movie for a week.

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que ella habla por tel�fono?

How long has she been talking on the phone?

�Cu�nto tiempo hace que escuchas la m�sica?

How long have you (t�) been listening to the music?

Hace tres d�as que como tacos.

I have been eating tacos for three days.