Christine's Science Final Study Set

Benefits of models

1. Represents large and small
2. Represents complex and simple
3. Explain how something works
4. Make predictions

Limitations of models

Different from actual thing

Law vs Theory

Law: summary of many experiments. Statement guaranteed to happen and based on facts, cannot be changed
Theory: hypothesis, used to predict what might happen, broad range of observations

Gregor Mendel

discovered the principles of heredity while studying pea plants

Robert Hooke

First person to describe cells

Charles Darwin

English natural scientist who formulated a theory of evolution by natural selection (1809-1882)

Anton von Leeuwenhoek

Inventor of the first microscopes. 1600's.
First saw organisms in water and called them animalcules

International System of Units

System that helps scientists share and compare observations and results. Metric System (kilo, meter, liter, gram, milli, centi, deci)

Steps of the Scientific Method

1. Identify problem
2. Learn about the problem
3. Hypotheses (based on observation and must be testable)
4. Testing your hypothesis/experiment (analyzing data)
5. State conclusion

Define variable

A factor changed in an experiment

Changed variable (Independent)

What is changed or tested during an experiment

Measured variable (Dependent)

What is being measured during an experiment

Controlled variable

What stays the same or constant during an experiment

Control groups

The group that receives no treatment and is used for comparison

Characteristics of All Living Things

1. have cells
2. sense and response to change
3. reproduce
4. have DNA
5. use energy
6. grow and develop


Smallest unit of life


Group of cells acting together


Group of tissues acting together

Organ system

Organs working together


Organ systems working togther

Single celled organisms

Composed of only one cell (bacteria, fungus, and protists)

Multi-cellular organisms

1. organism made up of many cells
2. able to be of larger size
3. able to live longer
4. cells are able to specialize

Benefits to being multi cellular

Able to be larger, live longer, cells have particular job (specialization)

Cell Theory

1. All organisms are made of one or more cells
2. The cell is the basic unit of all living things
3. All cells come from existing cells

Plant cells

1. Have a cell wall and chloroplasts/chlorophyll.
2. Make their own food, take in CO2 and give off O2
3. Have a large central vacuole

Animal cells

1. lacks cell wall (not needed)
2. lacks chloroplasts/chlorophyll
3. many small vacuoles
4. takes in O2 gives off CO2
5. contains lysosomes

Main Parts of a compound light microscope

1. Body tube with 2+ lenses
2. Stage
3. Light source


How plants produce food
Plants use the energy captured by chlorophyll to change CO2 and water into glucose (food in sugar for,) and o2 is produced
CO2+H2O+Light Energy=Glucose (sugar)+o2

Cellular respiration

the process by which cells use oxygen to produce energy from food (in mitochondria)
Glucose (sugar)+ O2= Co2+h2o+energy


the process by which organisms maintain a stable internal environment (ex. Body Temp)


Anything that causes a reaction to an organisms


How the organism reacts to a stimulus

What is a dochotomous key used for?

An aid that is used to identify organisms and consists of a series of paired questions

Animalia Kingdom

1. Eurkaryotic Cells
2. Multicellular
3. No cell wall
4. Usually able to move
5. Have sense organs
6. Meed O2
7. Must rely on other organisms for food (can't make or decompose food on its own)

Plantae Kingdom

1. Eukaryotic cells
2. Have cell walls
3. Make own food through Photosynthesis
4. Need CO2

Protista Kingdom

Eukaryotic cells, signle celled or very simple multicellular organisms


Non-living part of an enviorment (rocks, water, temp, light, etc)


Living parts of an environment (plants, animal, etc)


includes all the biotic and abiotic factors found in an area
A community of organisms and their environment

Negative effects people have on ecosystems

1. pollution
2. nonrenewable resources
3. introducing new species
4. habitat destruction


A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area


An organism that can make its own food using sunlight (plants)


An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms (animal)


An organism that get energy by breaking down waste and dead organisms (bacteria and fungus)


An animal that hunts other animals for food


An organism that is killed and eaten by another organism


A symbiotic relationship in which an organism benefits while the other is harmed
-the organism that benefits


An organism on which a parasite lives/harmed by parasitism.


One set of instructions for an inherited trait

Exceptions to Mendel's principle

1. One gene can influence more than one trait
(White tiger-blue eyes)
2. Sometimes several genes work together to influence a trait (skin color, hair color, eye color)
3. The environment can affect traits (good diet)


Long strand of DNA (humans have 46)

Dominant trait

a genetic factor that blocks another genetic factor
The trait that appears in the first generation. The stronger trait

Recessive trait

a genetic factor that is blocked by the presence of a dominant factor
That trait that is hidden and seems to disappear in some generations

Explain how traits are influenced and passed from one generation to the next

Traits are passed down through heredity, and are influenced by their environment.

Use a punnet square by

Lining up alleles

Human cells have _____ chromosomes

46 (23 pairs)

Sex cells have how many chromosomes?

23 total
Each parent gives half number of chromosomes to the child

Asexual reproduction

Process by which a single parent reproduces by itself

Sexual reproduction

type of reproduction in which cells from two parents come together to form the first cell of a new organism

Advantages and Disadvantages to Sexual and Asexual Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction- produce offspring similar to self. There is diversity
Asexual reproduction- each generation is exactly same, able to reproduce quick


Changes in behavior or in physical appearance that takes place over time in response to changes in the environment

Natural selection

The process by which individuals are better adapted to survive and reproduce more sucessfully (Darwin) otherwise known as the survival of the fittest


A condition in which production of goods exceeds the demand for them


Process where population slowly changes over time


When a species dies out completely


Traces of living things that are preserved in rocks

Why are fossils important evidence for evolution?

They show how organisms have developed and changed over time.


virus, bacteria, fungi, protists, or worms that causes disease


any malignant growth or tumor caused by abnormal and uncontrolled cell division

Is cancer a pathogen

NO, cancer is the condition where cells divide at an uncontrollable rate while pathogen is something that can cause a disease to occur

Noninfectious disease

A disease that cannot spread from one individual to another
(Genetic disorder/not contagious)

Infectious disease

A disease that is caused by a pathogen and that can be spread from one individual to another.

Specialized cells

1. red blood cells (carry o2)
2. white cells (fight pathogens)
3. nerve cells (carry messaged to from brain)
4. bone cells (provide support)
5. muscle cells (contrast and relax)

Types of models

1. Physical (cell model)
2. Mathematical (Punnet Square)
3. Conceptual (ideas and hypothesis)

Digestive System main organs and functions

Mouth- takes in stuff
Teeth/tongue- mechanical digestion
Salivary glands-start chemical digestion
Esophagus- pushes food to the stomach
Stomach- grinds food
Small intestines- molecules are absorbed into the bloodstream
Large intestines- excess water is re

Cardiovascular System main organs and functions

Heart- made of cardiac muscles and pumps blood
Blood- carries o2 nutrients and wastes, and helps regulate temp
Arteries- carries blood away from the heart
Veins- carries blood to the heart
Capillaries- allow exchange between the blood cells and the body c

How is energy transferred through a food web?

Energy is transferred through the separate levels of a food chain or web by feeding.

How do technology and scientific knowledge influence each other?

1. Find information and get results in new ways.
2. Allows us to see inside organisms in new ways.
key term is "new way

Different types of cell division

1. binary fission (prokaryotic cells)
2. mitosis/meiosis (eukaryotic cells)

Steps of Mitosis

1. Interphase
2. Prophase
3. Metaphase
4. Anaphase
5. Telophase
6. Cytokinesis

Why do cells divide?

1. they can not grow any larger
2. repair/replace damaged cells
3. reproduction or growth

Why are the systems of the human body so important?

They all work together to keep homeostasis. In other words, they all work together to keep us alive.

Different systems in the human body

There are a total of 12.
1. Integumentary (skin, hair, nails)
2. Muscular (helps us move by working w/skeletal system)
3. Skeletal (support/protect body parts)
4. Cardiovascular/Circulatory (heart pumps blood through all blood vessels)
5. Respiratory (lun

Why do scientists use models?

Scientists use models to help explain how something works or to describe how something is structured.