Science Exam

Which skill is a student using when she touches the soil in a plant pot to feel whether it is dry ?

making an observation

An educated guess or a possible answer to a question is an________


Which of the following actions is quantitative observations about a group of puppies ?

use a scale to measure the change in mass

the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestine are parts of the digestive system. This is an example of which characteristic of life ?

displays organization

A caterpillar undergoes metamorphosis to become a butterfly. This is an example of which Characteristic of Life?

grows and develops

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

Science is an unbiased approach to a question or problem where all data is used to determine the outcome

During a controlled scientific investigation, what would a scientist do after the data has been analyzed ?

Evaluate the hypothesis

All of the following are characteristics of science EXCEPT ?

no peer review

type of data where measurements are recorded


When you evaluate your hypothesis using data


Instructions on how to carry out an expirement


Type of picture used to present collected data


Scientific discoveries begin with this


Carbon- 13 and carbon-14 are isotopes of each other. Why are both atoms carbon atoms?

They both have the same number if protons

Which of the following is NOT a property of water that causes it to behave differently than any other substance on Earth?

Has a low surface tension

Water is a polar molecule because_________

The electrons spend more time around the oxygen atom than the hydrogen atoms.

Vinegar is an example of a solution. Which statement below best describes a solution ?

A substance that is completely dissolved and evenly distributed in another substance

Mayonnaise is an example of a colloid. Which statement below best describes a colloid?

two substances that don't normally mix together but are forced to do so by help from an emulsifer

During a chemical reaction, atoms of the beginning molecules are rearranged to form new molecules. Which process can be accomplished using a chemical reaction?

A molecule of glucose can be made from Carbon Dioxide and water

A + BC --------> AB + C. Which of the following are the reactants?


A + BC --------> AB + C. Which of the following are the products ?


The energy that is needed to break any bonds in the reactants to get the chemical reaction started is called the__________?

Activation Energy

Enzymes speed up chemical reactions by___________?

lowering the activation energy

All of the following affect how enzymes work EXCEPT ?

Activation Energy

When substrate is added to a chemical reaction that includes an enzyme,e, the rate of reaction increase rapidly and then levels off. What statement below best describes why this occurs

All of the active sites of the enzymes are occupied by substrates because one enzyme can only interact with one substrate at a time

contains the genetic information to produce proteins

Nucleic Acid

enzymes are an example that folds into 3D structures


makes up cellular membranes


used for the production of energy


the substance that is dissolved


has more hydroxide ions in solution


water is attracted to something else


has more hydrogen ions in solution


the substance that does the dissolving


water is attracted to itself


Ecology is the study of ?

Interdependence of organisms and their environment

what is the original source of the energy that flows through most ecosystems?

light energy

Abiotic and biotic factors are related because

they Bothe contribute to the quality of ab ecosystem

why must there be a continuous supply of energy into an ecosystem?

energy only flows in a "one- way stream" through an ecosystem?

On average, what proportion of the energy in an ecosystem is transferred from one trophic level to the next?


In an energy pyramid, if there are 2000 units of energy available of the energy pyramid, approximately how many units of energy are available to the secondary- consumer level?


Which of the following are part of the biogeochemical cycles found on Earth?

all of the above

Starting with grass , write a food chain that is represented in the food web above.

grass------> grasshopper------> insect

living organisms that ingest dead organisms


organisms that must consume other organisms for energy


living organisms that eat only animals


organisms that make their own energy


living organisms that eat only plants


living organisms that eats both plant sand animals


living organisms that absorb nutrients from dead organisms


Cells fall into two broad categories, depending on wether they_____

have a nucleus

Prokaryotes and plant cells are similar because

they both have a cell wall

animal cells are different from plant cells because a

have lysosomes

All cells, regardless of cell type, have the following structures______

Cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes

The first scientist to use the term "cell" was _____

Robert Hooke

The work of Robert Hooke and Anton Von Leeuwenhoek contributed to which part of cell theory?

Cell are the basic unit of structure and function

The work of Matthias Schleiden and Theodore Schwann contributed to which part of cell theory?

All living things are made of cells

The work of Rudolph Virchow contributed to which part of cell theory ?

New cells only come from existing cells

contains the ocular lens


magnification ranges from 10X to 40X

Objective Lens

moves the stage slightly to sharpen the image

Fine adjustment Knob

regulates the amount of light on the specimen


Moves the stage up and down for focusing

Coarse Adjustment Knob

cell products are released outside the cell from inside the cell

facilitated diffusion

transport of molecules which does not require energy

passive transport

large molecules are pulled into the call by a vesicle


transport of molecules which requires the use of energy

active transport

diffusion of water molecules through the cell membrane


a state where the concentration of molecules is equal


which of the following statements accurately describes the relationship between autotrophs and heterotrophs ?

Heterotrophs must consume autotrophs for nutrients

energy is released from ATP when______

a phosphate group is removed

A granum is an______

a stack of thylakoids

the light- collecting units of a chloroplast are the__________


Which step is the beginning of photosynthesis ?

Pigments in Photosystem II and 1 absorb light

what molecules produced in the light- dependent reactions are used in the Calvin Cycle?


which molecule is shown in the diagram below?

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Where do the light independent reactions of photosynthesis take place?


Due to photosynthesis in plants, the ultimate source of energy for all living things on Earth is carbon dioxide


Where do light dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place?


Base don the equation for photosynthesis shown below, which of the following is produced by the reaction?
6 CO2+6 H2O+ light -------> _________ + 6 O2


cells that conduct photosynthesis have a high number of which organelle ?


which molecule combines with carbo dioxide to start the reactions of the Calvin cycle ?


why do pigments appear to have a color associated with them?

The light is reflected back from the pigment is the color of the pigment

the process whereby plants capture energy and make complex sugars is known as _____?


Where do the H+ come from that are used in the light dependent reactions?

water is split into oxygen and H+

where in the leaf does photosynthesis occur?

palisade cells

Where in the leaf does gas exchange occur ?
