Art Appreciation Quiz 1


A contemporary term but one that is really old as time. It describes the attempts by any artist, craftsperson, shaman, or any human to put their mark on something, to announce their existence in the world. In artwork, markmaking can be done using almost a

Visual Literacy

being educated in the language and terminology of the visual arts.


the art of evaluating or analyzing with knowledge and propriety works of art or literature; to consider the merits and demerits of and judge accordingly.


Height by width; a flat surface ie: drawing paper or canvas. (2-D).


Height by width by depth. If we say a work of art is three-dimensional, we mean that it is fully articulated in space-that is to say it can be viewed from any angle and exists in the viewer's space. Usually, three-dimensional works can be walked around, y

Picture Plane

The flat, two-dimensional surface of a work of art, the "window

Pictorial Depth

The aspect of composition on a two-dimensional plane (flat) in which a three-dimensional space is depicted. The illusion of depth on a 2-D surface. This " depth" ranges from shallow to deep.


The organization or arrangement of the formal elements in a work of art.


Any materials used to create a work of art-the paint, pastel, graphite, clay, paper, bronze, glass, etc. The word media is the plural form.

The 3 components of any work of art are

form, content, process


The literal shape, mass, appearance, and look, of an object or figure. More generally, how the materials come together to make a work of art, the ways in which these materials are utilized in terms of the formal elements (line, light, color, etc.), and th


The meaning of an image (artwork) beyond its subject matter.


How the work was created, the materials and media used (the paint, pastel, clay, bronze, paper, etc.). Also, the techniques and skills used to create work. Often, an artist's process is a well-kept secret!

Subject Matter

literally the subject of an artwork-what the work is about: (For example, portrait, man plowing the fields, the signing of the Declaration, landscape, etc. It may be a painting of a shipwreck (the _______), but the meaning (content) is about the difficult


in any kind of creative endeavor, it is the story of what is being depicted, sung, described, written about...


In art, this term means the rendering of images and objects in a stylized or simplified way, yet they remain recognizable; the formal or expressive aspects are emphasized. This is a relative term that exists on a continuum. At one end of the continuum som


Has no trace of the natural world


The quality or state of being the "truth." In the visual arts, this means that something looks life-like, or 'real.' (this can be used to talk about the degree of optical realism in a work of art).


The quality that makes a work of art appear close to or resemble the natural world-it looks 'real,' whatever that is. In general, this term is synonymous with representational. _________ also exists on a continuum. (this can be used to talk about the degr

These three things are interchangeable

naturalism, realism, and representationalism


When an artwork is representational, it resembles something from the natural and visual world around us, that is, the world of natural appearance. (this can be used to talk about the degree of optical realism in a work of art).

realism (lowercase R)

An artwork that is realist also resembles the natural world, but once again, realism is a general term and exists on a continuum.

Realism (capital R)

a specific historical period in western art occurring in the 19th century


Basically, there are 2 ways to talk about style. Artists have their own unique manner of visual expression that is distinct from others. It is consistent within context of their artistic output. Within history, we can also say that a particular style domi


The use of symbols to represent the invisible, intangible, or abstract (ie: God, death, birth, spirit, good/bad...)-t o represent many things.


Literally, in its original Greek, the word means 'image writing.' It involves the study and interpretation of images and symbols. It often involves consideration of the symbol within context to the history and traditions of the culture in which the symbol


emphasizes the emotional and psychological content of the work. In general, to do this, artists often distort and personally interpret the formal tools like line and color.


historical period in European 20th century art

Mixed Media

a contemporary term. Many artists today don't stay within the confines of a single medium. Rather, they enjoy mixing their media.

Found Objects

any sort of natural or manufactured object that is not made by the artist but found by them and put into their artwork. This is an interesting way to let chance have a hand in the creation of your artwork.


A branch of Greek philosophy that deals with visual and/or sensory values-perhaps what we call 'taste.' In our culture, it may be said to pertain to what we consider 'beautiful' and by extension, to the appreciation of any form of art, whether it is 'beau

Formal Elements

the visual tools an artist uses to create a work of art. These include but are not limited to the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design.

Elements of art

Line, color, shape&mass, space, value/light, texture, pattern, time& motion

Principles of Design

emphasis and focal point
scale and proportion
repetition and rhythm
unity and variety

Formal Analysis

Literally, analyzing the form of the art work. This means taking inventory of all the elements and tools used by an artist, considering the composition, and understanding how all these components are implemented to create meaning.

4 Areas of Visual Arts

1. studio art
2. art history
3. art criticism
4. art appreciation

Studio Art

the production of art

Art History

considering art & creative production from a historical point of view; drawing conclusions about artworks that are related culturally in time & place (style).

Art Criticism

objectively considering the successes and/or failures of a work of art and judging it as successful (or not!).

Art Appreciation

learning the language used in production & viewing of art in general; looking closely at works to understand how they are composed & if there is meaning; then making a decision about whether or not this is meaningful to you. *objective experience


A mark left by a moving point, actual or implied, and varying in direction, thickness, and density.
�the most basic tool available to an artist, sculptor, or architect.

Line Duties

�Define form .
�Create a focal point or area of emphasis.
� Framing device: Frame the composition (or focal point) in some way.
� Directional : direct the eye into and through the composition .
� Stops the eye from entering or leaving the composition.

Kinds of Lines

1. Hatching & cross-hatching
2. Outlines & contour lines
3. Verticals
4. Horizontals
5. Diagonals
6. Implied lines
7. Quick-curving lines

Hatching and Cross-hatching

used to create form or tonal and shading effects which creates dimensionality on a flat surface.


Parallel lines placed close together or far apart to create the illusion of darkness or lightness (value)


Placing lines at cross-angles to each other to build up areas of darkness.

Outlines and Contour Lines

define form


The edge of a shape or figure depicted by an actual line drawn or painted on a flat 2-D surface. *create flat images

Contour line

The perceived line that marks the border of an object in space. This line attempts to show mass (dimensionality). They often overlap each other.

Vertical Lines

�Demonstrate strength.
�They're stable.
�They're a visual stopping point.
�In a sense, they are inactive.
�They are direct.
�They are the position of life (upright & life-affirming).

Horizontal Lines

�are restful, peaceful, inactive.
�they're soothing.
�they're quiet.
�when you're asleep, you're horizontal (usually)
�horizontal is the position of death.
�What about the intersection between the vertical and the horizontal?

Diagonal Lines

�Are constantly moving.
�They are full of energy.
�They are unstable.
�They move the eye (perhaps pull it) quickly through a composition.
�They are emotional and dramatic because they are constantly moving.

Implied Lines

This line is not a literal line, but one that is composed of multiple elements arranged to suggest a line. The viewer's eye completes an implied line.


An important implied line

Quick-curving lines

�Repetitive curving lines that are: �energetic
�can establish a rhythm to the composition.
�move the viewer's eye throughout the composition.

Quality of Line

�Thick, thin?
�Broken, solid, fluid?

Creative, Subjective

Art is a __________ act for the maker and a ___________ one for the viewer.


either implied (an illusion) or it is a real component in the artwork.


In 2-D artworks, light is expressed as value which is the relative lightness or darkness in color or black and white.


the manipulation of light & dark (shadow) to show dimensionality.


Italian for " light and shadow." A technique whereby value (areas of light and dark) are used to simulate the effects of light and shadow on a 2-D surface. It is a special term used by artists to talk about the subtleties of modeling.

Tint (heightened value)

occurs when white is added to a color

Shade (lowered value)

occurs when black is added to a color

Tone (midrange value)

occurs when grey is added to a color


an extreme use of shading (chiaroscuro) used for the purpose to enhance, the drama, the tension, the seriousness, & the movement of a composition.


Used in any painting by Caravaggio. Or, see Artemesia Gentileschi's painting Judith & Holofernes.

Photography, film and TV

Function of light on light-sensitive film


determines the way sculpture & architecture are seen by viewers. can have symbolic qualities in connection to architecture.


What type of medium do James TURRELL, CAI Guo-Qiang, and Krzysztof WODICZKO use?

Sir Isaac Newton


Color Spectrum


Subtractive Light


Additive Light


Color Wheel


Primary Colors


Secondary Colors


Tertiary Colors


Complementary Colors


Analogous Colors





brightness, degree of light


intensity or depth of color


warm, cool, hot, cold


colors advance or expand toward viewer


colors sink into the composition, they are still or passive


Jolt against each other creating a visual vibration

Kinds of Palettes

Triadic, monochromatic, analogous, complementary


palette based on the full-range of colors around the wheel


Dominant use of one hue


Use of colors next to each other on the color wheel


use of colors limited to those opposite each other on the color wheel

Open Palette

broad range of colors from wheel

Closed Palette

limited range of colors

Pointillism or Divisionism

technique whereby the artist paints dots of color next to each other and the viewer's eye must mix them.

Cool colors

colors that are soothing, more passive, can be melancholic

Warm Colors

colors that are exciting and active, have energy, are 'happier'

Local Color

colors as they are in nature

Arbitrary Color

color as interpreted by the artist for expressive purposes.

Simultaneous Contrast

color next to each other impact the other color's appearance.

Color Blindness

not limited, but mostly found in men. There are various kinds.


your vision persists even when you stop looking at an object.


colors that are bordered in black, appear more intense & pure.

Color Mixing

our eyes tend to mix colors that are next to each other.