Art Exam 1 terms

abstract expressionism

art movement that emerged after WWII containing spontaneous self-expressionism, non-representational imagery, & distinct paint application. Most were paintings.


branch of western philosophies concerned with critical reflections on art, beauty, and taste


the use of various tones (black, white, gray) creating the illusion of volume in drawings

color wheel

circular arrangement of the hues of the spectrum


organization of the elements of an artwork in such a way that harmony, balance, unity, and variety are achieved


consists of the external conditions that surround a work of art, such as historical events, religious attitudes, social norms, and so on


a category of art that requires special mannuel skills and is often functional in origin


a method for analysing works of art developed in the late 20th century, in which artworks are treaed as texts that can have a variety of meanings bases on the person who perceieves them, emphasizing subjectivity

feminist criticism

artwork or art criticism based on the idea that women should have political, economic, and social rights that are equal to those of men

formal analysis

the study of artwork that focuses on the elements of the language of art and the principles of composition

formalist criticism

the analysis and critique of an artwork based on its compostition and the arrangement of its elements and principles


the study of visual images and symbols within their culture and historical contexts


works that are done in what is considered to be poor taste


traditional and nontradiotional materials used to make art, such as charcoal, paint, clay bronze, videos, or computers


a person who supports the artist and the arts


a system of rendering the illusion of three-dimensional depth on a flat, or two-dimensional surface


various branches of art criticism that are a reaction against structuralism and hold that there is not one single meaning in artwok, but rather multiple meanings

psychoanalytic criticism

art criticism that holds that art should be studied as the product of individuals who are shaped by their pasts, their unconscious urges, and their social histories

representational art

art that presents nature, people, and objects from the world in a recognizable form


the study of signs and symbols in written and verbal communication


art criticism that holds that the understanding of a single work of art is based on the overall structure of art and the complex interrelationship of all its parts, because structure gives the meaning to an artwork like a sentence determines the meaning o


specific recognizable attributes and characeristics that consistent and coherent in the artwork within a historical period, within a cultural tradition, or of an individual artist

subject matter

the specific idea of an artwork


the art element that is involved in performances or video work, or is required in the viewing of static artwork

visual culture

art criticism that integrates and studies all of the visual components of contemporary culture, including fine art, television, advertising, and so on