Art 101 quiz4 chap 13-16

The art of the ancients

fashion tools of stone, bone and created pottery and woven textiles. Became image makers, capturing forms and figures in cave wall with the use of primitive (nguyen thuy/so) artistic implements.
cave paintings, reliefs, and sculpture of stone, ivory, and

The 3 phrases of prehistoric art

Paleolithic (the late years of the Old Stone Age)
Mesolithic (Middle Stone Age)
Neolithic (New Stone Age)
--> between yrs 14,000 to 2000 BCE

Neolithic art

Life more stable, predictable. Domesticated plants and animals, cultivate crops, metal implements were fashions, and writing appear. About 4000BCE architectural monuments were er0.ected.
began about 8000 BCE and spread throughout the world major river val


flourish in the river valley of the Tigris and Euphrates about 3000 BCE.
The sumerians constructed sophisticated irrigation systems, controlled river flooding and worked with metals such as copper, silver, and gold.
Sculpture, crafted art, and monumental


a pictorial symbol for a word or phrase. Pictographs were used as the earliest known form of writing, examples having been discovered in Egypt and Mesopotamia from before 3000 BC.


In architecture, an ornament of frequent use in decoration in all styles. In Roman architecture rosettes decorate coffers in ceilings and soffits of cornices, and appear as a central ornament of the abacus of the Corinthian order. In medieval architecture

Historic (as opposed to prehistoric)

society are marked by a written language, advanced social organization and developments in the areas of government, science, art.

The classical art of Greece and Rome

in contrast to the Greek's intellectual and creative achievements, Rome's cultural contributions lay in the areas of building, city planning, government, and law.
Classical Art influenced almost all of western art, from early Christian mosaics to contempo

Geometric period

spanned approximately two centuries, 900 to 700 BCE
Geometric period because the predominance of geometric shapes and pattern in works of art such as circles and triangles. e.g. geometric krater from the Dipylon cemetery.

Archaic Period

spanned 660 to 480 BCE.
Flowing forms and fantastic animals inspired by Mesopotamian art appeared on Greek pottery.
Eastern pattern and form gradually disappeared.
in Geometric, the human figure was subordinate to decorative motifs, but Archaic Period bec

The etruscans

the center of power of the Romans state the peninsula of Italy, but the Roman did not gain supremacy over this area until the fourth century BCE, when they begin to conquer the Etruscans.
Etruscans had long interesting history around 700BCE, borrowed moti

Christian Art

works of art exhibiting Christian themes and structures designed for Christian worship created relatively soon after the death of Jesus. Most date from the 4th to the 6th cent. A.D.
Early Christians secretly worshiped in private community houses that had

Catacomb art

Christian began to build churches were erected on the land on top of catacomb (ham) where the martyrs for their faith had been buried- Roman architecture, the Roman emperor Constantine supported this effort.
Old St. Peter's, Rome built on the site where S


an underground cemetery consisting of a subterranean gallery with recesses for tombs, as constructed by the ancient Romans.
a huge network of galleries and burial chambers beneath the city of Rome where Christians worshiped in secret and buried their dead

The period of persecution (dan ap)

The first centuries after the death of Jesus, before Emperor Constantine proclaimed religious tolerance
for Christians

The period of recognition


Byzantine art


Romanesque art

the art of the 11th and 12th century, its similarities to Roman art. Builder copied the structure of Roman basilicas and many other elements used by ROman.
Reflection of society: Christian art, linked to Christianity
Subordination of sculpture and paintin

Gothic art

began in 1137 with the rebuilding of the choir of the Abbey Church of St. Dennis, located just outside of Paris Abbot Suger wanted light flooding in the church as if the heavens light coming in so he put in stained glass windows. It was this light that pr


a French word meaning "rebirth", was a period of significant historical, social, and economic events.
period spans 14th to 16th centuries
revival of classical themes in art and literature.

Flemish Painting

from Page to Panel
Naturalism appeared in the work of the northern book illustrators
As the work got too big for the books, the artist started to use panels
15th century artists tried to reconcile religious subjects with scenes and objects from everyday.


a brief expressionistic art period following the Renaissance.
distortion and elongation of the figure
flattened almost 2D space
lack of focal point
use of discordant pastel hues

Manuscript illumination

handwritten manuscripts with decorative borders, colorful characters and paintings such as Bibles, Liturgy of the and later on, commissioned secular writing hours.
the word "illuminated" means to be lit up or enlightened.

Panel paintings
