Chapter 14B Classical Art: Etruscan and Roman

The stylized faces of the man and wife represented on the Etruscan Sarcophagus from Cerveteri were
most likely influenced by __________ sculpture.


Although much Roman art is stylistically derived from Greece, portrait sculptures like Head of a
Roman are notable for their incredible __________, made possible by __________.

realism; wax death masks

The two most significant innovations in building design introduced by the Romans were the
__________, which made construction of the Pantheon possible.

arch and concrete

The Pantheon's dome is __________ to lessen the weight of it both physically and visually


Empire period Roman sculpture, as represented in Augustus of Primaporta, was often an interesting
juxtaposition of __________ heads with idealized bodies.

individualized portrait

The Roman equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius still exists only because it was mistakenly believed to
be a portrait of __________, the first emperor to recognize Christianity.


The emperor Maxentius ordered construction of a large basilica near the Roman forum. Little of it
remains today, but its design set the precedent for many subsequent __________

Christian churches

In the late years of the Roman Empire, the realism and idealism that had characterized Roman figural
sculpture was replaced by a __________.

spiritual, otherworldly style

What did the Ara Pacis commemorate?

Roman Peace

The basic unit of Roman architecture is the:


________________ , the Latin word for "eye" is a round window in a dome
