Living With Art chapter 6

PICASSO First composition study for Guemica [sketch , paper]

DEGAS Dancer adjusting her slipper { sketch , grid]

LEONARDO Star of bethlehem and other Plants [red chalk and pen]

OFILI Prince among Thieves with Flowers [graphite , Pencil]

LIPPI Standing Nude and Seated man Reading { metalpoint , white gouache]

JACQUETTE: Three Mile Island [ charcoal, vine or willow]

REMBRANDT: Cottage Among Trees [ Pen and inc]

SIMMIONS: Boom [ Chalk conceptual art]

Raphael: The School of Athens [ buon fresco, Italian Renaissance , one point perspective]

Van Eyck: Man in a Red Turban [ tempera and oil on panel]

Sargent: Mountain Stream [ watercolor]

Which artist is chapter 6 began to date and save all his sketches early in his career?

Pablo Picasso

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian, Vinci, Italy.
age 15 apprenticed to Florentine artist Andrea del Verrocchio
Milan official artist to Lodovico Sforza, Duke of the Milan
a dozen paintings
hundreds of drawings
architect engineer
botany geology
inventive practical jokes
court painter King of France Louis XII
Never married
Mona Lisa 1503-05
The Last Supper1495-1497
Madonna and Child with Saint Anne 1503-1506

What were probably the first drawings in history?

cave drawings

In the Neolithic era, what surface became popular for drawing on?

fired clay - Greek

What is papyrus?
What is parchment?

- a paperlike material developed in ancient Egypt that were made from pressed plant stems.
-treated animal skins

What special material did the ancient Chinese people draw on?


In what country was paper invented? When?

China 105 C.E.

How is paper made?

made from plant fibers beaten to a pulp mixed with water,then spread in a thin layer over a fine mesh surface and left to dry, molded dipped in a vat, lifted out.

How did the knowledge of making paper spread to Europe? When did papermaking start to flourish in Italy?

Christians under Muslium rule as in Spain, Islamic culture in Sicily brought paper making gradually started making it themselves.
13th century in Italy during the crusades

Define pigment

a powdered coloring material

What are most drawing media made of?

pencil or graphite

What are advantages of using pencil?

the lines can be changed, lines are soft darker and richer or pale and silvery hard.

What is metalpoint?

is an old technique - is a thin wire made of relatively soft metal such as silver, set in a holder for convenience.

What is charcoal?

charred wood

What is different between chalk, pastels and crayon?

-chalk - 3 finely texture stones - mined and cut up - black chalk (composite of carbon and clay) red chalk (iron oxide and clay), white chalk (calcite or calcium carbonate)
-pastels - acts like chalk. consists of pigment bound with a non greasy binder such as solution of gum arabic or gum tragacanth in water.- borderline medium. Most favorite (popular) artists
- crayons - made of powdered pigments mixed with a binder of greasy or waxy substance. Conte crayons favorite artist crayons.

Name the liquid medium that was Rembrandt's favorite sketching medium. What is wash?

Pen and ink - quill pens
- ink diluted with water and applied with a brush

Which culture has often used the brush as a favorite drawing tool and writing instrument?

Eastern Asia culture

Why can artist now draw on a larger scale or make larger drawings than ever before?

size of paper

What does the french word collage mean. Describe how a collage is made.

-pasting paper cutouts or material directly on the canvas.
- French for glue/pastings

Which two artists worked together to develop Cubism and collage? Who tried it first?

Pablo Piccaso and George Braque