Art Appreciation Test #4

The Crowned Head of an Oni is rendered in a style that is:


Th Palace at Palenque in Chiapas, Mexico was built for which culture?


The Toltecs created massive columns as human figures that represented:

Unconquerable warriors

What is NOT true about The Great Wall of China?

It was constructed with concrete arches of polygonal voussoirs

This climactic scene from the Heiji Monogatari reveals:

an attack on a medieval Japanese palace

Picasso's mural Guernica expresses the artist's concern for:

the Nazi bombing of a small town in northern Spain

Red Horse's Battle of Little Big Horn is a visual narrative about:

the defeat of General Custer by the Sioux

What historical event inspired Hicks' painting of The Peaceable Kingdom?

the Treaty between Quaker William Penn and the Indians

The Chinese emperors were believed to be the_____ who ruled by_______.

Sons of Heaven; divine mandate

The Ara Pacis Augustae was a ______ mosaic placed in the apse of a Russian Orthodox Church.

Byzantine Mozaic; commemorate Emperor Augustus peacefully stopping the civil wars between Spain and France

Maya Ying Lin's Vietnam Veterans Memorial is located in ___________.

New York City's Central Park

Assyrian palaces were decorated with ______ which was a winged creature that had a bull or lion body and human head.


Feathered______ were used as fly whisks by royal men in Hawaiian culture


The mid 19th century reconstruction of the British Houses of Parliament is identified as a ______ Revival Style.


The splendor of The Hall of Mirrors in the Palace at Versailles was intended to reinforce the idea of King Louis XIV as the_______ King, or the god Apollo.


The Arch of______included a relief panel depicting Titus being carried up to heaven on the back of an eagle, giving a visual image of his deification.


Andrea del Verrocchio created an________Monument to Bartolomeo Colleoni.


The Palette of King Narmer glorifies the unification of________by means of war.


The iridescent green feathers of Moctezuma's Headdress were derived from the______bird.


Riefenstahl's film Triumph of the Will established Hitler as the first_______hero of the modern age.


Heartfield's photomontage Goering the Executioner conveys:

the artist's outrage and warning about Nazi bloodshed.

The subject of Lawrence's tempera painting No. 36 addresses the:

Capture of Haitian Abolitionist Toussaint L'Ourverture by Napoleon's troops

Arneson's Portrait of George was intended to be:

a memorial monument for the assassinated mayor of San Francisco.

The prevalence of black and white in Motherwell's Elegy to the Spanish Republic XXXIV suggests:

the struggle between life and death

Shahn's Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti reveals which point of view by the artist?

His sympathy for the deceased Italian immigrants.

What social injustice was rectified by Hine's photodocumentation of Leo?

The abuse of child labor

Using an approach of ________, Hogarth's Breakfast Scene criticized a marriage that was arranged for money and status.


Siquieros' painting Echo of a Scream was the artist's response to the horrors of:

the Spanish Civil War

Hernandez' Sun Mad used humor to modify the package design of a popular product in order to:

expose pesticide contamination

The "Rent Collection Courtyard" narrates instances of:

injustice from China's History

______________'s They Waz Nice Folks While They Lasted invites discussion of controversial issues about racism.

Kara Walker

Grosz used pen and ink drawings like Fit for Active Service to expose ___________ during World War I.

pathetic conditions in the German military

Shomei's Woman with Keloidal Scars is a _________ about the ___________ of Nagasaki, Japan at the end of WWII.

Photograph; victims of the bombing

The subject of Kollwitz' Outbreak was inspired by a ________century Peasant War in Germany.


Lorenzetti used_______as the painting medium for The Allegory of Good Government in the Palazzo Publico in Sienna, Italy.


Holzer's project Untitled (Selected Writings) was presented at the________Museum in New York.


Bonilla's painting The Knot was a protest statement about a repressive regime in_______.

El Salvador

Paddy Dhatangu 's collaboration on The Aboriginal Monument reveals the indigeneous population's perspective of Captain Cook's "discovery" of Australia as_________Day.


Imperial Palace

Enormous palace compound that once had 9,999 rooms in it; purpose was for the ruling emperor and nobility

Portraits of the Emperors

Yan Liben; Chinese emperors were believed to be Sons of Heaven

Emperor Justinian and His Attendants

devout Christian Emperor dominates the center of the composition, which represents his power over both military and the Church

Crowned Head of an Oni

made of zinc and brass; a portrait of an early African ruler expresses a sense of calm, security, and poise

Jayavarman VII, Cambodia, province of Siemreap, Angkor region

Bayon style, made of sandstone, prtrait of a powerful King of Angkor Empire; displays his conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism

Mesquakie Bear Claw Necklace

prestigious adornment represented the strength and tenacity of the grizzly bear

Triumph of the Will

Leni Riefenstahl; Hitler commissioned this film in order to glorify his rule

Hall of Mirrors

Jules Hardouin Mansart and Charles Le Brun; signs of Louis XIV's power

Olowe of Ise

The senior wife stands behind the enthroned king, giving her high status for her procreative power

Equestrian Monument of Bartolomeo Colleoni

Andrea Del Verrocchio; made with bronze; the statue of this warrior mounted on horseback represents his fearsome victorious power.

Palette of King Narmer

The relief carvings both depict and commemorate the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt, and the glory of its victorious Pharaoh

Dead Confederate Soldier with Gun

Mathew B. Brady; images taken during the Civil War

Battle of Little Big Horn

by Red Horse; 1880; The depiction is a Native American's version of this historical battle

The Battleship Potemkin

By Sergei M. Eisenstein; film commissioned to show the collective heroism and martyrdom of the Soviet people after the Russian revolution


Pablo Picasso; created to dramatize the distraction of the Basque capital by Nazi fire bombs during the Spanish Civil War

USA Marine Corps War Memorial

by Felix W. Weldon; commemorate the soldiers who died during the battle for Iwo Jima in WWII

Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Maya Ying Lin; shrine for the people who died in the Vietnam War

The Peaceable Kingdom

by Edward Hicks; A passage from the Bible inspired the Quaker artist to express a message of peace in this work

Insertions into Idealogical Circuits: Coca-Cola Project

By Cildo Meireles; created as a response to Brazil's military government in 1970

The Executions of May 3, 1808, Spain

Francisco Goya

The Outbreak

K�the Kollwitz; depicts an uprising in the 16th century Peasant War in Germany, one of seven prints etched by the artist to show the destructive war energy

Fit for Active Service

George Grosz; drawing that exposes well-fed doctors and self-absorbed officers who send elderly, sick, and very young men to the front of the lines to fight for Germany near the end of WWI

Goering the Executioner

John Heartfield; depicts the Nazi Field Marshal as a butcher to forewarn the public of the party's bloodshed that was to come in Germany during WWII

Echo of a Scream

David Alfaro Siqueiros; painted in response to the horrors of the Spanish Civil War

Elegy to the Spanish Republic

Robert Motherwell; express the mourning over the loss of liberty in Spain after the Fascist forces were victorious during their Civil War

Mercenaries I

by Leon Golub; thugs who use brute force to bolster a repressive government

Liberty Leading the People

Eug�ne Delacroix; Paris Revolt in France

Leo, 48 Inches High, 8 Years Old, Picks up Bobbins at 15 cents a Day

Lewis Hine; artist that exposed child labor in mines and textile mills

The Passion of Sacco and Venzetti

Ben Shahn; tells the story of the unjust conviction and execution of Italian immigrants who were active in labor organizations

Jacob Lawrence

did paintings about a slave who led a revolt to abolish slavery in Haiti


Hans Haacke; showed that three apparently different phenomena are actually intertwined; the oppressive policies of apartheid in S. Africa, the profits of an oil company, and artwork shown at a major museum

The State Hospital (detail)

Edward; to protest against society's treatment of people it deems incompetent (mental hospitals)

Sun Mad

Ester Hernandez; exposes the dangerous chemical pesticides that are used in vineyards to grow grapes

Mr. and Mrs. Andrews Without Their Heads

Yinka Shonibare; protest the colonial past and to show the complexity of a world trade and culture

Who is the artist that creates cutout life-size figures of images based on literature about the slave era in the united states?

Kara Walker

Jean de Dinteville and Georges de Selve

created by Hans Holbein the Younger; exemplifies the humanistic influence in active and contemplative life

The Scene of the Crime (Whose Crime?)

Pep�n Osorio; the artist affirms the worth of Puerto Rican culture in New York while protesting how the people are depicted in mass media

Light Sentence, Palestine/England

Mona Hatoum; deals poetically with the personal identity, the body, surveillance, and control

Breakfast Scene

William Hogarth; series of comedic paintings, he satirized the English upper class in the 18th century


Magdalena Abakanowicz; artist suggests in this installation the modern malaise of uniformity and the loss of self and individuality

Untitled (Selected Writings)

Jenny Holzer; focuses on the mass of implicit beliefs that are widely accepted in the United States today; quickly flashing words show how a million possibilities of half-truths contradict each other

The Legislative Belly

Honor� Daumier; political cartoons about France

Portrait of George

Robert Arneson; a memorial to a San Francisco mayor who was assassinated in 1978

Drawing from Mine

William Kentridge; created drawings and film animations based on the causes and injustices of apartheid in South Africa

The Knot

Miguel Antonio Bonilla; two ominous figures represent the country's police and politicians that conspired in the 1980s to create an oppressive regime in El Salvador

In the Egyptian sculpture Menkaure and His Wife, Queen Khamerernebty, the figures are shown__________.

standing side by side

The twelve figures flanking the Emperor Justinian in this image allude to:

The twelve apostles

Triumph of the Will" was a film glorifying:


Palaces are different from ordinary residences by:

their grand size

Versailles was built in the _____ style.


The House of Parliament were built in the ______ style.

Gothic Revival

The Maori Meeting House represented the _____ of a great ancestor.


To remember military victories, the Romans built:


An apotheosis means that someone has become:


A warrior on horseback is called:


Art protesting a particular war was first seen:

about 200 years ago

Francisco Goya's The Executions of May 3rd, 1808, sympathize with:


Much of John Heartfield's art protested against:

Nazi Germany

Eugene Delacroix's Liberty Leading the People is _____ in its portrayal of fighting as thrilling, dangerous, and liberating.


Lewis Hine's photos of a child laborers have long_____, which fully documented their youthfulness.


Sculptures on Maori meeting houses have carvings of ancestral spirits, the "First Parents" called_______ and are designed to_______.

Tekoteko; ward off evil

What are Tukutuku?

Non representational forms in Maori meeting houses and are symbolic depictions of nature or mythology