Art 100

The Puritans (portraits, non-religious art) How did their religious beliefs influence the types of objects they produced

Quick to experiment with new forms of craftmanship like water driven saw mills. They weregreat wood workers. They carved great chairs where the "man of the house" would sit.
*Mannerist - taking an existing thing and moving in another direction.

What type of painting and sculpture did Puritans make?

Neo-classical, Pastel. Other art forms include: tombstones, samplers, and mourning cloths.

What did Puritan furniture look like?

Carved from wood. Fancy Armchairs for man of the house.

What were characteristics of Puritan architecture?

Experimental, elaborate yet functional.


Celibate; must be converted to join. Movements during intense religious experiences (why called shakers.) AnneLee claims to be Embodiment of Christ's Spirit. Simplicity- no frivolous ornament. United Society of Believers in Christ's second appearing. Danc

What were Shakers crafts and furniture like?

Simplistic design based on function. Everything is an act of worship.

John Freake

The Freake Portraits
Strong elements of realism, not the main purpose. They bear analyst. John Freake was a
business man and economically powerful person. His long hair could show sympathy for Indians
of the crown.!

John Smibert

Brought heavy european influences into protestant America. European trained, settled in Boston. "The Bermuda Group" influenced a generation of American Painters.

Thomas Smith

A puritan sailor and painter. Occupation as a sailor is important, "Thomas Smith, self portrait,1680" is the earliest known self portrait in America.

Justus Englehardt Kuhn

Painted "Henry Darnall III as a Child," 1710. Colorful, detailed, Neo-classical style. Stiff depiction of bodies. Servant behind & kneeling. Holding bow and arrow, servant holds game.

Benjamin West

a Quaker (quakers in general didn't like art) who wanted to be painter and trained in England. He became an ex patriot. Believes "Boy with a squirrel" was "too liney.

Bas Relief

Low relief; sculpture that only protrudes slightly from the carrier surface

Alto relief

High Relief.


A relief printmaking method in which a block of wood is carved so as to leave the image areas raised from the background.


polychromatic; multicolored


A blending of two or more religious traditions, specifically used in "United States Captiol: Senate Wint, Tobacco leaf Capitol) using classical Greek Influence (corinthian column) & local cultural influence (tobacco leaves.)

Katcina (pueblo)

Little dolls which represented forces of nature. Invoked with dances and offerings and called with puffs of smoke.

baroque style

Ornate, noble classes, stylistically elaborate.

penitente style (pueblo)

red which represents blood, blood comes from flagellation, simple

What was the story behind Vanderlyn's "The Death of Jane McRea?"
(Romanticizing America)

Strong classical influence by Barlow (commissioned.) Vanderlyn was on her way to see her husband but was then captured and scalped by Native Americans who were commissioned by the British.

What happened when Morse and Trumbull tried to charge admission to view their paintings?
(Romanticizing America)

21,000 People paid $4,000 to see the "Declaration of Independence" by John Trumbull!
"The Old House of Representatives" was a similar painting by Samuel Morse. Morse attempted
to have his painting viewed for money as well but did not meet much success.

Whom did Charles Wilson Peale name many of his sons after?
(Peale's Museum)

Charles Wilson Peale ________ after Europeans.

What was the significance of Peale's Museum, and of his painting "The Exhumation of Mastodon?"
(Peale's Museum)

Establishment of Ancient History in America, Peale borrows this from Thomas Jefferson.

Who was William Pitt, and why was he a popular subject for American artist?
(Peale's Museum)

He was elected to the House of Commons and served as Secretary of State. In 1766 Pitt was named Earl of Chatham, at which time he assumed a place in the House of Lords. Pitt was an active proponent of colonial rights.

Objects Peale had in his museum

240 portraits of distinguished people, many silhouettes. Birds. Crossbows used to study the flight of birds. Native American Artifacts.

Why did traveling painters become so popular in the early 19th century?

It was a good way to make money. These painters would travel around painting walls. Hyper Realism.

Why weren't many African American painters traveling painters in the early 19th century?

Unsafe Racism. Fugitive Slave Act of 1793.


A type of opaque watercolor painting which uses a bit of white in each stroke.


The first practicable method of photography made by using light-sensitized metal plates, developed in France by Louis-Jacques-Mande.


the revival of a classical style or treatment in art, literature, architecture, or music.

performance art

Dramatic presentation by visual artists (as distinguished from theater artists such as actors and dancers) in front of an audience, usually apart from a formal theatrical setting.

false face society

_________ is probably the best known of the medicinal societies among the Iroquois, especially for its dramatic wooden masks.

sampler (Puritan)

Long and narrow strip of cloth containing "samples" of needlework stitches with designs and lettering that vary in complexity. Used as a religious teaching tool. Puritan.


With a hard steel tool called a burin they carve into wood which can then be soaked
in ink and printed on paper.


A system in which power is divided between the national and state governments.


art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals with lifelike effect

Toltecs & Aztecs

architecture and relief carving
priests in society governed
cared about learning, crafts and worship of gods
tealihuacan one of largest cities in world.

How did codices evolve after the conquest?

preconquest: flat, natural colors, iconography always related to deities.

Borgia Codex , 1300-1400, 29

Mesoamerican ritual and divinatory manuscript. written before the Spanish conquest of Mexico,
The codex is made of animal skins folded into 39 sheets. All but the end sheets are painted on both sides, read from right to left.

Florentine Codex , 1578-9

A document that is a major source of information on Aztec history and culture; compiled soon after the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs

Legend of Coatlicue

Mother of Gods. Gave birth to the moon, stars, and Huitzilopochtli, the god of the sun and war.
Magically impregnated by a ball of feathers that fell on her while she was sweeping a temple. Her daughter Coyolxauhqui rallied Coatlicue's four hundred other

Know the birth of Huitzilopochtli and death of Colyolxauqui

...Magically impregnated by a ball of feathers that fell on her while she was sweeping a temple. Her daughter Coyolxauhqui rallied Coatlicue's four hundred other children together and talked them into attacking and decapitating their mother. Once killed t

What was the significance of the Eagle sitting on a Cactus devouring a serpent?

Coat of arms. The eagle was a representation of the sun god Huitzilopochtli the snake represented wisdom, and it had strong connotations with the god Quetzalcoatl.
Tenochtitlan search for new home. seer said they should see eagle devouring a snake, then m

Spaniard Mission Architecture

Mission Churches, adobe,

What is the difference between Baroque architecture, and the architecture of the "mendicant" orders?

Baroque architecture is for the noble class and is very ornate and elaborate. Architecture of the "mendicant" orders is simple, franciscan and has vows of poverty. Lived like Jesus and did not believe in owning property.


Religious Society of Friends; a protestant movement that teaches all members of the religious community are equals, eliminating hierarchies.

What did quakers think about art?

They did not like art.

Pueblo Culture (southwestern US)

katcinas, penitente, mesa verde

Mesa Verde

Colorado, Anasazi lived here. Best known for a large number of well-preserved cliff dwellings, houses built in shallow caves and under rock overhangs along the canyon walls. The structures were mostly blocks of hard sandstone, held together and plastered

Northeast Jesuit and Ursuline Nuns

Came with Jesuits. Bring skill of embroidery. Successful at converting Native American huron women with embroidery.

What craft did the nuns help invent?


How did the nuns craft change with the introduction of trade?

Worked with local Native American women to begin to embroider on birch bark boxes.


Strings or woven belts made by the Iroquoians and the Algonquians that are composed of white and purple or black shells strung in various designs. They serve most often as reminders of the terms of treaties or trade negotiations.

How did wampum change with the introduction of trade?

Over production of beads lead to drastic decline in value.

Mourning Cloths

Memory cloths were used for embroidery. Women knew how to sew and knitfrom an early age and would sew these to in a way to remember people.


Puritan tombstones had carvings in them winged angel often depicted death. Rare accepted art form.


Technically more of a drawing tool but still considered paint. Pigments that are suspended in gum arabic.

Rene de Laudonniere and the Indian Chief Athore visit Ribaut's Column" by Jacques
Le Moyne de Morques

Chief seems friendly with Rene. First known European painting in New World. Catholic. Depicts Indians worshipping column and the French. Gouache (watercolor).

John White

White is a watercolor painter. Knew Le Moyne from when Le Moyne left France for England in 1580. Paid close attention to physical appearance and costume of people he encountered and their architecture. Accuracy is more important than attractiveness.

Theodore De Bry

Theodore De Bry did many imitation paintings of other famous artists such as John White. One notable painting he imitated was "Theire Sitting at meate." Changed subjects to look more elongated, relaxed, elegant and attractive. Attractiveness is more impor

William Penn

Respected Quaker. Close to Nature, idea of Native Traditions being tied to nature.

Joshua Johnson

African American painter, largely carried out in Baltimore due to unsafe racism.