Art Appreciation Midterm

Where is the Lascaux cave

Southern France

What animals were found in the Lascaux cave

Lifelike bulls, and a two horned unicorn.

Hall of the bulls

One of the most splendid of Stone Age painting. Located in a cave at Lascaux. Realistic images of horses, bulls, and reindeer that appear to be stampeding in all directions.

what are the oddest of the paintings

Human hands


element of art that refers to the emptiness or area between/around/above/below/within objects


an element of art that is the path of a moving point through space


a two dimensional area that is defined in some way (only has height and width)


objects having three dimensions (height, width and depth)


the element of art that refers to how things feel or look as if they might feel if touched


art element that describes the darkness or lightness of an object


an art element that is derived from reflected light


principal of art used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide the viewers eyes through the artwork


principal of art concerned with equalizing visual forces/elements in a work of art


principal of art concerned with the size relationships of one part to another


principal of art concerned with difference or contrast


quality of wholeness or oneness that is achieved through the effective use of the elements and principals of art


art principal that makes one part of a work dominant over the other parts


material used to make art

contour line

a line that shows or creates the outer edges of an object

horizontal lines

lines that are parallel to the horizon

geometric shapes

precise shapes that can be described using mathematical formulas

organic shapes

irregular and uneven shapes

positive space

shapes or forms in two and three dimensional art

negative space

empty spaces surrounding shapes and forms

color wheel

the color spectrum bent into a circle


name of a color in the color spectrum


a dark value of a hue made by adding black


a light value of a hue made by adding white

primary colors

the three basic colors that cant be made otherwise
(red, yellow, blue)

secondary colors

a color made by mixing a primary and a primary
(orange, purple, green)

intermediate colors

color made by mixing a primary and a secondary
(red-orange, red-purple, blue-purple, blue-green, yellow-green, yellow-orange)


a color scheme that uses only one hue and its tints and shades to create a unifying effect


colors opposite each other on the color wheel

warm colors

red, orange, yellow

cool colors

blue, green, violet