Art Midterm Study Guide


Symmetry. Seen everywhere in nature.


A rubber roller with a handle; used in printmaking to spread ink over the printing plate.


A printmaking method using cardboard and other textures to create a print.

Contour drawing

A method of drawing the outline of a model or object with a continuous line without lifting the pencil off the paper

Ground line

The base or lower boundary of a picture plane

Horizon line

A construction line drawn across the picture plane, parallel with its upper and lower sides. In a landscape m so where near the center.


Them name of a color


The brightness or dullness of a color

Negative space

The unoccupied space within an area made by shapes

Optical illusion(OP Art)

A term first used in the early 1960s in which abstract patterns stimulate reaction on the retina, producing an illusion of movement

Positive space

The occupied space within an area made by shapes

Primary colors

Red , yellow, blue


Size relationships in a composition

Secondary colors

Violet , green, orange

Tertiary colors

Red orange, red violet, blue violet, yellow green, yellow orange


The actual roughness or smoothness of a surface


The lightness or darkness of a color

Vanishing point

A point at an infinite distance on the horizon line at which any two or more lines that are parallel with converge

You add black

How do you darken colors?

A shaded area

What is the portion of an object on which less light falls?

By mixing primary and secondary colors

How are tertiary colors created?

A shading stick

What is used to blend pencil drawings to create shadows and depth

A print

What is any one of multiple impressions made on paper from the same plate (as in collograph)

Cool colors

Blue, green, violet

Warm colors

Red, yellow, orange