Art Appreciation Test 2

More elements of art: (S-S-M/V-P-T-T&M-V/L)

space, shape, mass/volume, pattern, texture, time and motion, value/light

Ways to depict space on a 2-D surface

overlapping, diminished size, diminished detail, atmospheric perspective, position on the picture plane, and/or linear perspective


�implied space (on a 2-D surface)
�real space (in connection to 3-D artforms)
�psychological space
�virtual space (computers)
*can be significant in 3-D works
*can be tool for expressive or psychological impact

linear perspective

horizon line, orthogonals, vanishing point; foreground, mid ground, background

Space in Abstract works:

-space tends to become flattened
-form moves to the surface (significant aspect in abstract works)


�is flat.
�It is a 2-dimensional area.
�Its boundaries can be measured by height and width.


�repetitive, decorative, & usually evenly spaced motif or design.
�creates visual texture.
�While PATTERN may help to create TEXTURE, it's usually more organized on the surface than texture
�Household design (ie: wallpaper, textiles)
Quilts, Woven goods (

Texture is an ________ tool. And define/ explain

Real texture:
Surface quality--a tactile component that is smooth, rough, slick, shiny, bumpy, furry, etc.

real texture
e* can appear on 2-D artworks, on sculpture, in clothing design, architecture...

Implied or Simulated Texture
e*: The i

mass and volume

MASS occupies a 3-dimensional solid body of material.
When mass encloses SPACE, this is called VOLUME .
�Architecture represents mass.
�Mass can be implied on a 2-D surface
�Architectural interiors represent 3-D volume.
�Baskets enclose volume

time and motion

*Sculpture that moves is called KINETIC SCULPTURE.
*Time is an inherent part of viewing & making video installations and performance art pieces
-can also be an illusion in context to flat 2-dimensional artworks like drawings or paintings

Principles of Design are how the _______ are manipulated and put to use. They are about visual _______.

elements; organization

What are 5 Principles of Design? (B-E/FP-S/P-R&R-U&V)

emphasis & focal point
scale & proportion
repetition & rhythm
unity & variety



Emphasis and focal point

Draws the viewer's attention to one or more areas of the composition.

Scale and Proportion

Refer to the size of objects within a 2-D composition and their relationship to each other.
�In sculpture, refer to the relationship between parts of the sculpture and to the relationship the piece has to the viewer

Repetition and Rhythm


Unity and Variety

�Repetition & Rhythm of visual elements are used to create both UNITY & VARIETY within compositions.
�Unity is needed to create a cohesive composition.
�Variety is necessary for visual interest

Feldman's Model for the critical process:





a breaking up of the whole artwork into parts to find out their similarities and differences, function and organization. Note the relationships among things described above and how individual parts effect one another. How do the individual parts relate to





Content & Narrative? In abstract & non-objective works, the artist attempts to:
-Render a ________ or experience or feeling...
-Expose or stimulate the ________...
-Create a psychological landscape for the ______...
-______ the viewer of a place...

sensation; memory; viewer; remind; abstract; journey; formal

Sculpture is defined as art occurring in _____ space.


Sculpture Processes include: (A-S-C-P/I)

additive, subtractive, casting, performance/ installations


The sculptor builds the work, adding material as the work proceeds:
Modeling- Clay for example
Assemblage-- created by compiling and assembling objects (usually found).
Construction- created from raw materials (i.e., wood and metal)


The artist begins with a mass of material and removes or subtracts it until the form is finished.
�CARVING (stone, wood, wax, soap, etc.) is a subtractive process.
Relief : sculpture that extends from the plane it is attached to.
Low relief : raised sligh


The technique of pouring liquid material into a mold to solidify, remove, then finish to create a 3-d object.
FYI: bronze involves copper alloys (copper with tin, zinc)
today: use resins and plastics

Performance/ Installations

pieces are considered to be in the realm of sculpture


uses sculptural materials and other media to modify the way the viewer experiences a particular space.
They can be a boundary-challenge for the viewer.


involve time-based (and sometimes site-specific) performances that may involve objects, sound, film and any and all of the above.

James Turrell

light installations, Roden Crater so that viewers can feel that the earth is moving

Cai Guo Quiang

gun powder artwork and suspended cars in different positions/ bursts of light

Richard Serra

giant pieces of steel from ships

Ursula Von Rydinsvard

wood chunks made into structure

Do Ho-Suh

houses made of silk; little men holding up statues