Art Test 1 chapters 1-5


an approach portraying the visible world that emphasizes the objective observation and accurate imitation of appearances.
ex. First Communion by Pablo Picasso


art in which the forms of the visual world are purposefully simplified, fragmented, or otherwise distorted.
ex.Woman with Packages by Louise Bourgeios


art that does not repesent or otherwise refer to the isible world outside itself.
ex.Melodious by Vasily Kandinsky

Trompe l'oeil

french word for "fool of the eye," representational art that mimics optical experience so faithfuly that it may be mistaken momentarily for reality.
ex.Housepainter III by Duane Hanson


representational art in which methods for depicting forms have become standardized, and can thus be repeated without further observation of the real-world model.
ex. Hathor and Sety, detail of a pillar from the tomb of SetyI

outsider artist/folk artist

don't belong to ay other movemnet or style
no acamedic training or artist who are self taught.
ex. Paul Gaugin


the physical appearance of a work of art-its materials, style, and composition.


What a work of art is about, its subject matter as interpreted by a viewer.


the personal and social circumstances surrounding the making, viewing, and interpreting of a work of art.


the identification, description, and interpretation of subject matter in art.
ex.Jocho. Amida Nyorai, in the Hoodo


art form in which an entire an room or similar space is treated as a work of art to be intered and experienced
ex.Ann Hamilton, mantle

conceptual art

art created according to the beleif that the essence of art resides in a motivating idea, and that any physical realization or recording of his idea is secondary.


derived from the Greek for "image breaking:" idolatry, destoyed the images so people would not worship them.


a composition consiting of three panels side by side, geneally hinged in such a way that the outer two panels can close like shutters over the central one.
ex. The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch

outline, contour

perceived edges of a three-dimensional form such as the human body.
ex. Sequence 6 from Flow Chart for "The Perfect Ride" by Jennifer Pastor

Implied line

ex.the Raft of the Medusa by Theodore Gericault

shape and mass

shape-two dimensional form. it occupies an area with identifiable boundaries.
ex. chanter by Emmi Whitehorse
mass-is three dimensional form that occupies a volume of space.
ex. the Raven and the First Men by Bill Reid

positive and neative shapes

In two dimensional images, the relationship b/w a shape we perceive as dominant(the figure)(positive) an the background shape we perceive it against(the ground)(negative)

implied shapes

t help sirect our eyes around a composition, to create a sense of order, to perceive a work of art as a unified and harmonious whole.
ex. the Madonna of the Meadows by Raphael
Mary, the young John the Baptist(left) and the young Jesus(right)


Italian for "light-dark". two-dimensional, representational art, the techinque of using values to record light and shadow, esp. as they provide information about the three-dimensional form
ex.The Virgin and Saint Anne with the Christ Child and John the Ba


areas of closely spaced parallel lines,


additional sets of parallel lines laid across the first


areas of dots average out through optical mixing into values.

Primary colors

red, yellow, blue-they can not be made by any mixture of other colors

Secondary colors

orange, green, and violet-made by combining two primary colors

tertiary colors

also called intermediate-are the product of a primary color and a secondary color

warm colors

red-orange side of the wheel.

cool colors

bluegreen side of the wheel


a color lighter than the hue's nomal value


a color darker than the hue's normal value

monochromatic harmonies

are composed of variations on the same hue

complimentary harmonies

involve colors direcly opposte each otheron the color wheel, such as red and green.

analogous harmonies

combine colors adjancent to one another on the color wheel.

triadic harmonies

composed of any three colors equidstant from each other on the color wheel. red, yellow, blue

restricted palette

when an artist limits themselvesto a few pigments and their mixtures, tints, and shades
ex. Paul Revere by Copely

open palette

all colors are permitted for use in a painting
ex. Jahangir Receives aCup from Khusrau by Manohar


pure colors were applied in regular, small touches(points) that blended through optical color mixture when viewed at a certain distance.
ex.evening, honfleur by Georges Seurat

Linear perspective

is based of the obervation that parallel lines appear to converge as they recede fron the viewer, finally meeting ar a vanshing point on the horizon, relies on a fixed viewpoint.
ex. Francesco di Giorgio Martini Architectural Perspective


the visual phenomenon whereby an elongated object projecting toward or away from a viewer appears shorter than its actual length, as though compressed.

atmospheric perspective

based on the observation that distant objects appear less distinct, paler, and bluer than nearby objects b/c of the way moisture in the intervening atmosphere scatters light.
ex.the Rocky Mountains, Lander Peak by Albert Bierstadt

Isometric perspective

uses diagonal lines to convey recession, but parallel lines do not converge. it is principally used in Asian art, which is not based in a fixed viewpoint.
ex. The Siege of Belgrade, froma manuscript o Sulaymannama.

Kinetic art

imcorporate (rather then depicts) real or apparent movement.
ex.Southern Cross by alexander Calder


the organization of lines, shapes,colors, and other art elements in a work of art, in two dimensional art


the organization of cisual elements in a work of art. applied to all kinds of art.

visual unity

based in the elemens of shape, line, color, and so on.

conceptual unity

through a unity of ideas
ex. Mes Voeux by Annette Messager

symmetrical balance

the forms of a composition mirror each other across a central axis, an imaginary straight line that divides the mcomposition in half.

asymmetrical balance

has two sies that do not match.


our attnention is drawn more to certain parts of a composition than to others.

focal point

the emphasis is on a relatively small, clearly defined areas


that certain areas of the composition are purposefully made less visually interesting, so that the areas of emphasis stand out.


size in relation to a standard or "normal" size

hierarchical scale

use of scale to indicate relative importance


refers to size relationhips b/w parts of a whole, or b/w two or more items perceived as a unit.

golden section

a rectangle constructed suing the proportion of the golden section.


is based on repetition, one of the menas that artists use ro structrue our experience.
ex. Maya Lin's Strom King Wace Fiel