Different Kinds and Functions of Line - ART QUIZ

contour line

a single line, deliberately and slowly executed. defines edges-edges of planes as well as interior and exterior edges. typically no erasing. blind contour indicates that one looks only at the subject being drawn and not the paper

modified contour line

allows one to draw a bit more quickly, with only occasional glances at the drawing surface to monitor proportions, still focusing primarily on the subject being drawn

cross-contour line

describes an object's surface between edges, move from side to side across planes. enhances the sense of volume and dimensionality

classical line

disciplined, restrained, and precise. typically crisp and delicate in character, lacking significant variation in value or weight. focuses on exterior contours with minimal description of interior information and yet is capable of evoking a strong sense o

anatomical line

strongly denotes the presence of the internal or underlying structure of a form. most often used in reference to the human figure

organizational line

act as the underpinnings of a drawing, and are most often absorbed into the finished work without being especially evident in the end result. can include axis lines indicating the major and minor directional thrusts of a form, and lines indicating spatial

structural line

reveals the structure of a form by describing the various planes that make up the form. enhances the sense of volume and dimensionality. when clustered together they can also describe value or tonal structure

mechanical line

an objective opposed to subjective, and remains constant in character without significant changes in width or value or texture. mostly used in architecture, in architectural blueprints, or in other kinds of technical drawings

angular line

used to develop a precise definition of contours that are not typically considered to be angular in nature. the use of a series of straight lines create a curved edge or contour without the straight lines being the straight lines being particularly domina

decorative line

typically more curvilinear than rectilinear, and are generally rooted in interpretation rather than objective observation. convey a sense of spontaneity, ease, and relaxation, moving gracefully and fluidly across the page

calligraphic line

resembles handwriting and makes use of fluid, continuous movement. tool, media, surface, and technique are all considered equally important. this line explores extremes of thick to thin, heavy to delicate, and long to short.

broken or implied line

relying on the principle of closure. is the mere suggestion of an edge or contour as opposed to the explicit definition of an edge or contour. using this line creates an "open" shape, allowing a free exchange between positive and negative space

altered line

characterized by a reworking of line; smeared, blurred, softened, or erased to create an imprecise line. subjective in nature, these lines are capable of conveying motion or movement or a sense of ambiguous form or space, because of their imprecision

agitated or angry line

characterized by irregular or choppy strokes, conveys a sense of agitation, anger, tension, or a similarly negative emotion. rooted in subjective interpretation rather than objective observation, and considered the opposite of decorative line. this line s

process or searching lines

refer to the presence of the initial marks make by the artist in seeking out the correct or "true" edges and contours of a form. they are often considered to be mistakes by beginning drawers and are erased, leaving only a single line to describe an edge o

tonal or dimensional line

frequently an integral part of other functions of line previously discussed, and is particularly important in conveying a sense of dimension through line. variation of the line, specifically in the tone of the line (light and dark), the width of the line