Fine Arts Art Test #1


to become aware of or to understand by means of the senses; to detect; to observe; to grasp the meaning of


creative individuals who use imagination and skill to communicate in visual form

elements of art

Line, Shape, form, color, value, space, and texture. The building blocks the artist works with to create an artwork.

principles of art

the different ways the elements can be usedin a work of art: balance, emphasis, harmony, variety, gradation, movement, rhythm, and proportion

Nonobjective Art

a type of art that is completely imaginative, in which the elements, their organization, and their treatment are entirely personalized and the image is not derived from anything visually perceived by the artist.


The image viewers can easily identify in a work of art


the way the elements of art are arranged according to the principles of art


themes that the work communicates

credit line

A list of important facts about a piece


something visible that by association or convention represents something else that is invisible


material used to make art


standards used in judging; CF. criterion


(art) the branch of philosophy dealing with beauty and taste (emphasizing the evaluative criteria that are applied to art)

Art Criticism

AN organized approach for studying a qork of art


What do I see, subject, objects, details


How the work is organized and what is the style of the work


Determine success of art or degree of art

Literal Qualities

the realistic qualities that appear in the subject of the work

Formal Qualities

the organization of the elements of art by the principles of art

Expressive qualities

those qualities that convey ideas and moods


An aesthetic art theory that emphasizes the literal qualities of a work.


strict observance of the established rules traditions and methods employed in the arts. _____ can also refer to the theory of art that relies heavily on the organization of forms in a work rather than on the content.


This theory bases the success of artwork on the expressiveness of the content and a personal response from the viewer in order for the piece to be successful.

Individual Style

the artist's personal way of using the elements and principles of art to express feelings and ideas


graded markings that indicate light or shaded areas in a drawing or painting


shading consisting of multiple crossing lines


technique of crossing lines over each other to create a change in value


a gradation involving small or imperceptible differences between grades


technique of shading using dots


colored chemical compounds that absorb light and therefore produce color


liquid that holds the pigment together, linseed oil, in oil- based paint


part of oil-based point, turpentine and dries slowly


A process in which an artist repeatedly transfers an original image from one prepared surface to another


a pressed paper against an inked plate


the act of making copies


something a little different from others of the same type


a 3-d work of art meant to occupy space

Sculpture in the round

Freestanding figures, carved or modeled in three dimensions.

Relief Sculpture

sculpture that projects from a flat background

Applied Art

art made to be functional as well as visually pleasing

Fine Art

A work of art is the visual expression if an idea or experience created with skill

Digital System

store information and numbers

Multi Media Programs

Programs that allow like all that design stuff in it its self- explanatory


the process of producing images of objects on photosensitive surfaces


the act of interpreting something as expressed in an artistic performance

Purposes of Art

Personal,Social,Spiritual, Physical, and Educational Functions

Where do artists get ideas

Nature, Myths, Spiritual Beliefs, Creative Techniques, Past Artists

Properties of Artwork

Subject, Composition, Content

Whats in a Credit line

Name of Artist, Title of Work, Year it was created, Medium, Size, Location

Art Criticism Steps

description, analysis, interpretation, and judgement

Criticizing Functional Art

Description, analysis, judgement,and interpretation

Art History Criticism


Types of Paint

Acrylic, oil- based

Steps of Printmaking

1) Create the Printing Plate
2) Inking the Plate
3) transforming the image by pressing paper against inked plate

Printmaking Techniques

Relief printing, Intaglio

Two Types of Relief Sculptures

High and Low

Sculpting Techniques

Modeling, Carving, Casting, Assembling, Crafts, and one more

Fine Art vs. Applied Art

Applied- functional, fine is not

Shading Techniques

blending / stippling / hatching / cross hatching