ART 568 (Gk&Roman) FINAL

14 - 68 CE

The Julio-Claudians

The Gemma Augustae (The Julio-Claudians: 14 - 68 CE)
-likely made under Tiberius to connect him with Augustus
-10 inch cameo
-man and woman=Augustus with Roma
-Augustus has heroic build because he was worshiped as a god after his death
-Tiberius on left d

Grotto of Tiberius, Sperlonga (The Julio-Claudians: 14 - 68 CE)
-Place where they would dine
-was very beautifully decorated inside
-was used to escape heat
-would have had ornate interior with statues and waterfalls
-Tiberius enjoyed the odyssey, so lots

Claudius in the guise of Jupiter (The Julio-Claudians: 14 - 68 CE)
He became emperor after people said he would be a terrible leader
he proved them wrong by becoming a great leader
-stat symbolizes how he had the good qualities of Jupiter
-veristic style

Domus Aurea (Golden House of Nero), Octagonal hall (The Julio-Claudians: 14 - 68 CE)
-had oculus
-Nero liked to sing and perform, but he was bad
-Built on land after Rome caught fire, and Nero annexed land and put together 300 acres of it for himself to b

69 - 96 CE

The Flavians

Head of Vespasian (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
-He had his face made to appear as one of the people
-He spent his life in the army fighting for the Roman army
-veristic style where age = experience
-wanted as far a break from Nero(who was horrible and hated

Colosseum (Flavian Amphitheater), Rome, 70-80 CE
-Watching the games (bloody ones) would make the citizens hardened to war and pain
-The military would get to see new ways of fighting so it served as military preparedness
-1st floor: Doric
-2nd floor: Ion

Arch of Titus (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
This was made after titus was dead
On the top there are coffers
In the very center of it, Titus is being flown to heaven while on the back of an eagle
Cupids hold the frame together
-highest honor someone can recei

Triumph of Titus (Arch of Titus) (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
wearing crown of oak
-nike goddess of victory riding with emperor
-more gods and goddesses: roma? Virtue?
-victory wreaths around heads
-new: mingling of mortals with gods/goddesses

Menorah Procession (Arch of Titus) (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
-depiction of triumphal parade
-attempt to show space
-gold table
-scene of sporting the spoils of the Jewish war (victory of Titus and Vespasian)
-arch itself shown at one end, symbolizing rea

Apotheosis of Titus (Arch of Titus) (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
-ceiling lined with caufers
-titus becoming a god
-first time seeing an emperor being carried to heaven
-eagle in flight, portrait of Titus ascending into heaven
-cupids framing the image

House of D. Octavius Quartio (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
-He bought up a lot of property to put this house together
-in the house there was pond with fish with a statue at the end which would act as a fountain
-in Pompeii, wealthy owner
-big garden

Frescoes from the House of the Vettii (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
4th style wall paintings
-vettii brothers started as slaves and then had business
-two preapis figures (god of fertility) fresco, and statue that squirts water
-base of wall painted to look

Preapis Fresco (House of the Vettii (The Flavians: 69 - 96 CE)
-see right when you come in house
-Preapis god: associated with fertility and abundance
-holding scale, weighing private parts against huge sack of gold
-owners equally well endowed physically


98 - 117 CE

Forum of Trajan, Basilica Ulpia, built by Apollodorus of Damascus
(Trajan: 98 - 117 CE)
-victory monument to celebrate trajan's success
-forum is huge courtyard with marble paving, landscaping, collonades
-area for socializing and place of public business

Basilica Ulpia (Forum of Trajan)
(Trajan: 98 - 117 CE)
-enter from side
-can do public business at either end, really big space
-central space called nave
-named after trajan's family
-public libraries on either side. Latin and greek literature

Markets of Trajan (Trajan: 98 - 117 CE)
-built of concrete faced with brick. Fireproof
-150 separate, dif shops
-terraced moving up the hill, on six levels
-each shop had barrel vault
-wooden ceilings to create lofts for storage space

Column of Trajan (Trajan: 98 - 117 CE)
There was a statue made out of bronze which was melted and switched with a statue of St. Peter
It has a spiral staircase
there is art all over the column
he took 10 legions to fight in the Dacian War
Trajan appears 6


117 - 138 CE

Apotheosis of Sabina (Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
Hadrian was 2nd cousin of Trajan
Trajan adopted him in his death bed because he had not had any children himself
First emperor to wear a beard
It's said that he had a bad complexion and the beard hid it

Portraits of Antinous (Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
There are over 70 statues of him
-hadrian's lover
-maybe had been a slave?
-died under mysterious circumstances
-romans mocked him, disapproval b/c not accepted in roman culture
-founded city in egypt near ant

Pantheon, Rome (Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
It was built in order to hide the dome
-temple of all the gods
-restoring preexisting temple
-have to go downstaris to go into it
-occulus in roman dome helps distribute the weight on top
-hadrian conducted roman bus

Pantheon (Interior) (Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
-corinthian columns
-inlaid marble
-originally all statues with gods and goddesses
-walls not solid concrete
-round and square niches
-key chambers hidden in walls, three levels. Where air can circula

Villa at Tivoli (Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
This place is much larger than most textbooks say
-probably hundreds of workers and security
-half of it was landscaping
- parts are scattered. Take to natural topography of land instead of traditional axial symmetr

Island Villa (Teatro Marittimo) (Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
-Out of all places, there is a perfectly circular place with a really high wall that separates it from everything else
-The outer wall was really high
-There was only one entrance
-They probably had

Canopus and Serapeum (Villa at Tivoli)
(Hadrian: 117 - 138 CE)
-Pool is kind of like a canal
-Serapeum means a temple to a religious god
-This is not a temple though
-This is a dining Room
-Single columns on one side and double columns on the other side o

The Antonines

138 - 192

Apotheosis of Antoninus Pius and Faustina the Elder, Decursio (Pedestal of the Column of Antoninus Pius)
(The Antonines: 138 - 192)
-probably built near a funeral pyre
-Roma present with armor, one exposed breast
-angelic figure with orb and snake is mean

Decuriso (Pedestal of the Column of Antoninus Pius)
(The Antonines: 138 - 192)
-carvings that show funeral procession from a few years apart from Ant & Faust
-represents procession that would have taken place around the actual funeral pyre
-soldiers with

Column of Marcus Aurelius (The Antonines: 138 - 192)
-Marcus fought lots of defensive wars, dies in 180 in field of war
-plague during reign, approx 2mill ppl died
-made God after his Death
-portraits are on horseback, curly hair and beard, heavy eyelids

Scenes on TRAJAN were glorified, and seemed to be won by human effort. They depict the everyday lives of soldiers, and documented specific events from TRAJAN war against the Datians. Show detailed military formations, such as the Testudo ('shell" formatio

How did depictions of war differ between the COLUMN OF TRAJAN and the COLUMN OF MARCUS AURELIUS?

Bust of Commodus in the guise of Hercules (The Antonines: 138 - 192)
-liked to be addressed as Hercules
-participated in gladiatorial games
-Renamed Rome "colony of Commodus" and his nicknames were the months of the year
-Hercules with lion=divinity


Theater and Piazzale delle Corporazioni (Ostia)
-surrounded by walkways and columns
-business center
-little temple maybe dedicated to siris, goddess of grain

Mosiacs (Theater and Piazzale delle Corporazioni)
1) Line the streets, would have been facing shops to make you stop and enter
2) Represented the goods in the store, in some cases, the shop owner's homeland (Elaphant=Africa)

Insula (Ostia)
1) Apartment complexes. Had a large nice apart. on the bottom floor, which got less fancy as you went up.
2) Price based on convenience, no running water on upper floors, so these were the cheapest
-mosaic floors, concrete and brick

Funerary relief of a Circus Official, Isola Sacra, Ostia
-italian style associated with working class
-trying to give as much info as possible
-guy commissioned piece shown on left wearing toga
-face goes back to veristic tradition
-holding hands with wom

Funerary relief of a vegetable vendor, Isola Sacra
-plebeian style
-made of terracotta
-not a permanent shop
-vegetable vendor
-detailed vegetables
-don't know if it's a man or woman
-done in a simple style but conveys the person's job and what was import

Man and woman in guise of Mars and Venus, Isola Sacra
-husbands and wives shown as gods/goddesses
-portrait heads on copies of well known statues
-way husbands and wives commemorated together
-deities associated with roman people
-for the Romans, Venus is

Matron as Venus, from Tomb of Manilii, Rome
-middle aged face
-serious expression
-woman had beauty and charm of Venus
-face shows self control, and roman virtues of seriousness, hard work , and dignity
-husbands put these up to honor their wives
-odd com

1) 12 labors of Hercules, as he was a "mortal" who overcame challenges. His labors = to their own challenges, so ppl identified with him
2) Scenes of war. In late 2nd century, Marcus Aurelius was at war with the Barbarians, sot this became popular.

What were the 2 most popular themes on Roman Sarcophagi and why?

Sarcophagus with 12 labors of Hercules
-gradually start burying bodies instead of cremating them. Don't know what the change was
-show greater respect for body? Don't really know
-5k surviving sarcophagi. Most made of marble from Italy
-enough demand, so

Sarcophagus with battle between Romans and Gauls
-made for members of army
-massive figures with expressive faces
-not clear who they're fighting
-piece conveys chaos
-trophies, helmets and shields to show roman victories
-lid has change of tone
-carved b

Severan Dynasty

Group Portrait of Septimius Severus, Julia Domna, Caracalla and Geta
(The Severan Dynasty)
Julia domna wife came from a wealthier family. She's educated and rich
-married her because her horoscope said she was going to marry an emperor
-from egypt, portra

Arch of Septimius Severus, Lepcis Magna, Libya
(The Severan Dynasty)
-four way arch
-decorated on all sides
-interior limestone
-exterior is imported marble
-figures of victory (nike)
-scene of triumphal procession
-don't know where this is supposed to be

Chariot Procession, Concordia Augustorum
(The Severan Dynasty)

Head of Caracalla
(The Severan Dynasty)
-was popular with the military
-projects an image of brutaity
-killed brother, father, and wife
-soldiers eventually turned on him and he was asassinated

Baths of Caracalla
(The Severan Dynasty)
-public bath complex
-not the first major bath in rome
-imperial bath
-social center.
-place to bathe and play games, gardens
-place to sunbathe
-filled with works of art (statues and paintings)
-show sta

The Soldier Emperors and the Tetrarchy

Togate bust of Philip the Arab
(The Soldier Emperors and the Tetrarchy)
-started as criminal
-job to protect boy emperor
-wearing toga, not shown wearing military garmet
-going back to republican style, verism
-wanted to contrast himself with childish fig

Head of Trajan Decius
(The Soldier Emperors and the Tetrarchy)
-name was Decius, but took the name of Trajan
-Very aged face
-looks worried
-age of anxiety

Sarcophagus with philosophers and muses
(The Soldier Emperors and the Tetrarchy)
-popular theme
-maybe for senator or traditional citizen in rome
-take refuge in philosophy
-deceased person appears as a philosopher

The Tetrarchs
(The Soldier Emperors and the Tetrarchy)
-new rule of 4. tetrarchy
-two separate panels
-4.3" not life size
-stone only found in egypt. Volcanic stone that's purple with little flecks of pink and white
-dressed for war
-eagles heads carved o

Palace of Diocletian, Split
(The Soldier Emperors and the Tetrarchy)
-built retirement villa near sea
-has big army to protect him
-entirely defensive estate, as he ruled and lived in a time of war and assassination was common


Arch of Constantine, Rome
-voted after a triumph
-3 arches
-above each coumn is a captive barbarian (datians)
-almost all of the sculpture is reused (spolia)
-scenes from trajan, marcus aurelius, and hadrian (3 emperors most admired)

Address to People (Reliefs: Battle of Milvian Bridge)
-different styles of reliefs: reason, artist have lost ability to carve with proportions
-sol sun goddess, moon goddess at ends of arches
-choosing plabian style, or italian style: convey

Distribution of largesse (Reliefs: Battle of Milvian Bridge)
-head of Constantine was also added in different stone with a dowel, so it is lost like the others