Business Law -- Ethics Exam

What should you do if you think a law is unethical?

work to change it

When can you not change a law?

when you do know the law

True or False? Law and Ethics are not the same thing; but they often coincide. What is an example?

bribery is illegal, and unethical

True or False? The law may permit certain behaviors that may seem unethical. Name an example

the law may permit pollution emissions that may cause health risks.

True or false? The law may demand certain conduct that may seem unethical.

law prohibits hiring illegal aliens; jobs could assist destitute workers

What is Ethical Fundamentalism?

A person looks to an outside source or a central figure for ethical rules or commands.

What is Utilitarianism?

to choose the action or follow the rule that provides the greatest good to society.

What is Kantian Ethics?

owes moral duties based on universal rules.
Follows the golden rule!

What does Rawl's Social Justice Theory state?

a person has a social contract with all others in society to obey moral rules that are necessary for people to live in peace and harmony.

What is Ethical Relativism?

when a person has to decide what is ethical based on his or her own feelings as to what is right or wrong.

Which of the following is not a Major Ethical Theory?
Ethical Fundamentalism, Utilitarianism, Kantian Ethics, Rawl's Social Justice Theory, or Ethical Relativism

Ethical Relativism.

What are the four theories of social responsibility?

Maximizing Profits
Moral Minimum
Corporate Citizenship
Stakeholder Interest

What does the theory of maximizing profits do?

Theory that a corporation's duty is to take actions
that maximize profits for shareholders

What does the theory of moral minimum do?

Theory that a corporation's duty is to make a profit
while avoiding harm to others.

What does the theory of corporate citizenship do?

Theory that a business has a responsibility to do
good. Also believes that business is responsible for helping to solve social problems, even those it did not cause.

What does the theory of stakeholder interest do?

Theory that a corporation must consider the effects its actions have on persons other than its stockholders.

True or False? Bribes are illegal EXCEPT where they are allowed by local government
