Business Law 1 Test 1 & 2

the concept that people will be motivated to contribute to community service and the public sector rather that to work out of mere self-interest forms the basis of capitalism?


Self Actualization

The top of mallow's hierarchy of needs

The company we associated with socially responsible investing was the...

Calvert family of mutual funds.

The macroenvironment of business includes all of the following except:
a. the social environment
b. the technological environment
c. the communications environment
d. all of the above are part of the macroenvironment of business

The communication environment


the development of an integrated commercial system based on free markets for foreign trade and capital investments

According to our discussion, Archie Carroll's Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility is based upon Johnson & Johnson's Pyramid of Organizational Control.


Another name for the market capitalism model is the stakeholder model.


John Maynard Keynes

Created phisco policy

One way that capitalism differs from socialism and communism is in capitalism's emphasis on the individual and individual responsibility.


One of the few famous people to stand up against the corporate social responsibility concept?

Peter Drucker

Economic responsibility is at the top of Archie Carroll's Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility.


The reason why the industrial revolution was so revolutionary?

The explosion of output that resulted from factories, machines, and the division of labor.

A social audit and an ethics audit are the same thing.


The law of comparative advantage is the

Economic underpinning to the globalization concept.

According to our discussion, stagflation was significant for having ended FDR's New Deal.


The Lamar College of Business is accredited by the A.A.C.S.B.


The Smoot-Hawley Act

passed during the Great Depression to protect our companies from foreign competition.

In a socialist society the government owns all of the means of production.


President Franklin D. Roosevelt advocated supply-side economics.

Ronald Reagan did.

According to our discussion, the AACSB embraces the concepts that make up the traditional ideology of business.

Ronald Reagan

One of the reasons for the industrial revolution.

The Division of Labor

According to our discussion, the leading precipitating event in the annals of American business was World War II.

The Great Depression

Manufacturing economies typically have higher standards of living than do information-based economies.


Adam Smith

The author of The Wealth of Nations

One reason offered for why companies should be socially responsible is that such activity may decrease the likelihood of governmental regulation.


The highest standard of living is achieved by countries who have attained the service economy level.


President Reagan's supply-side economics called for:

1.) balanced budgets
2.) reduced regulation of business
3.) lower taxes (primarily for business).

The precipitating event that drove business schools to begin focusing on the macroenvironment of business was WWII.


The Industrial Revolution began in France.


Hallmarks of socialism include:

1.) high levels of government regulation
2.) government ownership of key industries or companies
3.) high taxes

Traditional professions like medicine and law are characterized by formal educational requirements, government testing and certification, and enforceable codes of ethics, just like a career in business.

Business has no formal education

Laissez-faire capitalism was effectively ended in the U.S. during the social activism period.

The Great Depression

Noblesse Oblige

A concept that supports the concept known as the social responsibility of business.

The social contract is a document on display in Washington, D.C.

It's an implied understanding of how things work


Greatest good for the greatest number

Laura Nash

Ethics Without the Sermon

Since the 1960's the majority of federal regulations have been of the____________.

Social type

Watergate and the Tylenol Crisis

Precipitating events in the annals of business ethics

Executive Agencies

The president can fire the head of the agency

The story of Sir Thomas More, as set out in the play and movie, "A Man for All Seasons" illustrates

the lengths some people will go to because of principles

Independent Agencies

Harder to fire because they are under contract

Interstate Commerce Clause

Constitutional clause that gives Congress the right to regulate interstate commerce. This clause has been broadly interpreted to give Congress a number of implied powers.

The New Deal

Ended in World War 2

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act

Created at the end of the Social Activism Period.


Created the EPA


Designed to fight against Unintended Consequences and created the super fund.

Most major corporations respond to ethics problems by ignoring them.


Example of unintended consequences

Acid Rain resulting from higher smokestacks required by the EPA


The ability to keep in existence or maintain. A sustainable ecosystem is one that can be maintained

The Great Depression

According to our discussion, the leading precipitating event in the annals of American business was


The precipitating event that drove business schools to begin focusing on the macroenvironment of business

Federal Register

Public posting of updated laws


Eat, Drink, and be Merry, for tomorrow we die.

Ethics and Morality

Can be viewed as synonymous.

Rachel Carson

The author of "The Silent Spring

Proactive and Reactive

The two leading strategies for companies to deal with the Legal/Political Environment.


What's the bottom line-Profit, or loss?


involving trust, especially with regard to the relationship between a trustee and a beneficiary.
This is a higher standard than the typical business relationship.

United States

An example of a low context culture.


Created the PAC's

Grassroot Lobbying

When the company seeks to go over the head of the politicians to get the public to put pressure on them to do as the company desires

Inadequate Information
Natural Monopolies
Destructive Competition
Negative Externalities

The economic reasons given for government regulation of business.

Adam Smith

Father of capitalism