Law chapter 1

Administrative Law

The body of law governing the administrative agencies (OSHA and DPH) that have been created by Congress or by state legislature


A legal process in which a case is brought to a higher court to review the decision of the lower court

Case Law

A system of law based on judges' decisions on legal precedents rather than on statutes; in this system, judges can interpret statutory law or apply common law

Common Law

A system of law derived from the decisions of judges rather than from constitutions or statutes

Contract Law

A system of law that pertains to agreements between two or more parties

Criminal Law

The body of law that defines criminal offenses against the public


An offense punishable by imprisonment or death in a state or federal prison for more than one year


The power and authority given to a court to hear a case and to make judgement


A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority

Legal Precedent

A legal principle created by a court decision that provides an example for judges deciding similar issues later

Legislative Law

A law that is prescribed by legislative enactments; also known as statutory law


The execution of an unlawful or improper act


Professional misconduct or demonstration of an unreasonable lack of skill with the result of an injury, loss, or damage to the patient


Crimes punishable by fine or by imprisonment in a facility other than a prison for less than one year


The improper performance of an act


A type of unintentional tort alleged when one may have performed or failed to perform an act that a reasonable person would or would not have done in similar circumstances


The failure to act when there is a duty to act, as a reasonably prudent person would in similar circumstances

Statutory Law

A law that is prescribed by legislative enactments; also known as legislative law


A private wrong or injury, other than a breach of contract, for which the court will provide a remedy