Business #3 test

Today's progressive managers:

B. emphasize teamwork and cooperation rather than discipline and order giving.

One of the four primary functions of management is:

A. controlling.

___________ is the management function that involves setting goals, strategies, and tactics for
achieving the organization's goals and objectives.

B. Planning

A meaningful mission statement should address topics such as the organization's:

B. self-concept and company philosophy.

. ___________ are broad, long-term accomplishments an organization wants to achieve.

A. Goals

__________ are specific, short-term, measurable results an organization wants to achieve in order to
fulfill its long-term goals.

C. Objectives

A __________ analysis is used to help companies evaluate their internal strengths and weaknesses,
and develop an awareness of external threats and opportunities.


__________ planning prepares alternative courses of action that may be used if the primary plans are
not achieving objectives.

B. Contingency

__________ is choosing among two or more alternatives

B. Decision making

The first step in the rational decision-making model is to:

D. define the situation.

PMI is a:

C. problem-solving technique used to evaluate possible solutions to a problem.

__________ is the management function that involves allocating resources, assigning tasks, and
establishing procedures for accomplishing the organizational objectives.

C. Organizing

The level of management that is directly responsible for assigning specific jobs to workers and
evaluating their daily performance is called:

C. supervisory management

Middle managers are responsible for:

D. developing tactical plans and controlling.

Although top managers most often possess these skills, they usually make less use of __________
skills than supervisory managers.

A. technical

The downsizing that has occurred in recent years has __________ middle managers in many

B. eliminated the jobs of some

The further up the managerial ladder a person moves, the __________ his or her original job skills

B. less important

A chief operating officer (COO) would be classified as part of a firm's:

C. top management.

_____________ involves creating a vision for others to follow, establishing corporate values and
ethics, and transforming the way an organization does business so that it is more effective and

D. Leadership


A. embrace change.

The __________ style of leadership is characterized by making managerial decisions without
consulting others.

A. autocratic

Managers who listen to their subordinates and allow them to participate in decision making are using
the ____________ style of leadership.

C. participative

A(n) __________ leader would set objectives and give employees a great deal of freedom to decide
for themselves how to accomplish those objectives.

A. free-rein

A key to effective leadership is the ability to:

B. communicate a vision and rally others around that vision.

_____________ means giving employees the authority and responsibility to respond quickly to

C. Empowerment

____________ is concerned with finding the right information and making that information accessible
and understood by everyone in an organization.

C. Knowledge management

The first step in developing a knowledge management system is to:

D. determine what knowledge is most important to the organization.

Which of the following activities would be a part of the leading function of management?

D. Training and coaching workers to help them understand their job and perform it effectively

Which of the following activities is part of the organizing function of management?

C. Giving front-line workers additional resources needed to provide faster and better service to

Harper is a sales rep for an eyeglass company. The company is always on the cutting edge of trendy
designs. In her job, she frequently relies on the marketing department to provide her with information
and materials. When using customer satisfaction to ju

B. take Harper's satisfaction into account, because customers can be internal as well as external.

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth developed the principle of _________, which said that every job could be
broken down into a series of elementary motions.

A. motion economy

A basic idea of ___________ was to conduct time-motion studies to find the best way to perform each
task, then teach people to use these methods.

C. scientific management

The tendency for people to behave differently when they know they are being studied is known as

A. Hawthorne effect.

The findings of the Hawthorne studies led researchers to look more closely at how ____________
could lead to better productivity.

D. the human side of motivation

The concept that a hierarchy of human needs could be used to explain motivation was developed

A. Abraham Maslow.

Maslow called the needs people have for security at work and at home:

D. safety needs.

Maslow would classify the need for recognition from others and for self-respect as _________

B. esteem

_____________ studied how the characteristics of the job itself affected worker motivation.

D. Frederick Herzberg

According to Herzberg, a sense of achievement, earned recognition, and interest in the work itself
were all:

A. important motivators.

Herzberg's research found that the factor that ranked highest as a motivator was:

B. a sense of achievement.

Theory ___ managers see employees as having a general dislike for work and an unwillingness to
accept responsibility

B. X

Theory ____ assumes that the average person likes work, and has a relatively high degree of
imagination and creativity.

D. Y

To be competitive, ____________ recommended that American firms adopt a new management style
that was a hybrid of the approaches used by Japanese firms and those used by American firms called

C. William Ouchi, Theory Z

________ is a system of goal setting and implementation that involves a cycle of discussion, review,
and evaluation of objectives among top and middle managers, supervisors, and employees.

B. Management by objectives

Equity theory states that employees will perform well if they:

C.believe the reward they receive fairly compensates them for their efforts when compared to others
in similar positions.

According to equity theory, employees are likely to ask:

C. If I do a good job, will it be worth it? What is fair?

Equity judgments are based on:

D. people's perceptions.

___________ is the characteristic of work concerned with the degree of freedom, independence and
discretion an employee has in scheduling work and determining procedures.

A. Autonomy

The characteristic of work that is concerned with the amount of direct and clear information
employees receive about performance is called:

B. feedback.

The degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of others in the organization is
referred to as:

A. task significance.

Job ___________ combines a series of tasks into one assignment that is more challenging, interesting,
and motivating.

C. enlargement

Even across generations, motivation is likely to:

B. come from the job itself.

Weldon Taskman has just successfully negotiated a new long-term sales agreement with a major
client. The personal satisfaction Weldon has about his efforts is his _______ reward.

C. intrinsic

Maureen's supervisor was so impressed by her work that he named her the employee of the month.
This praise from her supervisor is an example of a(n) _________ reward.

A. extrinsic

Jackie had been very pleased with her part-time job at a local convenience store until a recent incident
occurred. During Jackie's shift, the store was burglarized. Although no one was hurt, Jackie now feels
uneasy and fearful during her late night shift.

D. safety

One of the reasons management by objectives is an effective way to implement the ideas of goalsetting
theory is that it:

D. provides a method to get everyone involved in the process of setting goals.

A key idea in reinforcement theory is that:

B. managers can use both rewards and punishment to influence employee behavior

Which of the following practices would fail to result in more open communication?

C. provide the opportunity for exit interviews when employees leave or are discharged

If "fun and stimulation" are rated as important job criteria by Millennials, which of the following
might be a way to motivate this generation?

C. Provide opportunity for innovation and job rotation

Dividing the required work among a group of employees is called:

C. division of labor.

The process of setting up individual functional units of the business to do specialized tasks is

A. Departmentalization.

When Bret started his auto mechanic shop his business plan included a(n) _______________
that showed the relationship among employees in his organization and the lines of authority and

C. organization chart

Fayol's _____________ principle states that each worker should report to one, and only one, boss.

B. unity of command

In Weber's view of a bureaucratic organization, the organization demanded:

C. clearly established rules and guidelines that were to be precisely followed.

Economies of scale:

B. are achieved when a firm reduces its average cost of production as it produces more.

Fairview Community College is a multi-district college with four campuses. Each campus has one
president, two vice presidents, five deans, 12 department chairs, over 100 faculty members, and
several persons in support roles. The presidents from each campu

B. chain of command

_______________ means that decision-making authority is delegated to lower-level managers and

B. Decentralized authority

The optimum number of subordinates a manager can supervise is referred to as the:

D. span of control.

An organization that consists of many layers of management is referred to as a(n) ____________

C. tall

The ________ an organization's structure, the ________ the span of control.

A. flatter; wider

Today's preference to flat vs. tall organization structures is mainly due to a flat organization's ability

C. respond readily to customer demands.

HipHop Music Company assigns workers to departments based on similar skills. Currently, the
company has a marketing department, a production department, a finance department, and a human
resources department. This suggests that HipHop departmentalizes by:

B. function.

A ____________ organization is characterized by direct two-way lines of responsibility, authority,
and communication running from the top to the bottom of the organization, with all people reporting
to only one supervisor.

C. line

Staff positions in an organization:

A. support and assist the line positions.

In a _____________ organization, specialists from different parts of the organization are brought
together on a temporary basis to work on specific projects.

A. matrix

Which of the following was created as a solution to the temporary nature of the matrix structure?

B. Cross-functional self-managed teams

The process of rating an organization's practices, processes, and products against the best of the world
is known as:

C. benchmarking.

Independence Electronics prides itself as a world-class producer of components used in CD and DVD
players. The outstanding performance of the production department indicates that this activity is one
of the firm's:

B. core competencies.