ch 7 operation mgmt

JIT is applies to

both the manufacturing and service organizations

JIT considers waste anything that

Does not add value

JIT can be traced back to the early 1900's but no one can argue that the philosophy gained worldwide prominence

in the 1970s

The philosophy of JIT

Originated in Japan

The broad view of JIT is now often termed __________________________.

lean production

In the broad view of the organization everyone should have

the same view of serving the customer

The central belief of the JIT philosophy is

Elimination of waste

Which of the following is characteristic of the JIT philosophy?

Elimination of waste

Beliefs that help define the JIT philosophy include all of the following except

Push production

An employee who will not help a customer because "it is not my job" violates the JIT belief of

A broad view of operations

JIT was based on the need for


Kaizen is a Japanese term referring to __________________________.

continuous improvement

An improvement tool that utilizes cross-functional teams to plan and deliver improvements to specific processes during two- or three-day marathon sessions is called a ___________________.

kaizen blitz

JIT flexibility refers to

workers being able to perform many different tasks

Being able to keep costs low while changing the volume of production is an example of


Three basic elements work together to complete a JIT system: just-in-time manufacturing, total quality management, and

Respect for people

JIT is often mistakenly assumed to

refer to only just-in-time manufacturing

By focusing on __________ processes, JIT is able to achieve high-volume production of high-quality, low-cost products.


The manufacturing process in JIT starts with the

final assembly schedule

For the current month using JIT

The same amount of each product is produced in the same order each day

JIT relies on a ______ that withdraws parts for a previous work cell and moves them to the next.

coordination system

JIT is a __________ system


JIT manufacturing cannot succeed if __________costs are too high.


The ultimate goal of JIT is to produce products in a lot size of


Unlike JIT traditional quality control systems use

acceptable quality levels

. According to JIT, __________ is carried to cover up a wide variety of problems, such as poor quality, demand uncertainty, and slow delivery.


According to JIT, by eliminating inventory we can clearly identify __________ and work on eliminating them


What must happen before it is possible to operate successfully with JIT?

Problems must be solved

An important TQM concept is that quality is defined by the


The objective of quality at the source is not only to identify a quality problem, but also to

Uncover its root cause

JIT considers __________ to be a company's most precious resource


In JIT the workforce is viewed as

a long-term asset

JIT believes in developing __________ relationships with suppliers.


__________ are groups of workers who are responsible for every aspect of their business.

Self-managed teams

Traditional manufacturing operations are based on the assumption that

It is better to anticipate future requirements and plan for them

. JIT uses a pull system where communication starts with either the customer or with the _________ work station in the production line.

Most expensive

With JIT there are two types of Kanban cards, production Kanban and __________ Kanban.


In JIT a Kanban card is used to signal

The need for more parts

Without kanbans, the withdrawal and production of materials

cannot take place

The number of kanbans or containers needed at a workstation is dependent on all except which of the following?

the number of workers

The system of Kanbans used to coordinate delivery of goods by suppliers can include all of the following except

Purchase approvals by the production manager

It the goal is to reduce the amount of inventory in the system, the number of Kanban cards should

Be decreased

Consider a workstation that can process 4 units per minute. It takes 2 hours to receive an order from the previous station. The container size is 10 units. The factory sets safety stock at 20 percent of demand during lead time. How many kanbans are needed


Small lot production

Shortens lead time

What is the term for an adjustment of a machine after making one product type so that production can begin for another product type?


External setups

Can be done while the machine is running

Uniform plant loading involves

Making the same mix of products every day in small quantities

One aspect of flexible resources is

Use of multifunction workers

The advantages of cell manufacturing using a U-shaped cell include all of the following except

Longer setup times

Quality in just-in-time is centered on building quality into the


Quality problems in manufacturing can come from many sources, including all of the following except

Product specifications being ignored

What is the term that means giving workers authority to stop the production line when quality problems are encountered?


Poka-yoke means


Regular inspections and maintenance designed to keep a machine operational is __________ maintenance.


According to JIT, workers should perform

routine preventive maintenance activities

Which of the following is not characteristic of preventive maintenance in JIT systems?

Perceiving breakdowns as an opportunity for continuous quality improvement

Something you would not expect to see in a just-in-time work environment is
