Ch 7 Supplement- capacity and constraint management


throughput, or number of units a facility can hold, receive, store, or produce in a period of time.

design capacity

maximum theoretical output of a system in a given period under ideal conditions

effective capacity

what firm expects to acheive


actual output divided by design capacity x100


actual output divided by effective capacity x100

Tactics for matching capacity to demand

1. making staffing changes
2. adjusting equipment
3. improving process to increase throughput
4. redesigning products to facilitate more throughput
5. adding process flexibility to better meet changing product preferences
6. closing facilities

demand management

scheduling customers

capacity management

scheduling workforce

capacity analysis

a means of determining throughput capacity of work stations or an entire production system


a limiting factor or constraint in a system

bottleneck time

the time of the longest process

throughput time

time it takes for a product to go through production process w/ no waiting.

Theory of constraints (TOC)

a body of knowledge that deals w/ anything that limits an organization's ability to achieve its goals

5 steps to managing contraints

1. identify constraints
2. develop a plan for over coming the constraints
3. focus resources on accomplishng step 2
4. reduce effects of constraints by offloading or expanding capacity
5. when one set of constraints is overcome, go back to step one and id

4 principles for bottleneck management

1. let the bottleneck set the pace (drum, buffer, rope)
2. lost time at bottleneck = lost time for whole system
3. increasing capacity of non bottleneck is a mirage
4. increasing the capacity of the bottleneck increases the capacity for the whole system

break-even analysis

a means of finding the point, in dollars and units at which cost=revenues


selling price - variable cost

net present value

a means of determining the discounted value of a series of future cash receipts


investment that generates a series of uniform and equal cash amounts