Operations Management Chapter 5

One common definition of quality is __________, which focuses on measuring how well the product or service meets targets and tolerances determined by its designers.

Conformance to specification

The definition of quality that involves the product functioning as expected without failure is


Which of the following specifically relates to Service Organization dimensions of quality?


In six-sigma the level of defects is reduced to approximately

4.4 parts per million

The expected operational life of a product is called its __________________________.


Quality has gained such prominence because organizations

have gained an understanding of the high cost of poor quality

During World War II, quality

Became more statistical in nature

TQM is __________, designed to build quality into the product and process design.


Not only does TQM encompass the entire organization but it

stresses quality is customer driven

Which of the following is not characteristic of TQM?

inspecting products after they have been made

The Japanese term for continuous improvement is


Giving workers responsibility for seeking out quality problems and correcting them is

Employee empowerment

Employees of the organization who receive goods or services from others in the company are

Internal customers

Proper training of employees in the understanding of quality tools includes all of the following except

How to develop new quality tools

TQM team meetings take place

During time in the workday set aside for them

A quality circle is

A team of volunteer production employees and their supervisors who meet regularly to solve quality problems

When using SPC if you plot the variable of interest against a timeline you are using

control charts

Which of the following is not an important cost of poor quality?


Quality planning, employee training in quality measurement, and cost of maintaining records of information and data related to quality are __________ costs.


Costs of quality inspections, testing, test equipment, and labs are examples of __________ costs.


Machine downtime due to failures in the process, scrap, and rework are examples of __________ costs.

Internal failure

External failure costs include

Litigation costs resulting from product liability issues

Warranty claims, customer complaints, and costs of litigation are examples of __________ costs.

External failure

The plan-do-study-act cycle is often called the

Deming wheel

In the plan-do-study-act cycle, what is studied?

The data collected in the do step

A useful tool for translating customers' everyday language into specific technical requirements is

Quality Function Deployment

Quality Function Deployment begins by

Identifying important customer requirements

In using Quality Function Deployment, __________ is one way to find out precisely what features customers want in the product.

Conducting focus groups

The important thing in Quality Function Deployment competitive evaluation is

To identify customer requirements that should be pursued and how we fare relative to our competitors

The strength of the relationship between customer requirements and product characteristics is shown in the __________ matrix.


The last step in constructing the house of quality includes

Setting targets for our own product

One common name for TQM based team work is:

quality circle

What quality control tool resembles a "fishbone?

Cause-and-effect diagrams

Cause-and-effect diagrams are often called

Fishbone diagrams

For a cause-and-effect diagram, causes could be related to all of the following except


What is a schematic diagram of the sequence of steps involved in an operation or process?

Flow chart

What tool is useful in helping everyone develop a clear picture of how an operation or process works?


A checklist is a list of common defects and __________ of these defects.

Number of occurrences

Checklists can also be used to focus on?

time dimension

For control charts, which of the following situations means that the process is not in control?

A measured observation is above the UCL

Scatter diagrams are particularly useful in detecting the amount of __________, or the degree of linear relationship, between two variables.


__________ analysis is a technique used to identify quality problems based on their degree of


A chart showing the number of defects that result from different causes would be used in:

Pareto analysis

A __________ shows the frequency distribution of observed values of a variable.


If the derived scatter diagram shows a non-linear but scattered relationship it indicates that

there is no direct correlation between the two variables

Quality at the source is the belief that it is far better to _______ quality problems and _____ them than to discard defective items after production.

uncover the source of, correct

The Baldrige Award is intended to

Reward and stimulate quality initiatives

To compete for the Baldrige Award, companies must

Submit a lengthy application

The Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria include categories for all of the following except

Product design

The Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria category that includes commitment by top management is


Which of the Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria is allocated the most points?

business results

Where is the Deming prize awarded?


The Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers named its quality award after ___________________.

W. Edwards Deming

What was the first US company to receive the Deming Prize?

Florida Power & Light

The Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria category that includes the use of tools such as market surveys and focus groups is

Customer and market focus

The Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria category that includes continuous improvement programs, employee training, and functioning of teams is

Human resource development and management

The Malcolm Baldrige Award criteria category of business results does not include

One-time only improvments

If suppliers meet preset quality standards, materials

do not have to be inspection upon arrival

The purpose of the International Organization for Standardization is to

Establish international quality standards

ISO 9000 is

A set of international quality standards and a certification process for companies

Which of the following is not necessary for receiving ISO 9000 certification?

Products meet customer requirements

Increases in international trade during the 1980s created a need for the development of ____________ standards of quality.


What are the most widely used ISO standards?

ISO 9000, ISO 9001, ISO 9004

Who is the "grandfather of quality control?

Walter Shewhart

Who developed quality control charts?

Walter Shewhart

ISO 14000 is for evaluating

A company's environmental responsibility

__________ is often referred to as the father of quality control.

W. Edwards Deming

Deming pointed out that 85% of quality problems are caused by

Processes and systems

Deming believed that __________ is the key to improving quality.

Improving the system

Who is famous for his "14 Points?

W. Edwards Deming

For Juran's quality trilogy, which part stresses that processes should be set up to ensure that the quality standards can be met?

Quality planning

Juran stressed that quality improvement should be continuous as well as


Which of the following is not attributed to Philip Crosby?

The concept of the quality trilogy

Who is best known for the development of cause-and-effect diagrams?

Kaoru Ishikawa

Who developed a formula for determining the cost of poor quality?

Genichi Taguchi

The most important factor in the success or failure of TQM efforts is

The genuineness of the organization's commitment

Which of the following is a valid formula to compute the reliability of two components in parallel?

1 - (1 - Reliability of 1st Component) (1 - Reliability of 2nd Component)

Suppose that you have a system with one component and two backups. What is the formula for the reliability of the system?

1 - [P(1st fails)][P(2nd fails)][P(3rd fails)]

One TQM mistake companies make is believing that the responsibility for quality and elimination of waste lies

with all employees but top management

SPC is

is not a substitute for continuous improvement

The decision to implement TQM will impact all of the following EXCEPT

company product

TQM affects which of the following

all the answer choices are correct