MGT 300 Chapter 13 "Power & Politics" Flashcards

Which of the following power tactics would be considered a hard tactic?


________ is the only tactic effective across organizational levels.

B.Rational persuasion

Which of the following types of power is most likely to be negatively related to employee satisfaction and commitment?

C.coercive power

________ power represents the compliance that is achieved based on the ability to distribute positive benefits that others view as valuable.


For a person to be recognized as having a high degree of political skill, he/she must have the ________.

E.ability to influence others to enhance their own objectives

Which of the following is an organizational factor that increases illegitimate political behavior? -sum reward practice

Timothy Jenkins was working for six years at Hartford Mills, a company that takes a strong stand against unionization. Though Timothy's designation was that of a production supervisor, as the company grew, he also took on additional duties like keeping a

D.specifying the permissible and illegal aspects of an employee's formal role in the organization

Which of the following is true with regard to bases of power?

A.The personal sources of power are most effective for increasing employee performance and satisfaction.

Which of the following is true with regard to sexual harassment at the workplace?

B.The best approach to preventing sexual harassment is to refrain from any behavior that may be taken as harassing.

Recently, Curtis Gibson had an interview for the position of a senior manager at a transit service. At the interview, the interviewer made a passing remark about how policies can make or break the best economy in the world. Immediately, Curtis launched in


Connie Cole works as a junior market analyst at SPS Services. Her previous manager retired a couple of months back and she now has a younger male manager who repeatedly insists that she accompany him for a coffee or dinner after work. Initially, Connie wa

A.sexual harassment

Which of the following is an overt form of sexual harassment?

E.unwanted physical touching

Limited resources is one of the major reasons for the development of organizational politics.


Leaders and managers in positions of power pay greater costs for unfairness and reap greater benefits for fairness.


Whistle-blowing is not considered to be a political behavior.


Self -promotion works well as an impression management technique for interviews as well as performance evaluations.


Unwanted physical touching is an overt form of sexual harassment.


People with high political skills are able to exert their influence without others detecting it.


When the production manager at CalTrack was asked to provide reasons for the delay in the last batch of stock to be produced for the month, he clearly stated that this was the result of one of his front -level managers taking two days off and that the fau


Sexual harassment is more likely to occur when there are small power differentials.


The political behavior required of employees is specified in the job requirements.


Power tactics that emphasize formal power are personal and inspirational appeals, rational persuasion, and consultation.


Unlike power, leadership requires a significant degree of goal compatibility.


According to the general dependence postulate, the greater B's dependence on A , the more power B has over A.


Under the zero -sum approach, any gain one person or group achieves has to come at the expense of another person or group.


In countries that are more politically unstable, employees seem to demonstrate greater tolerance of intense political processes in the workplace


The Machiavellian personality is characterized by the will to manipulate and the desire for power.


The coercive power base depends on fear of the negative results from failing to comply.


The low self -monitor is more sensitive to social cues, exhibits higher levels of social conformity, and is more likely to be skilled in political behavior than the high self -monitor.


Using a single outcome measure is recommended when designing a performance evaluation system.


Expert power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits.


Dale Fisher is the manager of one branch of a retail chain. He often holds talks with his customer service attendants speaking of the value they bring to the company and encourages them to continue doing so. He knows that this approach of enhancing the wo


Winston Mayer is a sales manager for a large company producing beverages and ready -to -eat meals. Winston is often seen working late and on weekends when the company stipulates a five -day work week. Winston justifies his working extra by claiming that


Which of the following is true with regard to leadership?

A.It focuses on downward influence on followers.

Legitimate power is directly based on ________.

A.structural position of the manager in the organization

Daphne is one of the three project managers at Virgo Inc., an art and design studio. Raymond and Gabriel, the other two project managers, are unhappy working with Daphne as she always selects projects that suit her area of expertise and avoids projects wh

A.playing safe

Which of the following types of power can be categorized as personal power?


In the last month, Stacey, an intelligent and astute employee, has finished only half the work she was scheduled to complete. In addition, she has been taking frequent leaves citing her ill health being the reason but her manager suspects she has been pla


As a regional sales officer, one of Brandon's job responsibilities is to process the yearly appraisal forms of his subordinates and provide them with increments, bonuses, or benefits based on their performance that year. This job responsibility directly r

C.reward power

Which of the following statements is true regarding power?

A.If A has the capacity to influence the behavior of B, then A is said to have power over B.

Reactive and protective behaviors designed to avoid action, blame, or change are termed ________.

C.defensive behaviors

The ________ power is based on the fear of the negative results from failing to comply.


Levin and Co. is a group of oil refineries that has been in the news recently. The company had to stop production for over two weeks because their key supplier refused to sell them crude oil at the old prices. Even after rounds of negotiations, the suppli


Tina Simmons worked as a welder at a shipyard company where she was forced to encounter nude and partially nude pictures posted by her male co -workers in common areas. The men also referred to her using obscene nicknames and made offensive remarks concer

C.The company policy prescribed that Tina would face no backlash if she approached the EEOC.

Power is a function of ________.


Which of the following is a differentiating factor between power and leadership?

D.goal compatibility

Rational persuasion is a power tactic that involves the use of ________.

D.logical arguments and factual evidence

In the last one week, May and Phyllis have been putting in extra hours at work so that the project assigned to them by their manager is completed well within time. Though the manager was due to assign two more people for this project, he had not done so.


Which of the following factors can lead to greater probability of sexual harassment at the workplace?

A.large power differentials

Which of the following impression management techniques uses ingratiation?


Which of the following power tactics is more effective when the audience is highly interested in the outcomes of a decision process?


________ power is influence wielded as a result of proficiency, special skill, or knowledge.


Which of the following statements is true regarding legitimate power?

E.Legitimate power is broader than the power to coerce and reward.

Buck passing is seen when an employee ________.

C.transfers responsibility for the execution of a task or decision to someone else

Which of the following power tactics uses warnings and threats and is typically the least effective of all the power tactics?


Which of the following statements is true with regard to the effectiveness of tactics?

D.The combination of a soft tactic with reasonable persuasion is more effective than a combination of two hard tactics.

Mike Ford is a senior accountant at Coleman and Co., which is a financial management company. Mike has wanted to be on the board of representatives of his company for a long time but the company stipulates a minimum number of years an employee must work a

Power may be categorized as ________.

D.formal and personal

Placing the blame for a negative outcome on external factors that are not entirely blameworthy is known as ________.


If an individual ________, then he is less likely to engage in illegitimate political behavior.

D.has invested a lot in the organization in terms of time and efforts

Which of the following defensive behaviors involves developing explanations that lessen one's responsibility for a negative outcome and apologizing to demonstrate remorse?


Timothy Jenkins was working for six years at Hartford Mills, a company that takes a strong stand against unionization. Though Timothy's designation was that of a production supervisor, as the company grew, he also took on additional duties like keeping a

D.Timothy claimed that he was only looking to ensure greater employee welfare which was one of the duties the company had assigned to him.

Which of the following power tactics involves increasing the target's support by involving him or her in decision making?


Which of the following factors contributes to political behavior in the organization?

B.presence of limited resources in the organization

________ power is based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits.


When the audience does not care about the outcomes, using a combination of ________ can help lessen negative reactions to the feeling that one is dictating outcomes.

B.legitimacy and ingratiation

The power tactic of using flattery and creating goodwill before making a request is known as ________.


Which of the following is a defensive behavior that is used to avoid change?


To avoid politicking during performance evaluations, an organization should ________.

A.use objective criteria

Which of the following organizational factors encourages political behavior?

D.allowing significant time to pass between the time of an action and its appraisal

Dependence would be low when ________.

E.the goods have substitutes

Carl believes that he is lucky to be working under a manager like Mr. Parker � conscientious, flexible and easy to work with. It was Mr. Parker who helped Carl learn the demands of the job, gave him opportunities to learn from the mistakes he made, and al

E.Mr. Parker has a high degree of referent power.

Will Paten was the manager of a team of twelve people in the marketing division of Palmer Inc. Will, who was working in the company for eleven years, was held in high regard and liked by all his colleagues and subordinates. However, Aaron and Abby, two of

A.Will was uncomfortable exercising coercive measures to control employees.

________ occurs when people within organizations use whatever influence they can to taint the facts to support their goals and interests.


When the contract with one of their major suppliers was about to expire, the management of Pierre and Collins began seeking tenders from potential vendors. One of the top management executives, Todd Hughes, wanted the contract to go to a vendor he persona


Will Cears works at Mesner Corp, as a middle -level manager. Will recognizes that his firm is plagued by organizational politics. Since he is not good at playing games, he frequently engages in defensive behaviors in order to protect himself and his inter


Which of the following is an individual factor that influences political behavior?

D.perceived job alternatives

Research on power is likely to provide information on the most effective ________.

B.tactics for gaining compliance of employees

Which of the following impression management techniques involves an individual admitting responsibility for an undesirable event and simultaneously seeking to get a pardon for the action?


Which of the following is a subtle form of sexual harassment?

D.making jokes with sexual overtones

At the PR firm where Gerald works, everyone considers him to be very good with his work and depends heavily on his knowledge to help the organization to solve its problems. Gerald is often seen teaching interns a simpler way to present an article, helping power

Which of the following statements is true?

A.A clear understanding of the actions that constitute sexual harassment does not exist.

Victor Ortiz was a successful and popular manager at the marketing division of a consumer goods company. Many attributed the company's immense success in the last two years to Victor's highly creative marketing plans which cost the company very little but

B.Victor has enough power to get away with his misdeeds

Which of the following differentiates between high self -monitors and low self -monitors?

A.High self -monitors tend to mold their appearances and behavior to fit each situation, while low self -monitors tend to present images of themselves that are consistent with their personalities.

Which of the following power tactics can be used most effectively for exerting lateral influence?


Which of the following is a feature of power?

E.lack of goal compatibility between leaders and followers

Which of the following is true regarding the ethics of behaving politically?

C.Employees and organizations must weight the costs and benefits of a political action.

Which of the following defensive behaviors involves rigorously documenting activity to project an image of competence and thoroughness?


Which of the following is an assertive impression management technique?


Which of the following power tactics would be considered a soft tactic?

E.rational persuasion

Employees exhibiting which of the following features are more likely to engage in political behavior?

D.Machiavellian personality

Which of the following is a self -focused impression management technique?


Political behaviors usually ________.

C.lie outside of an individual's specified job requirements

Joanna Mills has recently been promoted to the position of a project manager at Palmer Inc., a software development firm. As a project manager, she now has the authority to delegate work, provide supervision and feedback, and monitor employee performance.

C.The sole criterion for Joanna's promotion was her effectiveness in meeting individual targets.

Under the zero -sum approach, rewards are distributed such that ________.

D.rewards increase for a group at the expense of loss for another group