Operations Management Ch 7 Just-In-Time & Lean systems

JIT requires compact layouts & increased visibility so

everyone can see what everyone else is doing

Philosophy of JIT

originated in JAPAN

The central belief of JIT philosophy is

elimination of waste

JIT was based on the need for


An employee whole will NOT help a customer because "it is NOT my job" violates the JIT belief of

A broad view on operations

3 basic elements work together to complete a JIT system:

1.) Just-in-time manufacturing
2.) Total quality management
3.) Respect for people

Single setups means

Setup times are in single digits of minutes

Quality is defined by the


JIT believes in developing _________________ relationships with suppliers.


One outcome of a U-shaped cell manufacturing layouts is

Increased worker satisfaction

Marketing plays a large role in JIT because

They pass on the customer-driven quality requirements

The system of Kanbans used to coordinate delivery of goods by suppliers can include all of the following except

Purchase approvals by the production manager

Just-in-time relies on_____________ worker skills, meaning the ability of workers to perform many different tasks on many different machines.

Cross functional

Which of the following is NOT considered to be a key element of JIT supplier relationship?

Suppliers viewed as internal factory

what is the term used for the adjustment of a machine after making one product type so that production can begin for another product type?


According to JIT, workers should perform

routine preventive maintenance activities

Managers become more of a supportive function in the JIT environment. Aside from being a coach, motivator, assisting with teamwork and problem solving, what is the most important thing managers can give to employees to help facilitate implementing JIT?