Operations Management Chapter 3


a statement about the future value of a variable of interest

weather, demand, resource variability

We make forecasts about such things as ________, ________, and ____________.


Forecasts are an important element in making ________ decisions.

Expected level of demand

2 important aspects of forecasts

structural variation

The level of demand may be a function of some ____________ ___________ such as a trend or seasonal variation.


related to the potential size of forecast error


Techniques assume some underlying casual system that existed in the _____ will persist into the future.


Forecasts are not _______.


Forecasts for groups of items are more accurate than those for individual items.

decreases, increases

Forecast accuracy _______ as the forecasting horizon _________.

-expressed in meaningful units
-in writing
-simple to understand and use
-cost effective

Elements of a good forecast: (7 things)

-Determine the purpose of the forecast
-Establish a time horizon
-Obtain, clean, analyze appropriate data
-Select a forecasting technique
-Make the forecast
-Monitor the forecast

Steps in the Forecasting Process: (6)


Forecasters want to ________ forecast errors.


It is nearly _______ to correctly forecast real-world variable values on a regular basis, so, it is important to provide an indication of the extent to which the forecast might deviate from the value of the variable that actually occurs.


Forecast _______ should be an important forecasting technique selection criterion.




If errors fall ______ acceptable bounds, corrective action may be necessary.






MAD weights all errors ___________.


MSE weights errors according to their _________ values.

Qualitative Forecasting

these techniques permit the inclusion of soft information such as: human factors, personal opinions, and hunches. These factors are difficult, or impossible, to quantify.

Quantitative Forecasting

these techniques involve either the projection of historical data or the development of associative methods that attempt to use casual variables to make a forecast, and rely on hard data.

Time-series forecasts

uses historical data assuming the future will be like the past

Judgemental forecasts

uses subjective inputs such as opinions from consumer surveys, sales staff, managers, executives, and experts.

Delphi Method

privately gather informants from within the company

Associative forecasts

uses explanatory variables to predict the future

predictor variables

variables that can be used to predict values of the variable of interest


a technique for fitting a line to a set of data points

Simple Linear Regression

the simplest form of regression that involves a linear relationship between two variables

straight line

The object of simple linear regression is to obtain an equation of a _____ _____ that minimizes the sum of squared vertical deviations from the line.

-Variations around the line are random
-Deviations around the line should be normally distributed
-Predictions are made only within the range of observed values

Simple Linear Regression Assumptions

Least squares line

y=a + bx

Standard error of estimate

a measure of the scatter points around a regression line


If the standard error is relatively ______, the predictions using the linear equation will tend to be more accurate than if the standard error is larger.


a measure of the strength and direction of relationship between two variables; ranges between -1 and 1

Square of the correlation coefficient

a measure of the percentage of variability in the values of y that is "explained" by the independent variable; ranges between 0 and 1.


Before a forecasting technique is selected, you _______ understand the underlying pattern of demand for your organization because your selected forecasting technique _____ be able to mimic and predict that pattern of demand.

-Irregular variations
-Random variation

Time-series Behaviors: (5)


long term (data) upward (growth) or long term downward (decline) movement


short term that repeats itself (greeting cards)


long term wave-like variations often based on business cycles; pay close attention to economic indicators (luxury goods)

Irregular variation

due to unusual circumstances, does not repeat typical behavior, unusual circumstances (hurricane)

-not an exact science
-involves error
-assumes past predicts the future
-cant account for unplanned occurrences
-forecast is NOT EQUAL to actual demand
-accuracy decreases as the time period of forecast increases

Accuracy of forecasts:

-smooths fluctuations in time series data
-exhibits less variability than actual demand
-reflects recent values of a time series
-works best for slow, incremental changes
-Types of averaging forecasts: Naive, Moving Averages, Weighted Averages, Exponentia

Forecasting Averaging Techniques

Naive Forecasts

any period's forecast, equals the previous period's actual demand. Good for stable or seasonal demand. Advantages: cheap, quick and easy, no data analysis, easy to understand.

Moving Averages

averages a number of recent actual demand values, updated as new values become available. Advantages: lag actual demand, number of data points in an average determine the sensitivity of each new data point, easy to compute and understand. Disadvantages: a

Weighted Moving Average

assign greater weights to the most recent values in a time series. If Demand is rapid increasing, you want a heavier weight on most recent value.

Exponential Smoothing

each new forecast is based on the previous forecast plus a percentage of the difference between the previous forecast and actual demand from the period.
Next FC= Previous FC + alpha(actual D - Previous FC)


The lower the value of alpha, the ________ the forecast will adjust.


The closer the value of alpha is to 1, the _______ the responsiveness of the forecast.


If forecast error is positive, the forecast was too _____.


If forecast error is negative, the forecast was too _____.

measured, evaluated

Regardless of the forecasting technique selected, accuracy must be ________ and ________.

-model may be inadequate
-irregular variations may have occurred
-FC technique has been incorrectly applied
-Random variation

Sources of FC errors: (4)

Control charts

useful for identifying the presence of non-random error in forecasts

Tracking signals

can be used to detect forecast bias

-Availability of historical data
-Availability of FC software
-Time needed to gather and analyze date and prepare a FC
-FC horizon

Factors to consider in choosing a FC technique: (6)

Reactive approach

view forecasts as probable future demand; react to meet that demand

Proactive approach

Seeks to actively influence demand; advertising, pricing, product modifications; generally requires either an explanatory model or a subjective assessment of the influence on demand


The _______ forecasts are, the more able organizations will be to take advantage of future opportunities and reduce potential risks.


A worthwhile strategy is to work to improve ______-______ forecasts.


Accurate ____-____-_____ information can have a significant effect on forecast accuracy.


_______ the time horizon forecasts have to cover.

supply chain

Sharing forecasts or demand data through the ______ ______ can improve forecast quality.