BIO ciculatory system notes

what is the purpose of the circulatory system?

to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body and carbon dioxide and other wastes away from the cells.

a big muscle that moves the blood. Moves it out of the heart to the rest of the body and also moves blood into the heart from the rest of the body


pumping blood to the lungs; contains co2 collected from the body

right side of the heart

takes in blood from the lungs and sends it to the rest of the body: contains oxygen received in the lungs.

left side of the heart

lack of oxygen
ex: when blood goes from body to the heart

deoxygenated blood

has oxygen

oxygenated blood

________ represents the deoxygenated


________ _________ are also veins

Vena cavas

pump blood away from the heart


very small, very thin (walls are 1 cell thick), porous; the site where things/ gases/ nutrients are exchanges they are passed in and out of the blood through the process of diffusion (movement of particles from high to low)


smaller than an artery, but bigger than a capillary; has valves that help the blood flow in one direction


associated with the lungs
what is the importance of valves working correctly?

so that it helps to push the blood in the direction that it is supposed to go. Waste products are eliminated from the body.

carries oxygen throughout the body using the protein hemoglobin

red blood cells (RBC)

responsible for fighting off a disease, part of the immune system, responsible for killing pathogens

white blood cells

little pieces of cells that help clot the blood


the liquid portion of blood that contains dissolved nutrients and waste


have to do with the type of antigen on the surface of the red blood cell.

blood types

blood types:
4 types:
_______- A antigens
_______- B antigens
_______- A and B antigens
_______- neither A or B antigens

A, B, AB, and O

Sends blood rich in oxygen back to the muscle of the heart
Heart needs its own cells to undergo respiration as well, undergo respiration.
All cells in body require cellular respiration to keep going.

coronary circulation

sending blood to the lungs to get oxygen.

pulmonary circulation

from the body comes through the superior and inferior vena cava and is collected by the right atrium. From here, it is squeezed into the right ventricle. The next squeeze sends it to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.

deoxygenated blood

Sends blood rich in oxygen to the cells of the body and it also collects waste to bring back to the heart.
Oxygen rich blood enters from the lungs through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. It is squeezed into the left ventricle.
When the heart bea

systemic circulation

The force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries

blood pressure

Stronger when the heart contracts is what?


weaker when it relaxes


normal blood pressure


high blood pressure

over 140/90

high blood pressure can lead to what?

stroke or heart attack

Narrowing of arteries because of fatty deposits (cholesterol)
"Hardening of the arteries"
Can become completely clogged
Heart attack


what is the purpose of the circulatory system?

to carry oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the body and carbon dioxide and other wastes away from the cells.

a big muscle that moves the blood. Moves it out of the heart to the rest of the body and also moves blood into the heart from the rest of the body


pumping blood to the lungs; contains co2 collected from the body

right side of the heart

takes in blood from the lungs and sends it to the rest of the body: contains oxygen received in the lungs.

left side of the heart

lack of oxygen
ex: when blood goes from body to the heart

deoxygenated blood

has oxygen

oxygenated blood

________ represents the deoxygenated


________ _________ are also veins

Vena cavas

pump blood away from the heart


very small, very thin (walls are 1 cell thick), porous; the site where things/ gases/ nutrients are exchanges they are passed in and out of the blood through the process of diffusion (movement of particles from high to low)


smaller than an artery, but bigger than a capillary; has valves that help the blood flow in one direction


associated with the lungs
what is the importance of valves working correctly?

so that it helps to push the blood in the direction that it is supposed to go. Waste products are eliminated from the body.

carries oxygen throughout the body using the protein hemoglobin

red blood cells (RBC)

responsible for fighting off a disease, part of the immune system, responsible for killing pathogens

white blood cells

little pieces of cells that help clot the blood


the liquid portion of blood that contains dissolved nutrients and waste


have to do with the type of antigen on the surface of the red blood cell.

blood types

blood types:
4 types:
_______- A antigens
_______- B antigens
_______- A and B antigens
_______- neither A or B antigens

A, B, AB, and O

Sends blood rich in oxygen back to the muscle of the heart
Heart needs its own cells to undergo respiration as well, undergo respiration.
All cells in body require cellular respiration to keep going.

coronary circulation

sending blood to the lungs to get oxygen.

pulmonary circulation

from the body comes through the superior and inferior vena cava and is collected by the right atrium. From here, it is squeezed into the right ventricle. The next squeeze sends it to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.

deoxygenated blood

Sends blood rich in oxygen to the cells of the body and it also collects waste to bring back to the heart.
Oxygen rich blood enters from the lungs through the pulmonary veins into the left atrium. It is squeezed into the left ventricle.
When the heart bea

systemic circulation

The force of your blood pushing against the walls of your arteries

blood pressure

Stronger when the heart contracts is what?


weaker when it relaxes


normal blood pressure


high blood pressure

over 140/90

high blood pressure can lead to what?

stroke or heart attack

Narrowing of arteries because of fatty deposits (cholesterol)
"Hardening of the arteries"
Can become completely clogged
Heart attack
