Circulation unit test

What are the two funcitions of the cardiovascular system

Take oxygen and nutrents to the body cells (to fuel them) and carry carbon dioxide to the lungs and waste to the kidneys

What type of muscle is the heart made up of


What is the heart's "pacemaker

A node in the right atrium

What does blood transport

Oxygen, hormones, nutrients

What are the four components of blood

Plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets


Largest component of blood volume, fluid in which the three other parts of blood are suspended

Red blood cells

Contains hemoglobin, carries oxygen to the body tissues

White blood cells

Protects the body from and fights infection


Clot when they come in contact with damaged blood vessels in order to prevent blood loss

What are the three types of blood vessels

Arteries, capillaries, veins


Largest type of blood vessels, carries blood away from the heart

What do arteries branch into


What is the largest artery

The aorta


Connect/carry blood between the arterioles and the venules

Two differences in the make up of arteries and veins

Arteries are more elastic, arteries have thick walls and veins have thin ones


Vessels that return blood to the heart

What forms veins


5 risk factors for Cardiovascular disease (uncontrollable)

Heredity, ethnicity, gender, age, environment

5 risk factors for hypertension (controllable)

Obesity, alcohol, inactivity, smoking, excessive salt


High blood pressure

Systolic pressure

Ventricles contract, blood in arteries is at its greatest pressure

Diastolic pressure

Ventricles relax, pressure in arteries is at its lowest level

Normal blood pressure

120 over 80


Hardening of the arteries


When fatty deposits accumulate narrowing blood vessels

Angina Pectoris

A warning that the heart is in distress, can lead to heart attack, caused by lack of oxygen to the heart

Heart attack

When the distress of angina continues over time

Signs of a heart attack

Pressure, squeezing, nausea, sweating, shortness of breath, numbness in upper body


Rapid ineffective negation of one or more ventricles, known as cardiac arrest

Congestive heart faliure

A slow gradual weakening of the heart from overwork, hypertension, or arteriosclerosis


Blocking of the cerebral artery by a blood clot, cerebral hemorrhage (when an artery in the brain bursts)

Signs of a stroke

Numbness in the face, arm, and leg in one side of the body, trouble speaking, loss of vision, unexplained dizziness

2 Functions of the lymphatic system

Fight infection, drain tissue fluid back into the blood stream


Fluid made of proteins, fats, and lymphocytes that fills the spaces around the body cells


White blood cells that protect the body against pathogens

Two types of lymphocytes

B cells, T cells

Function of B cells

Enlarge and multiply, produce antibodies

Two types of T cells

Killer T cells, Helper T cells

Function of Killer T cells

Multiply when abnormal cells are present and destroy them

Function of helper T cells

Aid the activity of B and T cells

What does AIDS stand for

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

What does HIV stand for

Human immunodeficiency virus

4 ways HIV is transmitted

Blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast milk

4 behaviors that transmit HIV

Sexual intercourse, sharing needles, blood transfusions, mother-to-child

How does HIV work

Reproduces in helper T cells, these cells are then destroyed, this weakens the immune system

HIV/AIDS testing

2. Western blot

Symptoms of HIV/AIDS

Headache, fever, swollen glands, white spots in mouth, reddish purple blotches on skin

How long can it take for symptoms of HIV/AIDS to appear

6 months - 10 years

Asymptomatic stage

Period of Months or years which the virus is present but shows no symptoms

Opportunistic illness

Infections/illnesses that do not usually produce illness in healthy people

What is the only 100% method for avoiding HIV/AIDS


Heart murmur

Irregular sounds heard during the heart beat

Varicose veins

Swollen and enlarged veins


Low concentration of hemoglobin and red blood cells


Suppressed production of blood cells


Bloods ability to clot is severely reduced

Hodgkins disease

Causes enlargement of the lymph node, liver, and spleen


Enlargement of the tonsils

Circulatory system order

Pulmonary veins
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Vena cava
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Pulmonary artery