cardiovascular system


label arteries (carries blood away), arterioles (tiny arteries), capillaries (microscopic blood vessels connects arteries & veins together), venuoles (tiny veins), veins (carries blood back to heart)

which blood type is known as the universal recipient


which of these items contains hemoglobin which carries oxygen to all cells?

red blood cells

low blood pressure is


semilunar valve between left ventricle


where are blood cells made

bone marrow

what disease is known as the silent killer

hypertension (high blood pressure)

vasoconstriction is

narrowing of blood vessels

what are the solid portions of the blood called

formed elements

blood is what percent plasma


what disease is known as the cancer of the blood


plasma is what percent water


what is also called a heart attack

myocardial infraction

which layer of the heart is the innermost and is smooth and allows blood to flows smoothly


semilunar valve between right ventricle


atrioventricular valve on the right side

tricuspid (TRIRIGHT)

ventricular valve on the left side


during a heartbeat, what do the ventricles do while the atria relax


where does blood enter the heart from the inferior and superior vena cavas


which of these types of blood vessels contain thick muscular tissue


thrombocytes are


normal blood pressure is


this causes the blood to produce antibodies if positive

rh factor

white blood cells lifespan is

9 days

in what type of circulation does the blood flow between the heart and the lungs


which of these types of blood vessels are microscopic and are between arterioles and venuoles


red blood cells lifespan is

120 days

which of these items help form clots


platelets lifespan is

5-9 days

high blood pressure is


which layer of the heart has a lubricating fluid to reduce friction

pericardium (outermost layer)

what is the pale yellow liquid part of the blood


erythrocytes are

red blood cells (RBC)

which layer of the heart is made of muscle tissue and pumps the blood through the system


which of these items fights disease and infection

white blood cells

vasodilation is what and when and what happens

widening of blood vessels, when you're hot (sweating) skin turns pinkish/red

which blood type is known as the universal donor


during a heartbeat, what do the atria do while the ventricles contract


iron or vitamin b12 supplements may be a treatment for which of these diseases


which of these types of blood vessels are tiny arteries


extremely high blood pressure is


in what type of circulation does the blood flow between the heart and the cells of the body


which of these types of blood vessels are thin and carry deoxygenated back to heart


which of these types of blood vessels are tiny veins


leukocytes are

white blood cells (WBC)

pathway of blood to the heart

right atrium, tricuspid valve, right ventricle, pulmonary valve, left atrium, bicuspid (mitral) valve, left ventricle, aortic valve

3 layers of heart & describe

pericardium - double membrane that covers the outside of the heart
myocardium - middle & thickest layer
endocardium - smooth layer of cells that line the inside of the heart & blood vessels

vasodilation & vasoconstriction: describe, define, why, when

vasodilation: widening of blood vessels, when you're hot (sweating) skin turns pinkish/red
vasoconstriction: narrowing of blood vessels, when you're cold

compare & contrast the four chambers of the heart

ventricles: pumping chambers, blood leaves
atria: receiving chambers, blood enters
both: located in the heart

4 functions of cardiovascular system

Supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body, removes metabolic waste and carbon dioxide from cells, distributes hormones and antibodies throughout the body, helps control body temperature and electrolyte balance

what are the valve functions

keep blood flowing in one direction and it keeps it from flowing back

atrioventricular valves & the semilunar valves, location

Atrioventricular valves are located between the atria and the ventricles on each side of the heart, semilunar valves are located between the ventricles and the vessels where blood leaves the heart

scribble drawing, compare veins, capillaries, ateries, what are the tiny veins called, two largest veins, largest artery

veins - carries blood back to heart, arteries - carries blood away from the heart, capillaries - microscopic vessels where the exchange of materials takes place, superior & inferior vena casa, aorta

name scientific name for red & white blood cells & platelets, describe function, & lifespan

erythrocytes - carries oxygen to all cells & removes carbon dioxide - 90 to 120 days, leukocytes - fight disease and infection - 9 days, thrombocytes - Help form clots to prevent blood loss - 5 to 9 days

what is considered low, high, normal blood pressure
what is it called when you have high blood pressure
why is this referred to as the silent killer

90/60, 120/80, 140/90
shows no symptoms

what is hemoglobin & what does it do

a protein in red blood cells, carries oxygen to all cells and removes carbon dioxide.