AP Psych Module 7A & 7B test

Memory is best defined as

the persistence of learning through the storage and retrieval of information

The process if getting information in memory Is called


The process of getting information out of memory is called


Some information in our fleeting ________ is encoded into short-term memory.

sensory memory

Your consciously activated but limited-capacity memory is called ________ memory.

short term

The relatively permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system is called

long term memory

To organize the active information processing that occurs in short term memory, researchers have characterized it as

Working memory

Automatic Processing and effort full recessing involve two types of


We can encode many sensory experiences simultaneously, some automatically, because of which property of the brain?

parallel processing

Automatic processing occurs without

conscious awareness

During the course of a day, people may unconsciously encode the sequence of the day's events. This best illustrates

automatic processing

effortful processing can occur only with

conscious attention

When first introduced to someone, Marcel effectively remembers the person's name by repeating it to himself several times. Marcel makes use of a strategy called:


Priming is to retrieval as rehearsal is to


Ebbinghaus' retention curve best illustrates the value of


Jamille performs better on foreign language vocabulary tests if she studies the material 15 minutes every day for 8 days than if she crams for 2 hours the night before the test. This illustrates what is known as

spacing effect

The tendency to immediately recall the first and last items in a list better than the middle Items is known as

serial position

Semantic encoding refers to the processing of


Your ability to immediately recognize the voice on the phone as your mother's illustrates

acoustic encoding

Elaine's memory of her Paris vacation is more positive today than it was last year just after she went. This best illustrates

rosy retrospection

A mnemonic device is a

memory aid

Visually associating five items needed from the grocery store with mental images of a bun, a shoe, a tree, a door, and a hive best illustrates the use of

Th peg- word system

Chunking refer to

The organization of information into meaningful units

The use of acronyms to improve ones memory of unfamiliar material best illustrates the value of


By creating an outline in which specific facts and theories are located within the larger framework of major topics and subtopics, Jasmine can remember much more of what she reads in her textbooks. This best illustrates the benefits of

hierarchical organization

Iconic memory refers to

photographic, or picture-image, memory that lasts for only about a second.

The magical number seven, plus two or m in us two" refers to storage capacity of

Short term memory

The human capacity for storing long term memories is

essentially unlimited

Exceptionally clear memories of emotionally significant events are called

flashbulb memories

Most Americans still have accurate flashbulb memories of the 9/11 terrorists attacks in 2001. This best illustrates that memory formation is facilitated by

The body's release of stress hormones

After having a stroke, Aaron has great difficulty recalling any of his subsequent life experiences. He is most likely suffering from


concious memory of factual informations is called

Explicit memory

An eyewitness to a grocery store robbery is asked to identify the suspects in a police lineup. Which test of memory is being utilized?


Fill-in-the-blank test questions measure ________; matching concepts with their definitions measures ________.

recall and recognition

Words, events, places, and emotions that trigger our memory of the past are called

Retrieval cues

Memories are primed by

retrieval cues