bio cancer

Why do cells divide

Grow, Replace, Repair

Why does DNA replicate BEFORE cell division

So that when the cell divides each cells will have the full set of DNA

What is the PURPOSE of mitosis

To split the DNA equally and make two identical daughter cells

Why are cells so small

So more nutrients can get in and get waste out
Surface Area: outside area of cell
Volume: inside area of cell
HIGH ratio is best because it's a smaller cell

Sister chromatid

during Anaphase/ Telophase, the chromosome is split into two equal DNA pieces.


During Interphase when the DNA is stringy. This would be difficult to divide.


are when the DNA coils tightly so that it can be split more easily

What role do the spindle fibers play in mitosis

he proteins that pull the
chromosomes apart during Mitosis



s phase

dna gets replicated



Stages of Interphase

G1, S, G2

phases of mitosis

prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase


nuclear membrane begins to break down, dna coils into chromosomes, spindle fibers appear from centrioles


chromosomes are brought to the middle by the spindle fibers


spindle fibers pull the sister chromatids to opposite end


sister chromatids move far away to opposite sides, nucleus begins to appear again, spindle fibers begin to break down


cytoplasm splits, 2 identical cell with equal DNA, Dna returns to stringy chromatin

What happens if a cell fails a checkpoint

repair or self destruct

what is cancer

uncontrolled cell division

What happens in the cell that leads to cancer

genetic mutation

two different types of tumors

benign and malignant

Benign Tumor

An abnormal mass of cells that remains at its original site in the body.

Malignant Tumor-

An abnormal tissue mass that can spread into neighboring tissue and to other parts of the body


tumor cells break loose and spread in the body


he cells attract new blood vessel growth

stage 1

tumor limited to original location

stage 2

limited spread

stage 3

regional spread

stage 4


causes of cancer

radiation, smoking, genetics, virus

treatments for cancer

chemotherapy, radiation, surgery